Mounting Style
AFK (1)
AHS (103)
BDA (32)
BDR (45)
BDS (MVK) (88)
BDS-BP (14)
BLA (76)
BLH (19)
BP (1)
BXA (59)
BXC (1)
BXE (44)
BXF (7)
BXJ (99)
BXQ (26)
BXW (36)
CB (12)
CD (51)
CE (24)
CF (78)
CH (64)
CJ (32)
CK (77)
CLS (18)
CLU (15)
CLX (18)
CLZ (56)
CN (9)
CP (25)
CR (3)
CS (3)
CT (67)
CX (1)
CZ (29)
EN (1)
EP (3)
EXB (15)
FB (1)
FK (2)
FN (1)
FZ (3)
GD (1)
GF (492)
GK (6)
GN (3)
GP (1)
GR (3)
HF (2)
HL (8)
HM (17)
HMA (55)
HML (39)
HP (372)
HS (140)
HT (44)
HX (9)
HXL (42)
IP (1)
JP (362)
K75 (1)
K76 (1)
KF (41)
KM (5)
KMH (2)
KP (85)
KS (5)
KXW (1)
LB (15)
LD (19)
LE (56)
LK (58)
LL (9)
LP (398)
LS (130)
LT (27)
LX (1)
LZ (10)
MHA-BP (4)
MN (4)
MP (10)
MVG (8)
MVG-BP (15)
MZ (65)
NB (6)
NBA (5)
NBC (239)
NBD (126)
NBF (20)
NBH (47)
NBL (122)
NBR (7)
NFA (19)
NFC (2)
NFK (3)
NFL (30)
NFR (16)
NFS (1)
NHA (37)
NHA-BP (2)
NK (25)
NL (4)
NLC (28)
NS (33)
NT (25)
NXA (288)
NXB (238)
NXE (37)
NXG (69)
NXH (261)
NXK (5)
NXP (1)
NXQ (193)
NXW (91)
NZD (26)
NZE (2)
NZH (19)
NZK (19)
NZL (40)
NZR (13)
PFA (2)
PFB (51)
PFD (30)
PH (6)
PN (10)
PXB (121)
PXD (1)
RDA (1)
RDC (310)
RFA (76)
RFC (RWF) (67)
RGB (220)
RJ (2)
RL (426)
RLC (3)
RP (42)
RS (3)
RT (15)
SC (2)
SH (32)
SL (24)
SS (15)
ST (29)
TB (138)
TC (12)
TDA (399)
TDC (174)
TE (243)
TEA (13)
TF (43)
TFA (67)
TGA (KMH) (280)
TH (82)
TK (325)
TL (94)
TLA (205)
TLB (153)
TLC (LXG) (353)
TLF (38)
TLG (156)
TLJ (48)
TLK (48)
TLL (73)
TLR (42)
TLS (155)
TQ (78)
TR (2)
TT (6)
TU (2)
TV (139)
TW (4)
TX (30)
UDA (1)
UP (45)
VB (61)
VD (70)
VDA (14)
VE (6)
VF (1)
VH (101)
VJ (5)
VK (1)
VL (1)
VP (37)
VS (104)
VT (80)
VX (2)
VXC (1)
VZ (1)
WB (19)
WG (2)
WJ (67)
WL (155)
WP (89)
XB (1)
XP (14)
YXF (1)
ZLH (57)
ZS (1)
4.0x5.2 (40)
4.0x5.3 (21)
4.0x5.4 (74)
4.0x5.8 (44)
4x5 (31)
4x7 (60)
5.0x5.2 (45)
5.0x5.3 (24)
5.0x5.4 (83)
5.0x5.8 (78)
5x11 (385)
5x12 (1)
5x15 (17)
5x5 (32)
5x7 (70)
6.3x11 (360)
6.3x15 (33)
6.3x5 (36)
6.3x5.2 (39)
6.3x5.4 (90)
6.3x5.7 (86)
6.3x5.8 (99)
6.3x7 (77)
6.3x7.7 (167)
6.3x8.7 (1)
8.0x10.0 (124)
8.0x10.2 (101)
8.0x10.5 (76)
8.0x12.5 (2)
8.0x6.2 (1)
8.0x6.3 (20)
8.0x6.5 (2)
8x10.2 (1)
8x10.5 (4)
8x11 (57)
8x11.5 (356)
8x12 (10)
8x12.5 (1)
8x14 (20)
8x15 (126)
8x16 (55)
8x20 (135)
8x5 (11)
8x50 (2)
8x7 (40)
8x9 (11)
10x10.0 (129)
10x10.2 (55)
10x10.5 (71)
10x12 (1)
10x12.5 (330)
10x13 (13)
10x15 (5)
10x16 (340)
10x20 (314)
10x21 (11)
10x23 (11)
10x24 (3)
10x25 (139)
10x26 (9)
10x28 (8)
10x30 (41)
10x33 (13)
10x35 (2)
10x40 (1)
10x45 (1)
10x50 (11)
10x8 (2)
10x8.5 (8)
10x9 (6)
10.2x10.5 (1)
12.5x12.5 (4)
12.5x13 (1)
12.5x13.5 (123)
12.5x15 (4)
12.5x16 (28)
12.5x20 (279)
12.5x21 (3)
12.5x25 (231)
12.5x26 (5)
12.5x30 (106)
12.5x31 (2)
12.5x35 (87)
12.5x40 (36)
12.5x41 (1)
12.5x45 (4)
12.5x50 (13)
12.5x60 (5)
13x21 (3)
13x26 (4)
13x31 (1)
16x15 (17)
16x16 (10)
16x16.5 (2)
16x20 (122)
16x25 (256)
16x30 (43)
16x31.5 (117)
16x32 (21)
16x35 (34)
16x35.5 (57)
16x36 (13)
16x40 (51)
16x45 (12)
16x50 (14)
16x60 (2)
18x16 (10)
18x20 (49)
18x25 (74)
18x30 (18)
18x31.5 (76)
18x32 (14)
18x35 (35)
18x35.5 (74)
18x36 (18)
18x40 (113)
18x42 (4)
18x45 (28)
18x50 (13)
20x35 (1)
20x40 (8)
22x20 (11)
22x25 (131)
22x30 (185)
22x35 (156)
22x40 (154)
22x45 (122)
22x50 (95)
22x55 (1)
22x60 (3)
25x25 (62)
25x30 (85)
25x35 (77)
25x40 (68)
25x45 (60)
25x50 (54)
25x55 (4)
25x60 (3)
25.4x15 (4)
25.4x20 (17)
25.4x25 (98)
25.4x30 (118)
25.4x35 (105)
25.4x40 (99)
25.4x45 (56)
25.4x50 (76)
25.4x54 (1)
25.4x60 (12)
30x15 (4)
30x20 (13)
30x25 (157)
30x30 (199)
30x35 (183)
30x40 (166)
30x45 (138)
30x50 (116)
30x55 (8)
30x60 (27)
30x65 (1)
30x70 (8)
35x100 (29)
35x120 (25)
35x15 (5)
35x20 (16)
35x25 (116)
35x30 (184)
35x35 (158)
35x40 (165)
35x45 (127)
35x50 (212)
35x55 (13)
35x60 (88)
35x65 (2)
35x70 (25)
35x80 (48)
35x90 (2)
40x100 (1)
40x101 (5)
40x30 (2)
40x35 (3)
40x40 (2)
40x50 (4)
40x60 (12)
40x61 (5)
40x70 (3)
40x71 (3)
40x76 (1)
40x80 (1)
40x81 (1)
40x85 (1)
40x91 (2)
45x105 (1)
50x100 (32)
50x115 (3)
50x120 (28)
50x130 (9)
50x140 (4)
50x75 (7)
50x80 (20)
50x90 (1)
50x95 (2)
51x100 (4)
51x115 (3)
51x121 (3)
51x130 (5)
51x140 (1)
51x70 (8)
51x75 (3)
51x80 (5)
51x90 (8)
63.5x100 (19)
63.5x105 (1)
63.5x115 (1)
63.5x120 (48)
63.5x130 (24)
63.5x140 (4)
63.5x160 (9)
63.5x170 (7)
63.5x190 (5)
63.5x195 (1)
63.5x90 (5)
63.5x95 (6)
64x100 (4)
64x115 (7)
64x121 (2)
64x130 (12)
64x144 (6)
64x155 (1)
64x70 (3)
64x96 (10)
76x100 (1)
76x110 (1)
76x130 (1)
76x140 (1)
76x145 (1)
76x150 (1)
76x210 (1)
76x220 (1)
76.5x100 (10)
76.5x105 (3)
76.5x110 (6)
76.5x115 (5)
76.5x120 (44)
76.5x130 (25)
76.5x140 (21)
76.5x145 (1)
76.5x150 (10)
76.5x155 (4)
76.5x160 (19)
76.5x170 (11)
76.5x190 (2)
76.5x220 (1)
76.5x95 (3)
76.9x105 (1)
76.9x143 (1)
77x100 (7)
77x115 (7)
77x121 (2)
77x130 (9)
77x144 (5)
77x155 (11)
77x171 (2)
77x195 (1)
77x96 (3)
89x130 (4)
89x140 (21)
89x150 (6)
89x155 (5)
89x160 (15)
89x170 (13)
89x190 (15)
89x220 (5)
89x230 (2)
89x235 (2)
90x131 (3)
90x157 (4)
90x196 (3)
90x236 (3)
91x196 (1)
91x220 (1)
100x220 (25)
100x250 (24)
Ripple Current
0.22mA (1)
1.0mA (3)
1.3mA (2)
1.850mA (1)
2.0mA (2)
2.3mA (1)
2.52mA (1)
2.6mA (1)
2.8mA (1)
2.9mA (1)
2.920mA (1)
3.0mA (2)
3.2mA (2)
3.4mA (1)
3.5mA (1)
3.8mA (1)
4.0mA (3)
4.1mA (1)
4.7mA (1)
5.0mA (3)
5.3mA (1)
5.5mA (1)
5.6mA (3)
5.7mA (1)
6.0mA (1)
6.2mA (1)
6.3mA (1)
6.8mA (1)
7.0mA (5)
7.1mA (1)
8.0mA (9)
8mA (1)
8.4mA (2)
9.0mA (5)
10mA (9)
11mA (8)
12mA (14)
13mA (12)
14mA (18)
15mA (22)
16mA (16)
17mA (12)
18mA (17)
19mA (25)
20mA (18)
21mA (14)
22mA (12)
23mA (21)
24mA (14)
25mA (23)
26mA (14)
27mA (7)
27mA @120Hz (2)
28mA (17)
29mA (15)
30mA (38)
31mA (11)
32mA (21)
33mA (9)
33mA @120Hz (2)
34mA (22)
35mA (17)
36mA (16)
37mA (12)
38mA (13)
39mA (14)
39mA @120Hz (3)
40mA (45)
41mA (13)
42mA (9)
42mA @120Hz (1)
43mA (10)
44mA (12)
45mA (21)
46mA (11)
47mA (13)
48mA (28)
49mA (4)
50mA (35)
51mA (10)
52mA (12)
53mA (11)
54mA (6)
55mA (29)
55mA @120Hz (2)
56mA (12)
57mA (5)
58mA (7)
59mA (2)
59mA @120Hz (1)
60mA (36)
60mA @100kHz (1)
60mA@120Hz (1)
61mA (1)
62mA (2)
63mA (7)
63mA @120Hz (1)
64mA (2)
65mA (28)
66mA (3)
67mA (2)
68mA (3)
68mA @120Hz (2)
69mA (6)
70mA (40)
70mA @100kHz (1)
70mA @120Hz (2)
71mA (5)
72mA (1)
73mA (1)
74mA (4)
74mA @120Hz (1)
75mA (23)
76mA (8)
77mA (3)
78mA (3)
79mA (2)
80mA (65)
81mA (1)
82mA (6)
82mA @120Hz (2)
83mA (4)
84mA (3)
85mA (40)
86mA (4)
88mA (2)
89mA (1)
90mA (39)
90mA @100kHz (1)
91mA (8)
92mA (8)
93mA (3)
94mA (5)
95mA (23)
96mA (1)
98mA (2)
99mA (1)
100mA (42)
100mA @100kHz (2)
101mA (2)
102mA (3)
103mA (5)
105mA (18)
106mA (2)
107mA (1)
108mA (2)
109mA (1)
110mA (39)
110mA @120Hz (2)
111mA (2)
112mA (1)
113mA (3)
114mA (1)
114mA @120Hz (1)
115mA (14)
115mA @100kHz (1)
116mA (2)
117mA (1)
118mA (1)
119mA (4)
120mA (46)
120mA @100kHz (1)
120mA @120Hz (1)
121mA (1)
122mA (1)
123mA (2)
125mA (10)
126mA (1)
127mA (5)
128mA (4)
129mA (1)
130mA (28)
130mA @100kHz (4)
132mA (5)
134mA (1)
135mA (11)
136mA (1)
137mA (1)
138mA (3)
139mA (1)
140mA (55)
140mA @100kHz (1)
141mA (2)
142mA @120Hz (1)
143mA (1)
145mA (13)
145mA @100kHz (2)
148mA (4)
149mA (2)
150mA (81)
150mA @100kHz (1)
151mA (5)
152mA (1)
153mA (5)
155mA (15)
156mA (2)
157mA (1)
158mA (2)
159mA (1)
160mA (46)
162mA (2)
163mA (2)
165mA (39)
167mA (2)
168mA (2)
169mA (1)
170mA (37)
170mA @100kHz (2)
171mA (1)
173mA (2)
174mA (1)
175mA (6)
175mA @120Hz (1)
176mA (3)
177mA (1)
180mA (37)
180mA @100kHz (2)
181mA (1)
182mA (1)
183mA (2)
185mA (10)
186mA (1)
188mA (1)
189mA (2)
190mA (12)
190mA @100kHz (1)
190mA @120Hz (1)
192mA (2)
193mA (1)
195mA (5)
196mA (1)
197mA (2)
198mA (1)
200mA (29)
202mA (1)
204mA (3)
205mA (10)
208mA @120Hz (3)
210mA (37)
212mA (1)
214mA (2)
215mA (7)
216mA (4)
218mA (2)
220mA (42)
220mA @100kHz (2)
221mA (4)
222mA (1)
223mA (1)
224mA (2)
225mA (1)
226mA (1)
227mA @120Hz (1)
228mA (3)
228mA @120Hz (2)
229mA (1)
230mA (104)
230mA @120Hz (1)
232mA (3)
237mA (1)
238mA (6)
239mA (2)
240mA (80)
240mA @100kHz (2)
241mA @120Hz (1)
242mA (2)
243mA (7)
243mA @120Hz (1)
244mA (1)
245mA (2)
247mA (2)
248mA (1)
249mA (1)
0.250A (1)
250mA (71)
250mA @100kHz (1)
252mA (4)
254mA (4)
255mA (1)
260mA (43)
261mA @120Hz (1)
263mA (1)
264mA (8)
265mA (5)
267mA (2)
270mA (24)
270mA @100kHz (1)
270mA @120Hz (3)
271mA (1)
273mA (1)
274mA (1)
275mA (5)
276mA (2)
277mA (1)
278mA (2)
280mA (59)
280mA @100kHz (7)
281mA (2)
282mA (1)
285mA (8)
286mA (1)
288mA (3)
290mA (19)
292mA (1)
294mA (1)
295mA (9)
296mA (9)
297mA (6)
299mA (1)
300mA (61)
301mA (1)
304mA (3)
305mA (2)
306mA (1)
307mA (1)
308mA (2)
310mA (19)
314mA (3)
315mA (3)
316mA (1)
317mA (1)
319mA (2)
319mA @120Hz (1)
320mA (22)
320mA @100kHz (2)
321mA (2)
323mA (2)
324mA (2)
325mA (8)
327mA (1)
329mA (2)
330mA (22)
335mA (1)
335mA @120Hz (1)
336mA (1)
337mA @120Hz (1)
338mA (2)
339mA (2)
340mA (41)
341mA (1)
343mA (4)
345mA (24)
348mA (1)
350mA (44)
350mA @100kHz (3)
352mA (3)
354mA (2)
355mA (15)
357mA (4)
360mA (16)
360mA @100kHz (1)
360mA @120Hz (2)
361mA (1)
362mA (4)
364mA (1)
365mA (13)
368mA (3)
368mA @120Hz (1)
369mA (4)
370mA (23)
370mA @100kHz (1)
373mA (1)
374mA (2)
375mA (6)
376mA (1)
378mA (1)
380mA (17)
381mA (1)
385mA (8)
386mA (1)
390mA (27)
391mA (1)
395mA (3)
397mA (2)
400mA (39)
401mA (1)
404mA (1)
405mA (14)
406mA (2)
407mA (1)
410mA (18)
414mA (1)
415mA (2)
416mA (1)
418mA (1)
420mA (22)
423mA (2)
424mA (1)
425mA (1)
428mA (1)
429mA (1)
430mA (15)
430mA @100kHz (2)
434mA (2)
435mA (2)
436mA (2)
437mA (2)
440mA (19)
445mA (3)
450mA (89)
450mA @100kHz (1)
451mA (3)
452mA (2)
455mA (2)
458mA (1)
460mA (40)
462mA (3)
465mA (1)
466mA (5)
468mA (2)
469mA (1)
470mA (25)
472mA (4)
473mA (1)
473mA @120Hz (1)
475mA (2)
477mA (1)
478mA (1)
480mA (37)
481mA (1)
485mA (5)
490mA (13)
492mA (1)
494mA (2)
495mA (7)
496mA @120Hz (1)
497mA (1)
498mA (1)
500mA (39)
500mA @100kHz (3)
500mA @120Hz (1)
503mA (1)
505mA (1)
510mA (18)
511mA (1)
514mA (1)
515mA (2)
520mA (24)
521mA (1)
523mA (1)
525mA (5)
526mA (1)
528mA (1)
530mA (20)
531mA (3)
533mA (1)
535mA (1)
536mA @120Hz (1)
538mA (1)
540mA (33)
545mA (3)
546mA (1)
547mA (1)
549mA (1)
549mA @120Hz (1)
550mA (49)
554mA (1)
555mA (5)
560mA (28)
560mA @100kHz (1)
561mA (1)
564mA (1)
565mA (6)
567mA (1)
570mA (13)
575mA (5)
580mA (20)
582mA (2)
585mA (4)
586mA (2)
588mA (1)
590mA (20)
591mA @120Hz (1)
592mA (1)
594mA (4)
595mA (2)
599mA (1)
600mA (96)
600mA @100kHz (2)
605mA (1)
610mA (15)
611mA @120Hz (1)
616mA (3)
620mA (40)
623mA (1)
624mA (1)
625mA (5)
626mA (1)
627mA (3)
630mA (18)
631mA (1)
635mA (3)
638mA (5)
640mA (51)
645mA (7)
646mA (11)
649mA (2)
650mA (38)
655mA (8)
656mA (1)
657mA @120Hz (1)
659mA @120Hz (1)
660mA (24)
660mA @100kHz (1)
660mA @120Hz (1)
663mA (3)
665mA (9)
670mA (37)
670mA @120Hz (1)
672mA (1)
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685mA (12)
687mA (1)
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725mA (3)
729mA (1)
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735mA (2)
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794mA (2)
795mA (2)
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800mA (48)
800mA @100kHz (1)
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804mA (1)
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836mA (1)
840mA (39)
840mA @100kHz (1)
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847mA (1)
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853mA (1)
855mA (2)
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0.945A (1)
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998mA (1)
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1.00A @100kHz (1)
1.0A (1)
1.003A (2)
1.010A (6)
1.01A (7)
1.012A (2)
1.016A (1)
1.017A (1)
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1.030A (6)
1.03A (9)
1.035A (1)
1.036A (1)
1.040A (5)
1.04A (16)
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1.045 (1)
1.045A (1)
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1.067A (2)
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1.095A (1)
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1.099A (2)
1.100A (17)
1.10A (35)
1.1A (2)
1.110A (4)
1.11A (16)
1.113A (1)
1.118A (2)
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1.12A (25)
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1.122A (1)
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1.140A (6)
1.14A (7)
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1.15A (20)
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1.160A (5)
1.16A (17)
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1.180A (10)
1.18A (16)
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1.19A (44)
1190mA (1)
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1.220A (5)
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1.230A (3)
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1.231A (3)
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1.24A (21)
1.250A (10)
1.25A (31)
1.255A (1)
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1.26A (14)
1.261A (1)
1.262A (1)
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1.27A (16)
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1.280A (9)
1.28A (19)
1.285A (1)
1.290A (5)
1.29A (19)
1.296A (1)
1.300A (12)
1.30A (26)
1.30A @100kHz (1)
1.303A (1)
1.306A (1)
1.310A (3)
1.31A (11)
1.320A (7)
1.32A (12)
1.325A (2)
1.330A (6)
1.33A (29)
1.336A (1)
1.34 (1)
1.340A (3)
1.34A (9)
1.345A (1)
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1.350A (9)
1.35A (15)
1.353A (2)
1.354A (1)
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1.360A (8)
1.36A (19)
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1.370A (2)
1.37A (7)
1.372A (2)
1.375A (7)
1.380A (2)
1.38A (17)
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1.39 (1)
1.390A (5)
1.39A (17)
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1.40A (50)
1.405A (3)
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1.41A (13)
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1.413A (1)
1.419A (1)
1.420A (3)
1.42A (8)
1.422A (1)
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1.430A (7)
1.43A (28)
1.440A (8)
1.44A (20)
1.450A (16)
1.45A (34)
1.451A (2)
1.452A (6)
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1.460A (2)
1.46A (14)
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1.470A (4)
1.47A (14)
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1.490A (16)
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1.495A (1)
1.500A (10)
1.50A (48)
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1.51A (22)
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1.515A (2)
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1.52A (14)
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1.53A (8)
1.540A (6)
1.54A (11)
1.541A (1)
1.547A (1)
1.550A (5)
1.55A (19)
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1.561A (1)
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1.570A (3)
1.57A (18)
1.579A (1)
1.580A (5)
1.58A (13)
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1.586A (1)
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1.590A (3)
1.59A (8)
1.595A (3)
1.600A (13)
1.60A (37)
1.610A (4)
1.61A (12)
1.611A (1)
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1.62A (13)
1.621A (1)
1.623A (1)
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1.630A (3)
1.63A (18)
1.640A (1)
1.64A (6)
1.645A (2)
1.650A (13)
1.65A (53)
1.65A @100kHz (1)
1.655A (1)
1.660A (4)
1.66A (19)
1.665A (1)
1.670A (3)
1.67A (25)
1.675A (1)
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1.69A (17)
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1.700A (18)
1.70A (36)
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1.71A (9)
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1.720A (2)
1.72A (16)
1.725A (1)
1.730A (6)
1.73A (10)
1.738 (1)
1.740A (4)
1.74A (11)
1.750A (4)
1.75A (19)
1.755A (1)
1.760A (7)
1.76A (22)
1.770A (2)
1.77A (6)
1.776A (1)
1.780A (9)
1.78A (10)
1.782A (1)
1.785A (1)
1.789A (1)
1.79 (1)
1.790A (1)
1.79A (12)
1.800A (6)
1.80A (27)
1.808A (1)
1.810A (1)
1.81A (9)
1.820A (14)
1.82A (20)
1.824A (1)
1.825A (1)
1.830A (1)
1.83A (10)
1.836A (4)
1.840A (3)
1.84A (6)
1.850A (8)
1.85A (32)
1.854A (1)
1.860A (2)
1.86A (13)
1.870A (12)
1.87A (20)
1.88A (13)
1.885A (1)
1.890A (4)
1.89A (8)
1.900A (7)
1.90A (48)
1.901A (1)
1.905A (8)
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1.91A (31)
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1.92A (3)
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1.97A (12)
1.980A (6)
1.98A (6)
1.982A (1)
1.990A (3)
1.99A (15)
2.000A (11)
2.00A (41)
2.010A (7)
2.01A (8)
2.015A (2)
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2.02A (12)
2.030A (2)
2.03A (14)
2.040A (8)
2.04A (28)
2.050A (6)
2.05A (13)
2.052A (1)
2.060A (3)
2.06A (7)
2.070A (4)
2.07A (3)
2.080A (1)
2.08A (8)
2.090A (1)
2.09A (10)
2.100A (1)
2.10A (27)
2.110A (3)
2.11A (8)
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2.117A (1)
2.120A (4)
2.12A (8)
2.125A (2)
2.130A (2)
2.13A (7)
2.134A (1)
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2.140A (2)
2.14A (15)
2.150A (8)
2.15A (24)
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2.16A (17)
2.165A (1)
2.17A (8)
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2.180A (1)
2.18A (11)
2.188A (2)
2.190A (4)
2.19A (11)
2.200A (9)
2.20A (38)
2.210A (1)
2.21A (15)
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2.220A (4)
2.22A (6)
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2.230A (1)
2.23A (23)
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2.24A (7)
2.250A (7)
2.25A (37)
2.260A (3)
2.26A (14)
2.270A (1)
2.27A (17)
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2.28A (10)
2.290A (3)
2.29A (9)
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2.30A (29)
2.3A (1)
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2.31A (8)
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2.33A (5)
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2.35A (16)
2.360A (5)
2.36A (12)
2.370A (5)
2.37A (6)
2.376A (1)
2.380A (3)
2.38A (6)
2.390A (3)
2.39A (10)
2.400A (5)
2.40A (36)
2.410A (6)
2.41A (15)
2.419A (1)
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2.43A (14)
2.44A (7)
2.450A (2)
2.45A (9)
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2.47A (5)
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2.48A (28)
2.490A (2)
2.49A (7)
2.500A (3)
2.50A (43)
2.5A (1)
2.503A (1)
2.505A (3)
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2.51A (10)
2.520A (1)
2.52A (6)
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2.53A (23)
2.540A (1)
2.54A (8)
2.550 (1)
2.550A (6)
2.55A (29)
2.552A (1)
2.555A (6)
2.560A (4)
2.56A (6)
2.570A (1)
2.57A (10)
2.580A (3)
2.58A (4)
2.590A (1)
2.59A (10)
2.600A (7)
2.60A (36)
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2.61A (2)
2.620A (1)
2.62A (5)
2.630A (4)
2.63A (3)
2.64A (6)
2.642A (1)
2.650A (3)
2.65A (25)
2.660A (1)
2.66A (6)
2.66A@Hz (1)
2.67A (3)
2.678A (1)
2.68A (9)
2.686A (1)
2.69A (6)
2.695A (1)
2.700A (7)
2.70A (35)
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2.71A (4)
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2.72A (3)
2.730A (3)
2.73A (6)
2.740A (1)
2.74A (8)
2.750A (4)
2.75A (21)
2.76 (1)
2.760A (4)
2.76A (5)
2.770A (6)
2.77A (11)
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2.78A (6)
2.785A (1)
2.790A (2)
2.79A (5)
2.800A (12)
2.80A (32)
2.8A (1)
2.808A (4)
2.810A (1)
2.81A (6)
2.82A (7)
2.830A (2)
2.83A (10)
2.835A (1)
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2.84A (8)
2.850A (2)
2.85A (15)
2.860A (2)
2.86A (26)
2.865A (1)
2.867A (1)
2.87A (9)
2.880A (1)
2.88A (21)
2.89A (4)
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2.90A (54)
2.9A (2)
2.91A (4)
2.92A (8)
2.93A (16)
2.94A (4)
2.950A (1)
2.95A (10)
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2.96A (13)
2.970A (1)
2.97A (6)
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2.99A (3)
3.000A (10)
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3.02A (6)
3.03A (2)
3.035A (5)
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3.04A (3)
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3.05A (16)
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3.07A (5)
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3.100A (2)
3.10A (23)
3.11A (5)
3.12A (5)
3.130A (6)
3.13A (5)
3.132A (5)
3.140A (7)
3.14A (14)
3.150A (1)
3.15A (13)
3.160A (2)
3.16A (1)
3.161A (1)
3.17A (3)
3.18A (4)
3.19A (4)
3.200A (1)
3.20A (30)
3.201A (1)
3.210A (1)
3.21A (3)
3.22A (6)
3.223A (1)
3.230A (1)
3.23A (6)
3.24A (4)
3.25A (31)
3.258A (1)
3.26A (2)
3.265A (5)
3.270A (4)
3.27A (12)
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3.290A (5)
3.29A (8)
3.294A (5)
3.300A (2)
3.30A (23)
3.31A (6)
3.320A (2)
3.32A (7)
3.330A (1)
3.33A (2)
3.340A (1)
3.34A (5)
3.348A (1)
3.35A (18)
3.36A (6)
3.37A (3)
3.38A (6)
3.39A (4)
3.400A (5)
3.40A (21)
3.4A (1)
3.41A (2)
3.413A (5)
3.420A (3)
3.42A (7)
3.43A (4)
3.44A (1)
3.450A (1)
3.45A (40)
3.460A (9)
3.46A (4)
3.47A (2)
3.480A (2)
3.48A (6)
3.490A (4)
3.500A (2)
3.50A (35)
3.510A (2)
3.51A (4)
3.52A (4)
3.53A (2)
3.54A (5)
3.550A (2)
3.55A (3)
3.56A (4)
3.570A (1)
3.57A (14)
3.58A (3)
3.600A (1)
3.60A (30)
3.610A (6)
3.61A (15)
3.611A (5)
3.620A (1)
3.62A (1)
3.63A (18)
3.635A (3)
3.640A (1)
3.64A (4)
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3.65A (16)
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3.67A (6)
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3.68A (6)
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3.69A (5)
3.695A (1)
3.70A (14)
3.710A (1)
3.71A (3)
3.72A (7)
3.726A (1)
3.73A (3)
3.74A (1)
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3.75A (8)
3.76A (3)
3.77A (2)
3.780A (5)
3.78A (2)
3.790A (5)
3.79A (1)
3.80A (30)
3.810A (1)
3.81A (6)
3.812A (5)
3.82A (7)
3.83A (4)
3.84A (4)
3.85A (11)
3.856A (1)
3.860A (1)
3.86A (6)
3.87A (2)
3.880A (1)
3.88A (1)
3.888A (5)
3.89A (1)
3.895A (1)
3.90A (18)
3.94A (2)
3.95A (2)
3.960A (1)
3.96A (2)
3.97A (1)
3.98A (6)
3.990A (1)
3.99A (1)
4.000A (1)
4.00A (14)
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4.13A (1)
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4.15A (7)
4.17A (13)
4.19A (1)
4.20A (18)
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4.22A (16)
4.24A (1)
4.25A (3)
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4.27A (4)
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4.290A (2)
4.29A (1)
4.30A (11)
4.31A (1)
4.32A (3)
4.33A (2)
4.35A (3)
4.36A (1)
4.37A (3)
4.40A (10)
4.41A (1)
4.41A @100Hz (1)
4.42A (1)
4.43A (1)
4.45A (3)
4.46A (3)
4.48A (2)
4.49A (1)
4.50A (13)
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4.52A (1)
4.54A (2)
4.55A (4)
4.56A (2)
4.59A (1)
4.60A (9)
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33.0Ω (5)
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Rows to display    Items 4326 to 4350 out of 11754 <<  -10  <  169  170  171  172  173  174  175  176  177  178  179    >  +10  >>
Manufacturer's part number
Index Ropla
Capacitors Type Mounting Style Series Capacitance Rated Voltage Tolerance Package/Case Lead Spacing Load Life Ripple Current Impedance tan δ Tₘᵢₙ Tₘₐₓ Packaging Availability Net price MOQ
4326 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg CJM221M0JE05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 6.3V 20% 6.3x5.4 5000h 230mA 1.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2448280 PLN   10000
JAM1284 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-6.3V /6.3x5.4/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg VD0J221ME058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 6.3V 20% 6.3x5.8 3000h 240mA 360mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1784000 PLN   20000
HUW0478 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-6.3V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VD1A221ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 10V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 300mA 280mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2110600 PLN   20000
HUW0483 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-10V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VD1C221ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 300mA 280mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
4,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.2110600 PLN    1000
HUW0484 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-16V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD1E221MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 650mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
1,500 pcs
 on stock

 0.4133400 PLN    500
HUW0490 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-25V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1V221MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 35V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 850mA 90mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5980100 PLN   7000
HUW0497 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-35V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1H221MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 670mA 180mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
7,520 pcs
 on stock

 0.6455800 PLN    500
HUW2766 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-50V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1h221mg105000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD1C221MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 650mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4462200 PLN   14000
HUW2776 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-16V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1c221mf105000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg XB1J221MI135000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD XB 220µF 63V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 750mA 150mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2791700 PLN   3000
HUW2829 Electrolytic Capacitor, XB 220uF-63V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/xb1j221mi135000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VCZ227M016S0ANE04L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 230mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2539140 PLN   1000
JAM1088 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-16V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VCZ227M025S0ANG03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
2,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.5305110 PLN    500
JAM1105 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VCZ227M035S0ANG03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5526160 PLN   4000
JAM1108 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CZM221M1VG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 3000h 850mA 80mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6936790 PLN   4000
JAM1109 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CZM221M1HG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 3000h 670mA 180mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8389740 PLN   4000
JAM1110 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VCJ227M016S0ANE04L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x7.7 5000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2975580 PLN   1000
JAM1245 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-16V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM221M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 600mA 220mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5673530 PLN   4000
JAM1285 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM221M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1375 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 220uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CJM221M1HF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 670mA 350mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7418510 PLN   4000
JAM1510 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM221M1VF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 220µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5526160 PLN   4000
JAM1511 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 220uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VCD227M050S0ANH03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 670mA 180mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474490 PLN   4000
JAM1512 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 220uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CJM221M0JE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 10V 20% 6.3x7.7 5000h 230mA 1.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3145370 PLN   10000
JAM1939 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-10V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CJM221M1VF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 850mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7418510 PLN   4000
JAM1944 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ25VC220MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

0 pcs
5,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28

 0.4544560 PLN   500
SMY0306 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 220uF-25V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ35VC220MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 220µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

6,000 pcs
6,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-15

 0.4968780 PLN    500
SMY0629 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 220uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ50VC220MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 500mA 250mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.7695000 PLN   3000
SMY0637 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 220uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4327 /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM221M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 600mA 220mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5673530 PLN   4000
JAM1285 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD1E221MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 650mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
1,500 pcs
 on stock

 0.4133400 PLN    500
HUW0490 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-25V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1V221MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 35V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 850mA 90mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5980100 PLN   7000
HUW0497 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-35V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1H221MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 670mA 180mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
7,520 pcs
 on stock

 0.6455800 PLN    500
HUW2766 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 220uF-50V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1h221mg105000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg XB1J221MI135000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD XB 220µF 63V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 750mA 150mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2791700 PLN   3000
HUW2829 Electrolytic Capacitor, XB 220uF-63V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/xb1j221mi135000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VCZ227M025S0ANG03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
2,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.5305110 PLN    500
JAM1105 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VCZ227M035S0ANG03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5526160 PLN   4000
JAM1108 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CZM221M1VG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 3000h 850mA 80mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6936790 PLN   4000
JAM1109 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CZM221M1HG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 3000h 670mA 180mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8389740 PLN   4000
JAM1110 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 220uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM221M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 220µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1375 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 220uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CJM221M1HF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 670mA 350mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7418510 PLN   4000
JAM1510 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM221M1VF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 220µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5526160 PLN   4000
JAM1511 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 220uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VCD227M050S0ANH03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 220µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 670mA 180mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474490 PLN   4000
JAM1512 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 220uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CJM221M1VF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 220µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 850mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7418510 PLN   4000
JAM1944 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 220uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4328 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CJM331M0JE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 330µF 6.3V 20% 6.3x7.7 5000h 230mA 1.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3145370 PLN   10000
JAM1286 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 330uF-6.3V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VD0J331ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 330µF 6.3V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 300mA 280mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2110600 PLN   20000
HUW0485 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 330uF-6.3V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD1C331MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 650mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4133400 PLN   7000
HUW0491 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 330uF-16V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CZM331M0JE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 6.3V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 230mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
1,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3019880 PLN    1000
JAM1095 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-6.3V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CZM331M1AF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 10V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1111 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-10V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CZM331M1CF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1112 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-16V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CZM331M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 150mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1113 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM331M1CF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 600mA 220mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6117530 PLN   4000
JAM1287 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 330uF-16V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CZM331M1VG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 3000h 850mA 80mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6031990 PLN   4000
JAM1317 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM331M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1513 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CDM331M1VG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 670mA 90mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7225820 PLN   4000
JAM1514 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM331M1AF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 10V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1925 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-10V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM331M1CF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1926 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-16V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM331M1AF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 330µF 10V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 220mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5672970 PLN   4000
JAM1942 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 330uF-10V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CJM331M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 330µF 25V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 850mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7418510 PLN   4000
JAM1945 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 330uF-25V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BXJ50VC330MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 330µF 50V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 650mA 110mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1612450 PLN   1000
SMY0433 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 330uF-50V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ16VC330MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3907460 PLN   3000
SMY0630 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 330uF-16V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ25VC330MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 330µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4798160 PLN   3000
SMY0631 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 330uF-25V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ35VC330MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 330µF 35V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 850mA 80mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
6,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.7115370 PLN    500
SMY0638 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 330uF-35V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4329 /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM331M1CF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 600mA 220mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6117530 PLN   4000
JAM1287 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 330uF-16V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD1C331MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 650mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4133400 PLN   7000
HUW0491 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 330uF-16V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CZM331M1CF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1112 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-16V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CZM331M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 600mA 150mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1113 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CZM331M1VG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 330µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 3000h 850mA 80mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6031990 PLN   4000
JAM1317 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 330uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM331M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1513 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-25V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CDM331M1VG10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 35V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 670mA 90mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7225820 PLN   4000
JAM1514 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-35V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM331M1CF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 330µF 16V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1926 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 330uF-16V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg CJM331M1EF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 330µF 25V 20% 10x10.2 5000h 850mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7418510 PLN   4000
JAM1945 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 330uF-25V /10x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BXJ50VC330MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 330µF 50V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 650mA 110mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1612450 PLN   1000
SMY0433 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 330uF-50V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4330 /jam/40x101-ls-hs.jpg LSU222M2GR1ZM
Snap-in Standard THT LS 2200µF 400V 20% 40x101 2000h 6.67A -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 80.2942000 PLN   1000
JAM1288 Electrolytic Capacitor, LS 2200uF-400V /40x101/ snap-in 85C, 2000h, 4-pin /jam/ls.pdf /jam/lsu222m2gr1zm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4331 /jam/10x30-wl.jpg JWL108M035S1ACH28L
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 1000µF 35V 20% 10x28 5.0mm 2000h 2.21A 30mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
1,200 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 2,000 pcs
 0.8222800 PLN    200
JAM1289 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 1000uF-35V /10x28/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr102m1vg28r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x30-cyan.png LE1H102MI350A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 3.05A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,600 pcs
 on stock

 1.5515000 PLN    200
HUW2871 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1h102mi350a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-wl.jpg JWL108M050S1ACK31L
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x31 5.0mm 2000h 2.865A 33mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.0428400 PLN   100
JAM0627 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 1000uF-50V /12.5x31/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/jwl108m050s1ack31l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBR102M1HI35R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 2.42A 46mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5173800 PLN   4000
JAM1713 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr102m1hi35r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLR102M1HI30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 5000h 2.86A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3488200 PLN   4000
JAM1714 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 1000uF-50V /12.5x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf /jam/tlr102m1hi30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg TBR102M1VG35R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 35V 20% 10x35 5.0mm 7000h 2.01A 52mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3859100 PLN   4000
JAM1777 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-35V /10x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr102m1vg35r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tl.jpg TLR102M1VG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 1000µF 35V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 5000h 2.55A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
190 pcs
 on stock

 0.8161000 PLN    200
JAM1783 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 1000uF-35V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf /jam/tlr102m1vg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTT108M063S1E5M32L
Radial Low Impedance THT TT 1000µF 63V 20% 16x32 5.0mm 10000h 2.77A 54mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.0194700 PLN   4000
JAM2966 Electrolytic Capacitor, TT 1000uF-63V /16x32/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x33-yellow-tp.jpg NXH35VB1000M5.0TP10x33
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 35V 20% 10x33 5.0mm 10000h 2.55A 15mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
410 pcs
 on stock

 1.0501200 PLN    100
SMY0195 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-35V /10x33/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x33-yellow.jpg NXH35VB1000M10x33
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 35V 20% 10x33 5.0mm 10000h 2.55A 15mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,080 pcs
 on stock

 0.9687800 PLN    100
SMY0410 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-35V /10x33/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB1000M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 3.25A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5590000 PLN   2000
SMY0468 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x35-yellow.jpg NXH50VB1000M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 2.96A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

750 pcs
1,500 pcs
2,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2025-04-25

 1.3976400 PLN    50
SMY2180 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb1000m12.5x35.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/6.3x11-tb-tape-p2.5.jpg TBP221M1CE11ME2
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 365mA 190mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
12,490 pcs
 on stock

 0.0975800 PLN    2000
JAM1290 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbp221m1ce11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/6.3x11-blue.png LD1C221ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 565mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
8,530 pcs
 on stock

 0.1609000 PLN    1000
HUW0038 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P2.5 /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tb.jpg TBR221M1CE11M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 365mA 190mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1549900 PLN   10000
JAM1448 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P2.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbp221m1ce11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow.jpg NXH16VB220M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 540mA 94mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1452000 PLN   60000
SMY0174 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH25VB220M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 25V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2149700 PLN   200
SMY0177 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-25V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow-tp2.5.jpg NXH16VB220M2.5TP6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 540mA 94mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1407000 PLN   7500
SMY0641 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH25VB220M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 25V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1816900 PLN   7500
SMY4038 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-25V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4333 /jam/8x16-tb-tape.jpg JTB227M035T2A5G16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 220µF 35V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 7000h 325mA 151mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3455500 PLN   8000
JAM1291 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 220uF-35V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr221m1vf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/8x16-cyan.png LE1V221MF160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 220µF 35V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 10000h 1.02A 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2873300 PLN   12800
HUW0120 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 220uF-35V /8x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P3.5 /huw/le.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-tb.jpg JTB227M035S1A5G16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 220µF 35V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 7000h 325mA 151mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3290200 PLN   8000
JAM1049 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 220uF-35V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr221m1vf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4334 /jam/10x12.5-tb.jpg JTB108M6R3S1A5H1CH
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 6.3V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 6000h 920mA 66mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4014700 PLN   4000
JAM1292 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-6.3V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA10VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 10V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 6000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3907500 PLN   2500
SMY4460 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-10V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXP5.0TP25VB1000M12.5X20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXP 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 76mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 8.2346400 PLN   2000
SMY6191 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXP 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxp(lxz)_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4335 /jam/10x12.5-wl.jpg WLR102M1AG13M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 1000µF 10V 20% 10x13 5.0mm 2000h 1.00A 69mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
4,230 pcs
 on stock

 0.3902400 PLN    200
JAM1293 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 1000uF-10V /10x13/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr102m1ag13r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB25VB1000M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.90A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5809800 PLN   2500
SMY4017 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.36A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7881900 PLN   2000
SMY4019 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.48A 17mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0553100 PLN   2000
SMY4057 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXG16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 2.80A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
20 pcs
 on stock

 0.4584100 PLN    500
SMY4109 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXG25VB1000M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 1000µF 25V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 3.27A 12mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6727600 PLN   2500
SMY4117 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 1000uF-25V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA10VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 10V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 6000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3907500 PLN   2500
SMY4460 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-10V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXP5.0TP25VB1000M12.5X20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXP 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 76mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 8.2346400 PLN   2000
SMY6191 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXP 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxp(lxz)_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4336 /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR102M1VI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.94A 54mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4417900 PLN   4000
JAM1294 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x30-cyan.png LE1H102MI350A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 3.05A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,600 pcs
 on stock

 1.5515000 PLN    200
HUW2871 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1h102mi350a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-cyan-tp5.png LE1V102MI250B50CEH
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.13A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.8069900 PLN   450
HUW2875 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 tape /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1v102mi250b50ceh.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBR102M1HI35R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 2.42A 46mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5173800 PLN   4000
JAM1713 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr102m1hi35r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTT108M063S1E5M32L
Radial Low Impedance THT TT 1000µF 63V 20% 16x32 5.0mm 10000h 2.77A 54mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.0194700 PLN   4000
JAM2966 Electrolytic Capacitor, TT 1000uF-63V /16x32/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB1000M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 3.25A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5590000 PLN   2000
SMY0468 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXA35VB1000M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.23A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9993600 PLN   3200
SMY1963 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x35-yellow.jpg NXH50VB1000M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 2.96A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

750 pcs
1,500 pcs
2,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2025-04-25

 1.3976400 PLN    50
SMY2180 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb1000m12.5x35.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.23A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9993600 PLN   2000
SMY3972 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4337 /jam/16x20-tb.jpg TBR102M1HK25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.39A 48mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7891700 PLN   2000
JAM1295 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> LE2A102MM400A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 100V 20% 18x40 7.5mm 10000h 3.25A 26mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1143200 PLN   1200
HUW0080 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-100V /18x40/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2a102mm400a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1J102ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 63V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.51A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9987000 PLN   4800
HUW0985 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-63V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1j102ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1H102ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 3.01A 24mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.5859700 PLN   50
HUW2842 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1h102ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RT1H102ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.41A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.5515000 PLN   50
HUW2843 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/rt.pdf /huw/rt1h102ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35-tb.jpg JTB108M063S1A5M3FL
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 63V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.90A 42mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
550 pcs
 on stock

 2.8694300 PLN    50
JAM1250 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-63V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTV108M063S1A5M36L
Radial Low Impedance THT TV 1000µF 63V 20% 16x36 7.5mm 10000h 1.79A 45mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.0644600 PLN   2000
JAM2589 Electrolytic Capacitor, TV 1000uF-63V /16x36/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tv.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 3.01A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.2991600 PLN   10
SMY0211 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 63V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.55A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.7787000 PLN   2000
SMY0271 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-63V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq63vb1000m16x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x35.5-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB1000M16x35.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 63V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.90A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
20 pcs
 on stock

 2.4054300 PLN    50
SMY0290 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-63V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 3.01A 22mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.8083300 PLN   2000
SMY0469 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB1000M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 63V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.60A 24mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3385400 PLN   1600
SMY1829 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-63V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq63vb1000m16x31.5.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB1000M16x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 63V 20% 16x30 7.5mm 10000h 2.80A 22mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.5298600 PLN   1600
SMY4519 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-63V /16x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa63vb1000m16x30.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/18x40-d.brown.jpg NXQ100VB1000M18x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 100V 20% 18x40 7.5mm 10000h 3.86A 26mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.3411800 PLN   1000
SMY4777 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-100V /18x40/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq100vb1000m18x40.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 63V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.43A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.5343600 PLN   2000
SMY6172 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-63V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh63vb1000m16x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4338 /jam/16x20-tb.jpg TBR102M1VK20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 35V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 10000h 2.30A 52mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4591300 PLN   2000
JAM1296 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-35V /16x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr102m1vk20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> LE2A102MM400A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 100V 20% 18x40 7.5mm 10000h 3.25A 26mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1143200 PLN   1200
HUW0080 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-100V /18x40/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2a102mm400a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1J102ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 63V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.51A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9987000 PLN   4800
HUW0985 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-63V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1j102ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1H102ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 3.01A 24mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.5859700 PLN   50
HUW2842 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1h102ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RT1H102ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.41A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.5515000 PLN   50
HUW2843 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/rt.pdf /huw/rt1h102ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35-tb.jpg JTB108M063S1A5M3FL
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 63V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.90A 42mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
550 pcs
 on stock

 2.8694300 PLN    50
JAM1250 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-63V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x20-tb.jpg TBR102M1HK25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.39A 48mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7891700 PLN   2000
JAM1295 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTV108M063S1A5M36L
Radial Low Impedance THT TV 1000µF 63V 20% 16x36 7.5mm 10000h 1.79A 45mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.0644600 PLN   2000
JAM2589 Electrolytic Capacitor, TV 1000uF-63V /16x36/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tv.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 3.01A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.2991600 PLN   10
SMY0211 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 63V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.55A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.7787000 PLN   2000
SMY0271 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-63V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq63vb1000m16x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x35.5-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB1000M16x35.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 63V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.90A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
20 pcs
 on stock

 2.4054300 PLN    50
SMY0290 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-63V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 50V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 3.01A 22mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.8083300 PLN   2000
SMY0469 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-50V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB1000M16x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 50V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 10000h 2.73A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7164000 PLN   2000
SMY0511 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-50V /16x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB1000M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 63V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.60A 24mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3385400 PLN   1600
SMY1829 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-63V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq63vb1000m16x31.5.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB1000M16x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 63V 20% 16x30 7.5mm 10000h 2.80A 22mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.5298600 PLN   1600
SMY4519 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-63V /16x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa63vb1000m16x30.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/18x40-d.brown.jpg NXQ100VB1000M18x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 100V 20% 18x40 7.5mm 10000h 3.86A 26mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.3411800 PLN   1000
SMY4777 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-100V /18x40/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq100vb1000m18x40.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB1000M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 63V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.43A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.5343600 PLN   2000
SMY6172 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-63V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh63vb1000m16x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4339 THR820M2GK35R
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 82µF 400V 20% 16x35 7.5mm 3000h 1.13A 460mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.6805800 PLN   2000
JAM1297 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 82uF-400V /16x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P7.5 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr820m2gk35rt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4340 /jam/10x16-tk.jpg TKR102M1CG16M
Radial Standard THT TK 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 670mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2819000 PLN   4000
JAM1298 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x30-d.brown.jpg NXA25VB1000M10x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 25V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.91A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0793100 PLN   4000
SMY1941 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-25V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXA25VB1000M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.90A 35mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   3200
SMY1957 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXA35VB1000M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.23A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9993600 PLN   3200
SMY1963 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-yellow.jpg NXH25B1000M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.96A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.6092000 PLN   100
SMY2178 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-nxh-tape.jpg NXH25VB1000M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.96A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
1,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.6092000 PLN    500
SMY2179 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x35-yellow.jpg NXH50VB1000M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 50V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 10000h 2.96A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

750 pcs
1,500 pcs
2,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2025-04-25

 1.3976400 PLN    50
SMY2180 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-50V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb1000m12.5x35.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB1000M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4227400 PLN   100
SMY2195 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa16vb1000m10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ25VB1000M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.6483200 PLN   500
SMY2898 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 2.00A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5276500 PLN   500
SMY2899 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
10,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.3897500 PLN   500
SMY3963 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa16vb1000m10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXA25VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.90A 35mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   2000
SMY3971 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.23A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9993600 PLN   2000
SMY3972 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4806500 PLN   2500
SMY4013 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB25VB1000M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.90A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5809800 PLN   2500
SMY4017 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.36A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7881900 PLN   2000
SMY4019 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.48A 17mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0553100 PLN   2000
SMY4057 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXG16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 2.80A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
20 pcs
 on stock

 0.4584100 PLN    500
SMY4109 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXG25VB1000M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 1000µF 25V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 3.27A 12mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6727600 PLN   2500
SMY4117 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 1000uF-25V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXP5.0TP25VB1000M12.5X20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXP 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 76mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 8.2346400 PLN   2000
SMY6191 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXP 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxp(lxz)_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4341 /jam/22x40-hs-ls.jpg HSW103M1EN40M
Snap-in Standard THT HS 10000µF 25V 20% 22x40 10.0mm 2000h 2.08A -40°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.9489900 PLN   1000
JAM1299 Electrolytic Capacitor, HS 10000uF-25V /22x40/ snap-in 105C, 2000h, P10.0 /jam/hs.pdf /jam/hsw103m1en40m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/30x40-brown.jpg TDA50VS10000M30x40
SamYoung Electronics
Snap-in Standard THT TDA 10000µF 50V 20% 30x40 10.0mm 2000h 3.70A -40°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 9.3691000 PLN   400
SMY4516 Electrolytic Capacitor, TDA 10000uF-50V /30x40/ snap-in 105C, 2000h, P10.0 /smy/tda_large.pdf /smy/tda50vs10000m30x40.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4342 LSU182M2GR91M
Snap-in Standard THT LS 1800µF 400V 20% 40x91 2000h 6.37A -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 63.6553000 PLN   1000
JAM1300 Electrolytic Capacitor, LS 1800uF-400V /40x91/ snap-in 85C, 2000h, 4-pin /jam/ls.pdf /jam/lsu182m2gr91m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4343 /jam/6.3x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg TKP331M1CE11ME2
Radial Standard THT TK 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 270mA -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0988100 PLN   10000
JAM1301 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 300uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk.jpg TKR331M1CE11M
Radial Standard THT TK 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 270mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
6,500 pcs
 on stock

 0.1451100 PLN    1000
JAM0535 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 330uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-wl-tape-p2.5.jpg WLP331M1CE11ME2
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 550mA 86mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
9,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1513600 PLN    2000
JAM0985 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 330uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 tape /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlp331m1ce11me2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH16VB330M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,800 pcs
 on stock

 0.1790000 PLN    200
SMY0215 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB330M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1446900 PLN   12000
SMY1509 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB16VB330M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1446900 PLN   7500
SMY3992 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH16VB330M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1790000 PLN   7500
SMY4039 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4344 /jam/10x25-mz.jpg MZR392M0JG26R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 3900µF 6.3V 20% 10x26 5.0mm 2000h 3.48A 12mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8977000 PLN   4000
JAM1302 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 3900uF-6.3V /10x26/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x30-wl.jpg JWL398M6R3S1GCH28L
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 3900µF 6.3V 20% 10x28 5.0mm 2000h 2.14A 25mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8161000 PLN   4000
JAM0675 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 3900uF-6.3V /10x28/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/jwl398m6r3s1gch28l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4345 /jam/6.3x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg TKP010M2GE11ME2
Radial Standard THT TK 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 16mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1923800 PLN   2000
JAM1303 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr010m2ge11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/6.3x11-black.png RL2G010ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 19mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
30,790 pcs
 on stock

 0.0879400 PLN    1000
HUW0599 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-cyan.png LL2G010ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LL 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 12000h 54mA 38.0Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1838900 PLN   28000
HUW2469 Electrolytic Capacitor, LL 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 12000h, P2.5 /huw/ll.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-black-tp2.5.png RL2G010ME110B25CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 19mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
13,500 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-05

 0.0931700 PLN   1000
HUW2845 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 Tape /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk.jpg JTK105M400S1AME11L
Radial Standard THT TK 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 16mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1990000 PLN   10000
JAM0432 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr010m2ge11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR010M2GE11M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 70mA 11.0Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1285200 PLN   10000
JAM2187 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC400VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 22mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
5,390 pcs
 on stock

 0.1852900 PLN    200
SMY0755 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 5000h P2.5 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 1.0µF 450V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 17mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2095600 PLN   20000
SMY0756 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 1.0uF-450V /6.3x11/ 105C, 5000h P2.5 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBR400VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBR 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 3000h 24mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2654800 PLN   20000
SMY2289 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBR 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 3000h, P2.5 /smy/nbr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-brown.jpg NHA450VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 1.0µF 450V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 19mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1692900 PLN   20000
SMY2488 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 1.0uF-450V /6.3x11/ 105C, 1000h, P2.5 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4346 /jam/18x31-tx.jpg TXR470M2WLDBM
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 450V 20% 18x31.5 7.5mm 5000h 780mA 1.01Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.7404300 PLN   2000
JAM1304 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-450V /18x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P7.5 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/18x31-th.jpg THR470M2WLDBM
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 450V 20% 18x31.5 7.5mm 3000h 780mA 920mΩ -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.0074300 PLN   2000
JAM2237 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-450V /18x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P7.5 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4347 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg VCS107M016S0ANE01L
Chip Standard SMD CS 100µF 16V 20% 6.3x5.4 2000h 90mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1899130 PLN   10000
JAM1305 Electrolytic Capacitor, CS 100uF-16V /6.3x5.4/ 85C, 2000h, SMD /jam/cs.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ63VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 63V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 350mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7041290 PLN   3000
SMY0431 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-63V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg BDS16VC100MF55TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 16V 20% 6.3x5.7 1000h 110mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1923750 PLN   10000
SMY0576 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-16V /6.3x5.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDS25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2248540 PLN   9000
SMY0577 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3370410 PLN   3000
SMY0578 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BDS50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 2000h 310mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5540400 PLN   3000
SMY0579 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS63VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 63V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9425870 PLN   1000
SMY0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-63V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS100VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9593760 PLN   1000
SMY0581 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

0 pcs
1,700 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.4479090 PLN   500
SMY0627 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 300mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
4,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4824860 PLN    500
SMY0628 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 850mA 80mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6146000 PLN   3000
SMY0635 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 500mA 250mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6386850 PLN   3000
SMY0636 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ25VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4382750 PLN   3000
SMY0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-25V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXF35VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXF 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
4,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.3205920 PLN    900
SMY2158 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXF 100uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxf_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg MVG16VC100MF60TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD MVG 100µF 16V 20% 6.3x5.7 2000h 85mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1461560 PLN   10000
SMY4511 Electrolytic Capacitor, MVG 100uF-16V /6.3x5.7/ SMD, 85C, 2000h, SMD /smy/mvg_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/8.0x6.3.jpg MVG25VC100MH63TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD MVG 100µF 25V 20% 8.0x6.3 2000h 145mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3335350 PLN   10000
SMY4520 Electrolytic Capacitor, MVG 100uF-25V /8x6.3/ SMD, 85C, 2000h, SMD /smy/mvg_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 210mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3839820 PLN   3000
SMY4521 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf /smy/bds50vc100mh10tp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXQ50VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXQ 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 350mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5540400 PLN   9000
SMY4953 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXQ 100uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxq_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg BXA16VC100MF60TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 100µF 16V 20% 6.3x5.7 1000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2693250 PLN   10000
SMY4998 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 100uF-16V /6.3x5.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXA50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4847850 PLN   3000
SMY5008 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDR35VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDR 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3288250 PLN   9000
SMY5166 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDR 100uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bdr_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4348 /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR470M2GI30R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.7424200 PLN   100
JAM1306 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2gi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> RL2G470MI300A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7488700 PLN   4000
HUW0954 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x45-tc.jpg TCR470M2WI45R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 2000h 305mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1294300 PLN   1500
JAM1443 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-450V /12.5x45/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x40-tk.jpg TKR470M2WI41R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x41 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
290 pcs
 on stock

 1.8810600 PLN    100
JAM1531 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-450V /12.5x41/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2wi41r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x35-brown-tp5.0.png JTX476M400M6GZK35L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.3215900 PLN   400
JAM1888 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR470M2GI35M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3215900 PLN   4000
JAM2170 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC47VB400M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 12000h 462mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.1136300 PLN   2000
SMY0840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB47M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 12000h 450mA -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
750 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 2.6607800 PLN   50
SMY0843 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-450V /12.5x40/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL400VB47M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 15000h 485mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2379100 PLN   1600
SMY1383 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-400V /12.5x40/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBL450VB47M12.5x50
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x50 5.0mm 15000h 470mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.7975400 PLN   1600
SMY1386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-450V /12.5x50/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4349 TXR100M2WG25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 5000h 300mA 2.95Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8587600 PLN   4000
JAM1307 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wg25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4350 /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Rows to display    Items 4326 to 4350 out of 11754 <<  -10  <  169  170  171  172  173  174  175  176  177  178  179    >  +10  >>