Mounting Style
AFK (1)
AHS (103)
BDA (32)
BDR (45)
BDS (MVK) (88)
BDS-BP (14)
BLA (76)
BLH (19)
BP (1)
BXA (59)
BXC (1)
BXE (44)
BXF (7)
BXJ (99)
BXQ (26)
BXW (36)
CB (12)
CD (51)
CE (24)
CF (78)
CH (64)
CJ (32)
CK (77)
CLS (18)
CLU (15)
CLX (18)
CLZ (56)
CN (9)
CP (25)
CR (3)
CS (3)
CT (67)
CX (1)
CZ (29)
EN (1)
EP (3)
EXB (15)
FB (1)
FK (2)
FN (1)
FZ (3)
GD (1)
GF (492)
GK (6)
GN (3)
GP (1)
GR (3)
HF (2)
HL (8)
HM (17)
HMA (55)
HML (39)
HP (372)
HS (140)
HT (44)
HX (9)
HXL (42)
IP (1)
JP (362)
K75 (1)
K76 (1)
KF (41)
KM (5)
KMH (2)
KP (85)
KS (5)
KXW (1)
LB (15)
LD (19)
LE (56)
LK (58)
LL (9)
LP (398)
LS (130)
LT (27)
LX (1)
LZ (10)
MHA-BP (4)
MN (4)
MP (10)
MVG (8)
MVG-BP (15)
MZ (65)
NB (6)
NBA (5)
NBC (239)
NBD (126)
NBF (20)
NBH (47)
NBL (122)
NBR (7)
NFA (19)
NFC (2)
NFK (3)
NFL (30)
NFR (16)
NFS (1)
NHA (37)
NHA-BP (2)
NK (25)
NL (4)
NLC (28)
NS (33)
NT (25)
NXA (288)
NXB (238)
NXE (37)
NXG (69)
NXH (261)
NXK (5)
NXP (1)
NXQ (193)
NXW (91)
NZD (26)
NZE (2)
NZH (19)
NZK (19)
NZL (40)
NZR (13)
PFA (2)
PFB (51)
PFD (30)
PH (6)
PN (10)
PXB (121)
PXD (1)
RDA (1)
RDC (310)
RFA (76)
RFC (RWF) (67)
RGB (220)
RJ (2)
RL (426)
RLC (3)
RP (42)
RS (3)
RT (15)
SC (2)
SH (32)
SL (24)
SS (15)
ST (29)
TB (138)
TC (12)
TDA (399)
TDC (174)
TE (243)
TEA (13)
TF (43)
TFA (67)
TGA (KMH) (280)
TH (82)
TK (325)
TL (94)
TLA (205)
TLB (153)
TLC (LXG) (353)
TLF (38)
TLG (156)
TLJ (48)
TLK (48)
TLL (73)
TLR (42)
TLS (155)
TQ (78)
TR (2)
TT (6)
TU (2)
TV (139)
TW (4)
TX (30)
UDA (1)
UP (45)
VB (61)
VD (70)
VDA (14)
VE (6)
VF (1)
VH (101)
VJ (5)
VK (1)
VL (1)
VP (37)
VS (104)
VT (80)
VX (2)
VXC (1)
VZ (1)
WB (19)
WG (2)
WJ (67)
WL (155)
WP (89)
XB (1)
XP (14)
YXF (1)
ZLH (57)
ZS (1)
4.0x5.2 (40)
4.0x5.3 (21)
4.0x5.4 (74)
4.0x5.8 (44)
4x5 (31)
4x7 (60)
5.0x5.2 (45)
5.0x5.3 (24)
5.0x5.4 (83)
5.0x5.8 (78)
5x11 (385)
5x12 (1)
5x15 (17)
5x5 (32)
5x7 (70)
6.3x11 (360)
6.3x15 (33)
6.3x5 (36)
6.3x5.2 (39)
6.3x5.4 (90)
6.3x5.7 (86)
6.3x5.8 (99)
6.3x7 (77)
6.3x7.7 (167)
6.3x8.7 (1)
8.0x10.0 (124)
8.0x10.2 (101)
8.0x10.5 (76)
8.0x12.5 (2)
8.0x6.2 (1)
8.0x6.3 (20)
8.0x6.5 (2)
8x10.2 (1)
8x10.5 (4)
8x11 (57)
8x11.5 (356)
8x12 (10)
8x12.5 (1)
8x14 (20)
8x15 (126)
8x16 (55)
8x20 (135)
8x5 (11)
8x50 (2)
8x7 (40)
8x9 (11)
10x10.0 (129)
10x10.2 (55)
10x10.5 (71)
10x12 (1)
10x12.5 (330)
10x13 (13)
10x15 (5)
10x16 (340)
10x20 (314)
10x21 (11)
10x23 (11)
10x24 (3)
10x25 (139)
10x26 (9)
10x28 (8)
10x30 (41)
10x33 (13)
10x35 (2)
10x40 (1)
10x45 (1)
10x50 (11)
10x8 (2)
10x8.5 (8)
10x9 (6)
10.2x10.5 (1)
12.5x12.5 (4)
12.5x13 (1)
12.5x13.5 (123)
12.5x15 (4)
12.5x16 (28)
12.5x20 (279)
12.5x21 (3)
12.5x25 (231)
12.5x26 (5)
12.5x30 (106)
12.5x31 (2)
12.5x35 (87)
12.5x40 (36)
12.5x41 (1)
12.5x45 (4)
12.5x50 (13)
12.5x60 (5)
13x21 (3)
13x26 (4)
13x31 (1)
16x15 (17)
16x16 (10)
16x16.5 (2)
16x20 (122)
16x25 (256)
16x30 (43)
16x31.5 (117)
16x32 (21)
16x35 (34)
16x35.5 (57)
16x36 (13)
16x40 (51)
16x45 (12)
16x50 (14)
16x60 (2)
18x16 (10)
18x20 (49)
18x25 (74)
18x30 (18)
18x31.5 (76)
18x32 (14)
18x35 (35)
18x35.5 (74)
18x36 (18)
18x40 (113)
18x42 (4)
18x45 (28)
18x50 (13)
20x35 (1)
20x40 (8)
22x20 (11)
22x25 (131)
22x30 (185)
22x35 (156)
22x40 (154)
22x45 (122)
22x50 (95)
22x55 (1)
22x60 (3)
25x25 (62)
25x30 (85)
25x35 (77)
25x40 (68)
25x45 (60)
25x50 (54)
25x55 (4)
25x60 (3)
25.4x15 (4)
25.4x20 (17)
25.4x25 (98)
25.4x30 (118)
25.4x35 (105)
25.4x40 (99)
25.4x45 (56)
25.4x50 (76)
25.4x54 (1)
25.4x60 (12)
30x15 (4)
30x20 (13)
30x25 (157)
30x30 (199)
30x35 (183)
30x40 (166)
30x45 (138)
30x50 (116)
30x55 (8)
30x60 (27)
30x65 (1)
30x70 (8)
35x100 (29)
35x120 (25)
35x15 (5)
35x20 (16)
35x25 (116)
35x30 (184)
35x35 (158)
35x40 (165)
35x45 (127)
35x50 (212)
35x55 (13)
35x60 (88)
35x65 (2)
35x70 (25)
35x80 (48)
35x90 (2)
40x100 (1)
40x101 (5)
40x30 (2)
40x35 (3)
40x40 (2)
40x50 (4)
40x60 (12)
40x61 (5)
40x70 (3)
40x71 (3)
40x76 (1)
40x80 (1)
40x81 (1)
40x85 (1)
40x91 (2)
45x105 (1)
50x100 (32)
50x115 (3)
50x120 (28)
50x130 (9)
50x140 (4)
50x75 (7)
50x80 (20)
50x90 (1)
50x95 (2)
51x100 (4)
51x115 (3)
51x121 (3)
51x130 (5)
51x140 (1)
51x70 (8)
51x75 (3)
51x80 (5)
51x90 (8)
63.5x100 (19)
63.5x105 (1)
63.5x115 (1)
63.5x120 (48)
63.5x130 (24)
63.5x140 (4)
63.5x160 (9)
63.5x170 (7)
63.5x190 (5)
63.5x195 (1)
63.5x90 (5)
63.5x95 (6)
64x100 (4)
64x115 (7)
64x121 (2)
64x130 (12)
64x144 (6)
64x155 (1)
64x70 (3)
64x96 (10)
76x100 (1)
76x110 (1)
76x130 (1)
76x140 (1)
76x145 (1)
76x150 (1)
76x210 (1)
76x220 (1)
76.5x100 (10)
76.5x105 (3)
76.5x110 (6)
76.5x115 (5)
76.5x120 (44)
76.5x130 (25)
76.5x140 (21)
76.5x145 (1)
76.5x150 (10)
76.5x155 (4)
76.5x160 (19)
76.5x170 (11)
76.5x190 (2)
76.5x220 (1)
76.5x95 (3)
76.9x105 (1)
76.9x143 (1)
77x100 (7)
77x115 (7)
77x121 (2)
77x130 (9)
77x144 (5)
77x155 (11)
77x171 (2)
77x195 (1)
77x96 (3)
89x130 (4)
89x140 (21)
89x150 (6)
89x155 (5)
89x160 (15)
89x170 (13)
89x190 (15)
89x220 (5)
89x230 (2)
89x235 (2)
90x131 (3)
90x157 (4)
90x196 (3)
90x236 (3)
91x196 (1)
91x220 (1)
100x220 (25)
100x250 (24)
Ripple Current
0.22mA (1)
1.0mA (3)
1.3mA (2)
1.850mA (1)
2.0mA (2)
2.3mA (1)
2.52mA (1)
2.6mA (1)
2.8mA (1)
2.9mA (1)
2.920mA (1)
3.0mA (2)
3.2mA (2)
3.4mA (1)
3.5mA (1)
3.8mA (1)
4.0mA (3)
4.1mA (1)
4.7mA (1)
5.0mA (3)
5.3mA (1)
5.5mA (1)
5.6mA (3)
5.7mA (1)
6.0mA (1)
6.2mA (1)
6.3mA (1)
6.8mA (1)
7.0mA (5)
7.1mA (1)
8.0mA (9)
8mA (1)
8.4mA (2)
9.0mA (5)
10mA (9)
11mA (8)
12mA (14)
13mA (12)
14mA (18)
15mA (22)
16mA (16)
17mA (12)
18mA (17)
19mA (25)
20mA (18)
21mA (14)
22mA (12)
23mA (21)
24mA (14)
25mA (23)
26mA (14)
27mA (7)
27mA @120Hz (2)
28mA (17)
29mA (15)
30mA (38)
31mA (11)
32mA (21)
33mA (9)
33mA @120Hz (2)
34mA (22)
35mA (17)
36mA (16)
37mA (12)
38mA (13)
39mA (14)
39mA @120Hz (3)
40mA (45)
41mA (13)
42mA (9)
42mA @120Hz (1)
43mA (10)
44mA (12)
45mA (21)
46mA (11)
47mA (13)
48mA (28)
49mA (4)
50mA (35)
51mA (10)
52mA (12)
53mA (11)
54mA (6)
55mA (29)
55mA @120Hz (2)
56mA (12)
57mA (5)
58mA (7)
59mA (2)
59mA @120Hz (1)
60mA (36)
60mA @100kHz (1)
60mA@120Hz (1)
61mA (1)
62mA (2)
63mA (7)
63mA @120Hz (1)
64mA (2)
65mA (28)
66mA (3)
67mA (2)
68mA (3)
68mA @120Hz (2)
69mA (6)
70mA (40)
70mA @100kHz (1)
70mA @120Hz (2)
71mA (5)
72mA (1)
73mA (1)
74mA (4)
74mA @120Hz (1)
75mA (23)
76mA (8)
77mA (3)
78mA (3)
79mA (2)
80mA (65)
81mA (1)
82mA (6)
82mA @120Hz (2)
83mA (4)
84mA (3)
85mA (40)
86mA (4)
88mA (2)
89mA (1)
90mA (39)
90mA @100kHz (1)
91mA (8)
92mA (8)
93mA (3)
94mA (5)
95mA (23)
96mA (1)
98mA (2)
99mA (1)
100mA (42)
100mA @100kHz (2)
101mA (2)
102mA (3)
103mA (5)
105mA (18)
106mA (2)
107mA (1)
108mA (2)
109mA (1)
110mA (39)
110mA @120Hz (2)
111mA (2)
112mA (1)
113mA (3)
114mA (1)
114mA @120Hz (1)
115mA (14)
115mA @100kHz (1)
116mA (2)
117mA (1)
118mA (1)
119mA (4)
120mA (46)
120mA @100kHz (1)
120mA @120Hz (1)
121mA (1)
122mA (1)
123mA (2)
125mA (10)
126mA (1)
127mA (5)
128mA (4)
129mA (1)
130mA (28)
130mA @100kHz (4)
132mA (5)
134mA (1)
135mA (11)
136mA (1)
137mA (1)
138mA (3)
139mA (1)
140mA (55)
140mA @100kHz (1)
141mA (2)
142mA @120Hz (1)
143mA (1)
145mA (13)
145mA @100kHz (2)
148mA (4)
149mA (2)
150mA (81)
150mA @100kHz (1)
151mA (5)
152mA (1)
153mA (5)
155mA (15)
156mA (2)
157mA (1)
158mA (2)
159mA (1)
160mA (46)
162mA (2)
163mA (2)
165mA (39)
167mA (2)
168mA (2)
169mA (1)
170mA (37)
170mA @100kHz (2)
171mA (1)
173mA (2)
174mA (1)
175mA (6)
175mA @120Hz (1)
176mA (3)
177mA (1)
180mA (37)
180mA @100kHz (2)
181mA (1)
182mA (1)
183mA (2)
185mA (10)
186mA (1)
188mA (1)
189mA (2)
190mA (12)
190mA @100kHz (1)
190mA @120Hz (1)
192mA (2)
193mA (1)
195mA (5)
196mA (1)
197mA (2)
198mA (1)
200mA (29)
202mA (1)
204mA (3)
205mA (10)
208mA @120Hz (3)
210mA (37)
212mA (1)
214mA (2)
215mA (7)
216mA (4)
218mA (2)
220mA (42)
220mA @100kHz (2)
221mA (4)
222mA (1)
223mA (1)
224mA (2)
225mA (1)
226mA (1)
227mA @120Hz (1)
228mA (3)
228mA @120Hz (2)
229mA (1)
230mA (104)
230mA @120Hz (1)
232mA (3)
237mA (1)
238mA (6)
239mA (2)
240mA (80)
240mA @100kHz (2)
241mA @120Hz (1)
242mA (2)
243mA (7)
243mA @120Hz (1)
244mA (1)
245mA (2)
247mA (2)
248mA (1)
249mA (1)
0.250A (1)
250mA (71)
250mA @100kHz (1)
252mA (4)
254mA (4)
255mA (1)
260mA (43)
261mA @120Hz (1)
263mA (1)
264mA (8)
265mA (5)
267mA (2)
270mA (24)
270mA @100kHz (1)
270mA @120Hz (3)
271mA (1)
273mA (1)
274mA (1)
275mA (5)
276mA (2)
277mA (1)
278mA (2)
280mA (59)
280mA @100kHz (7)
281mA (2)
282mA (1)
285mA (8)
286mA (1)
288mA (3)
290mA (19)
292mA (1)
294mA (1)
295mA (9)
296mA (9)
297mA (6)
299mA (1)
300mA (61)
301mA (1)
304mA (3)
305mA (2)
306mA (1)
307mA (1)
308mA (2)
310mA (19)
314mA (3)
315mA (3)
316mA (1)
317mA (1)
319mA (2)
319mA @120Hz (1)
320mA (22)
320mA @100kHz (2)
321mA (2)
323mA (2)
324mA (2)
325mA (8)
327mA (1)
329mA (2)
330mA (22)
335mA (1)
335mA @120Hz (1)
336mA (1)
337mA @120Hz (1)
338mA (2)
339mA (2)
340mA (41)
341mA (1)
343mA (4)
345mA (24)
348mA (1)
350mA (44)
350mA @100kHz (3)
352mA (3)
354mA (2)
355mA (15)
357mA (4)
360mA (16)
360mA @100kHz (1)
360mA @120Hz (2)
361mA (1)
362mA (4)
364mA (1)
365mA (13)
368mA (3)
368mA @120Hz (1)
369mA (4)
370mA (23)
370mA @100kHz (1)
373mA (1)
374mA (2)
375mA (6)
376mA (1)
378mA (1)
380mA (17)
381mA (1)
385mA (8)
386mA (1)
390mA (27)
391mA (1)
395mA (3)
397mA (2)
400mA (39)
401mA (1)
404mA (1)
405mA (14)
406mA (2)
407mA (1)
410mA (18)
414mA (1)
415mA (2)
416mA (1)
418mA (1)
420mA (22)
423mA (2)
424mA (1)
425mA (1)
428mA (1)
429mA (1)
430mA (15)
430mA @100kHz (2)
434mA (2)
435mA (2)
436mA (2)
437mA (2)
440mA (19)
445mA (3)
450mA (89)
450mA @100kHz (1)
451mA (3)
452mA (2)
455mA (2)
458mA (1)
460mA (40)
462mA (3)
465mA (1)
466mA (5)
468mA (2)
469mA (1)
470mA (25)
472mA (4)
473mA (1)
473mA @120Hz (1)
475mA (2)
477mA (1)
478mA (1)
480mA (37)
481mA (1)
485mA (5)
490mA (13)
492mA (1)
494mA (2)
495mA (7)
496mA @120Hz (1)
497mA (1)
498mA (1)
500mA (39)
500mA @100kHz (3)
500mA @120Hz (1)
503mA (1)
505mA (1)
510mA (18)
511mA (1)
514mA (1)
515mA (2)
520mA (24)
521mA (1)
523mA (1)
525mA (5)
526mA (1)
528mA (1)
530mA (20)
531mA (3)
533mA (1)
535mA (1)
536mA @120Hz (1)
538mA (1)
540mA (33)
545mA (3)
546mA (1)
547mA (1)
549mA (1)
549mA @120Hz (1)
550mA (49)
554mA (1)
555mA (5)
560mA (28)
560mA @100kHz (1)
561mA (1)
564mA (1)
565mA (6)
567mA (1)
570mA (13)
575mA (5)
580mA (20)
582mA (2)
585mA (4)
586mA (2)
588mA (1)
590mA (20)
591mA @120Hz (1)
592mA (1)
594mA (4)
595mA (2)
599mA (1)
600mA (96)
600mA @100kHz (2)
605mA (1)
610mA (15)
611mA @120Hz (1)
616mA (3)
620mA (40)
623mA (1)
624mA (1)
625mA (5)
626mA (1)
627mA (3)
630mA (18)
631mA (1)
635mA (3)
638mA (5)
640mA (51)
645mA (7)
646mA (11)
649mA (2)
650mA (38)
655mA (8)
656mA (1)
657mA @120Hz (1)
659mA @120Hz (1)
660mA (24)
660mA @100kHz (1)
660mA @120Hz (1)
663mA (3)
665mA (9)
670mA (37)
670mA @120Hz (1)
672mA (1)
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685mA (12)
687mA (1)
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725mA (3)
729mA (1)
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735mA (2)
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794mA (2)
795mA (2)
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800mA (48)
800mA @100kHz (1)
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804mA (1)
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836mA (1)
840mA (39)
840mA @100kHz (1)
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847mA (1)
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853mA (1)
855mA (2)
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0.945A (1)
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998mA (1)
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1.00A @100kHz (1)
1.0A (1)
1.003A (2)
1.010A (6)
1.01A (7)
1.012A (2)
1.016A (1)
1.017A (1)
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1.030A (6)
1.03A (9)
1.035A (1)
1.036A (1)
1.040A (5)
1.04A (16)
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1.045 (1)
1.045A (1)
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1.067A (2)
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1.095A (1)
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1.099A (2)
1.100A (17)
1.10A (35)
1.1A (2)
1.110A (4)
1.11A (16)
1.113A (1)
1.118A (2)
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1.12A (25)
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1.122A (1)
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1.140A (6)
1.14A (7)
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1.15A (20)
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1.160A (5)
1.16A (17)
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1.180A (10)
1.18A (16)
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1.19A (44)
1190mA (1)
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1.220A (5)
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1.230A (3)
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1.231A (3)
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1.24A (21)
1.250A (10)
1.25A (31)
1.255A (1)
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1.26A (14)
1.261A (1)
1.262A (1)
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1.27A (16)
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1.280A (9)
1.28A (19)
1.285A (1)
1.290A (5)
1.29A (19)
1.296A (1)
1.300A (12)
1.30A (26)
1.30A @100kHz (1)
1.303A (1)
1.306A (1)
1.310A (3)
1.31A (11)
1.320A (7)
1.32A (12)
1.325A (2)
1.330A (6)
1.33A (29)
1.336A (1)
1.34 (1)
1.340A (3)
1.34A (9)
1.345A (1)
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1.350A (9)
1.35A (15)
1.353A (2)
1.354A (1)
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1.360A (8)
1.36A (19)
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1.370A (2)
1.37A (7)
1.372A (2)
1.375A (7)
1.380A (2)
1.38A (17)
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1.39 (1)
1.390A (5)
1.39A (17)
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1.40A (50)
1.405A (3)
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1.41A (13)
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1.413A (1)
1.419A (1)
1.420A (3)
1.42A (8)
1.422A (1)
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1.430A (7)
1.43A (28)
1.440A (8)
1.44A (20)
1.450A (16)
1.45A (34)
1.451A (2)
1.452A (6)
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1.460A (2)
1.46A (14)
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1.470A (4)
1.47A (14)
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1.490A (16)
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1.495A (1)
1.500A (10)
1.50A (48)
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1.51A (22)
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1.515A (2)
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1.52A (14)
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1.53A (8)
1.540A (6)
1.54A (11)
1.541A (1)
1.547A (1)
1.550A (5)
1.55A (19)
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1.561A (1)
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1.570A (3)
1.57A (18)
1.579A (1)
1.580A (5)
1.58A (13)
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1.586A (1)
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1.590A (3)
1.59A (8)
1.595A (3)
1.600A (13)
1.60A (37)
1.610A (4)
1.61A (12)
1.611A (1)
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1.62A (13)
1.621A (1)
1.623A (1)
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1.630A (3)
1.63A (18)
1.640A (1)
1.64A (6)
1.645A (2)
1.650A (13)
1.65A (53)
1.65A @100kHz (1)
1.655A (1)
1.660A (4)
1.66A (19)
1.665A (1)
1.670A (3)
1.67A (25)
1.675A (1)
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1.69A (17)
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1.700A (18)
1.70A (36)
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1.71A (9)
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1.720A (2)
1.72A (16)
1.725A (1)
1.730A (6)
1.73A (10)
1.738 (1)
1.740A (4)
1.74A (11)
1.750A (4)
1.75A (19)
1.755A (1)
1.760A (7)
1.76A (22)
1.770A (2)
1.77A (6)
1.776A (1)
1.780A (9)
1.78A (10)
1.782A (1)
1.785A (1)
1.789A (1)
1.79 (1)
1.790A (1)
1.79A (12)
1.800A (6)
1.80A (27)
1.808A (1)
1.810A (1)
1.81A (9)
1.820A (14)
1.82A (20)
1.824A (1)
1.825A (1)
1.830A (1)
1.83A (10)
1.836A (4)
1.840A (3)
1.84A (6)
1.850A (8)
1.85A (32)
1.854A (1)
1.860A (2)
1.86A (13)
1.870A (12)
1.87A (20)
1.88A (13)
1.885A (1)
1.890A (4)
1.89A (8)
1.900A (7)
1.90A (48)
1.901A (1)
1.905A (8)
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1.91A (31)
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1.92A (3)
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1.97A (12)
1.980A (6)
1.98A (6)
1.982A (1)
1.990A (3)
1.99A (15)
2.000A (11)
2.00A (41)
2.010A (7)
2.01A (8)
2.015A (2)
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2.02A (12)
2.030A (2)
2.03A (14)
2.040A (8)
2.04A (28)
2.050A (6)
2.05A (13)
2.052A (1)
2.060A (3)
2.06A (7)
2.070A (4)
2.07A (3)
2.080A (1)
2.08A (8)
2.090A (1)
2.09A (10)
2.100A (1)
2.10A (27)
2.110A (3)
2.11A (8)
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2.117A (1)
2.120A (4)
2.12A (8)
2.125A (2)
2.130A (2)
2.13A (7)
2.134A (1)
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2.140A (2)
2.14A (15)
2.150A (8)
2.15A (24)
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2.16A (17)
2.165A (1)
2.17A (8)
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2.180A (1)
2.18A (11)
2.188A (2)
2.190A (4)
2.19A (11)
2.200A (9)
2.20A (38)
2.210A (1)
2.21A (15)
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2.220A (4)
2.22A (6)
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2.230A (1)
2.23A (23)
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2.24A (7)
2.250A (7)
2.25A (37)
2.260A (3)
2.26A (14)
2.270A (1)
2.27A (17)
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2.28A (10)
2.290A (3)
2.29A (9)
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2.30A (29)
2.3A (1)
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2.31A (8)
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2.33A (5)
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2.35A (16)
2.360A (5)
2.36A (12)
2.370A (5)
2.37A (6)
2.376A (1)
2.380A (3)
2.38A (6)
2.390A (3)
2.39A (10)
2.400A (5)
2.40A (36)
2.410A (6)
2.41A (15)
2.419A (1)
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2.43A (14)
2.44A (7)
2.450A (2)
2.45A (9)
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2.47A (5)
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2.48A (28)
2.490A (2)
2.49A (7)
2.500A (3)
2.50A (43)
2.5A (1)
2.503A (1)
2.505A (3)
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2.51A (10)
2.520A (1)
2.52A (6)
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2.53A (23)
2.540A (1)
2.54A (8)
2.550 (1)
2.550A (6)
2.55A (29)
2.552A (1)
2.555A (6)
2.560A (4)
2.56A (6)
2.570A (1)
2.57A (10)
2.580A (3)
2.58A (4)
2.590A (1)
2.59A (10)
2.600A (7)
2.60A (36)
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2.61A (2)
2.620A (1)
2.62A (5)
2.630A (4)
2.63A (3)
2.64A (6)
2.642A (1)
2.650A (3)
2.65A (25)
2.660A (1)
2.66A (6)
2.66A@Hz (1)
2.67A (3)
2.678A (1)
2.68A (9)
2.686A (1)
2.69A (6)
2.695A (1)
2.700A (7)
2.70A (35)
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2.71A (4)
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2.72A (3)
2.730A (3)
2.73A (6)
2.740A (1)
2.74A (8)
2.750A (4)
2.75A (21)
2.76 (1)
2.760A (4)
2.76A (5)
2.770A (6)
2.77A (11)
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2.78A (6)
2.785A (1)
2.790A (2)
2.79A (5)
2.800A (12)
2.80A (32)
2.8A (1)
2.808A (4)
2.810A (1)
2.81A (6)
2.82A (7)
2.830A (2)
2.83A (10)
2.835A (1)
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2.84A (8)
2.850A (2)
2.85A (15)
2.860A (2)
2.86A (26)
2.865A (1)
2.867A (1)
2.87A (9)
2.880A (1)
2.88A (21)
2.89A (4)
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2.90A (54)
2.9A (2)
2.91A (4)
2.92A (8)
2.93A (16)
2.94A (4)
2.950A (1)
2.95A (10)
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2.96A (13)
2.970A (1)
2.97A (6)
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2.99A (3)
3.000A (10)
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3.02A (6)
3.03A (2)
3.035A (5)
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3.04A (3)
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3.05A (16)
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3.07A (5)
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3.100A (2)
3.10A (23)
3.11A (5)
3.12A (5)
3.130A (6)
3.13A (5)
3.132A (5)
3.140A (7)
3.14A (14)
3.150A (1)
3.15A (13)
3.160A (2)
3.16A (1)
3.161A (1)
3.17A (3)
3.18A (4)
3.19A (4)
3.200A (1)
3.20A (30)
3.201A (1)
3.210A (1)
3.21A (3)
3.22A (6)
3.223A (1)
3.230A (1)
3.23A (6)
3.24A (4)
3.25A (31)
3.258A (1)
3.26A (2)
3.265A (5)
3.270A (4)
3.27A (12)
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3.290A (5)
3.29A (8)
3.294A (5)
3.300A (2)
3.30A (23)
3.31A (6)
3.320A (2)
3.32A (7)
3.330A (1)
3.33A (2)
3.340A (1)
3.34A (5)
3.348A (1)
3.35A (18)
3.36A (6)
3.37A (3)
3.38A (6)
3.39A (4)
3.400A (5)
3.40A (21)
3.4A (1)
3.41A (2)
3.413A (5)
3.420A (3)
3.42A (7)
3.43A (4)
3.44A (1)
3.450A (1)
3.45A (40)
3.460A (9)
3.46A (4)
3.47A (2)
3.480A (2)
3.48A (6)
3.490A (4)
3.500A (2)
3.50A (35)
3.510A (2)
3.51A (4)
3.52A (4)
3.53A (2)
3.54A (5)
3.550A (2)
3.55A (3)
3.56A (4)
3.570A (1)
3.57A (14)
3.58A (3)
3.600A (1)
3.60A (30)
3.610A (6)
3.61A (15)
3.611A (5)
3.620A (1)
3.62A (1)
3.63A (18)
3.635A (3)
3.640A (1)
3.64A (4)
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3.65A (16)
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3.67A (6)
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3.68A (6)
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3.69A (5)
3.695A (1)
3.70A (14)
3.710A (1)
3.71A (3)
3.72A (7)
3.726A (1)
3.73A (3)
3.74A (1)
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3.75A (8)
3.76A (3)
3.77A (2)
3.780A (5)
3.78A (2)
3.790A (5)
3.79A (1)
3.80A (30)
3.810A (1)
3.81A (6)
3.812A (5)
3.82A (7)
3.83A (4)
3.84A (4)
3.85A (11)
3.856A (1)
3.860A (1)
3.86A (6)
3.87A (2)
3.880A (1)
3.88A (1)
3.888A (5)
3.89A (1)
3.895A (1)
3.90A (18)
3.94A (2)
3.95A (2)
3.960A (1)
3.96A (2)
3.97A (1)
3.98A (6)
3.990A (1)
3.99A (1)
4.000A (1)
4.00A (14)
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4.13A (1)
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4.15A (7)
4.17A (13)
4.19A (1)
4.20A (18)
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4.22A (16)
4.24A (1)
4.25A (3)
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4.27A (4)
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4.290A (2)
4.29A (1)
4.30A (11)
4.31A (1)
4.32A (3)
4.33A (2)
4.35A (3)
4.36A (1)
4.37A (3)
4.40A (10)
4.41A (1)
4.41A @100Hz (1)
4.42A (1)
4.43A (1)
4.45A (3)
4.46A (3)
4.48A (2)
4.49A (1)
4.50A (13)
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4.52A (1)
4.54A (2)
4.55A (4)
4.56A (2)
4.59A (1)
4.60A (9)
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Rows to display    Items 126 to 150 out of 11754 <  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11    >  +10  >>
Manufacturer's part number
Index Ropla
Capacitors Type Mounting Style Series Capacitance Rated Voltage Tolerance Package/Case Lead Spacing Load Life Ripple Current Impedance tan δ Tₘᵢₙ Tₘₐₓ Packaging Availability Net price MOQ
126 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VH1E101ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VH 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 86mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
9,020 pcs
 on stock

 0.2046100 PLN    1000
HUW0020 Electrolytic Capacitor, VH 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vh.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VCH107M050S0ANH03L
Chip Standard SMD CH 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 2000h 180mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4480880 PLN   4000
JAM2968 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 100uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf /jam/vcd107m035s0ane04l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> EEEFK1V101P
Chip Standard SMD FK 100µF 35V 20% 8x10.2 2000h 600mA 160mΩ Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7674870 PLN   500
PAN0056 Electrolytic Capacitor, FK 100uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /pan/fk.pdf
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXA25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2924090 PLN   9000
SMY0038 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BXJ100VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 400mA 400mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0939890 PLN   1000
SMY0248 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXJ25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2891720 PLN   9000
SMY0430 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ63VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 63V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 350mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7041290 PLN   3000
SMY0431 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-63V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDS25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2248540 PLN   9000
SMY0577 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3370410 PLN   3000
SMY0578 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BDS50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 2000h 310mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5540400 PLN   3000
SMY0579 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS63VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 63V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9425870 PLN   1000
SMY0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-63V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS100VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9593760 PLN   1000
SMY0581 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

0 pcs
1,700 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.4479090 PLN   500
SMY0627 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1K101MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 80V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 200mA 700mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5980100 PLN   7000
HUW0079 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-80V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1k101mg105000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 850mA 80mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6146000 PLN   3000
SMY0635 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 500mA 250mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6386850 PLN   3000
SMY0636 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ25VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4382750 PLN   3000
SMY0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-25V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VB1E101ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2022700 PLN   20000
HUW0039 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 210mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3839820 PLN   3000
SMY4521 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf /smy/bds50vc100mh10tp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXQ50VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXQ 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 350mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5540400 PLN   9000
SMY4953 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXQ 100uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxq_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXA50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4847850 PLN   3000
SMY5008 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDR35VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDR 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3288250 PLN   9000
SMY5166 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDR 100uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bdr_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
127 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VT1E101ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VT 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 100mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
9,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.2088600 PLN    1000
HUW0180 Electrolytic Capacitor, VT 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /huw/vt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VCH107M050S0ANH03L
Chip Standard SMD CH 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.2 2000h 180mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4480880 PLN   4000
JAM2968 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 100uF-50V /10x10.2/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf /jam/vcd107m035s0ane04l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> EEEFK1V101P
Chip Standard SMD FK 100µF 35V 20% 8x10.2 2000h 600mA 160mΩ Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7674870 PLN   500
PAN0056 Electrolytic Capacitor, FK 100uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /pan/fk.pdf
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXA25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2924090 PLN   9000
SMY0038 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BXJ100VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 400mA 400mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0939890 PLN   1000
SMY0248 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXJ25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2891720 PLN   9000
SMY0430 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ63VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 63V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 350mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7041290 PLN   3000
SMY0431 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-63V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDS25VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2248540 PLN   9000
SMY0577 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3370410 PLN   3000
SMY0578 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BDS50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 2000h 310mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5540400 PLN   3000
SMY0579 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS63VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 63V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9425870 PLN   1000
SMY0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-63V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS100VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9593760 PLN   1000
SMY0581 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

0 pcs
1,700 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.4479090 PLN   500
SMY0627 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1K101MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 80V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 200mA 700mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5980100 PLN   7000
HUW0079 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-80V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1k101mg105000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 850mA 80mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6146000 PLN   3000
SMY0635 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 500mA 250mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6386850 PLN   3000
SMY0636 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ25VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4382750 PLN   3000
SMY0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-25V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VB1E101ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 280mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2022700 PLN   20000
HUW0039 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 210mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3839820 PLN   3000
SMY4521 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf /smy/bds50vc100mh10tp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXQ50VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXQ 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 350mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5540400 PLN   9000
SMY4953 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXQ 100uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxq_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXA50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4847850 PLN   3000
SMY5008 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDR35VC100MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDR 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3288250 PLN   9000
SMY5166 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDR 100uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /smy/bdr_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
128 LD1C471MF115B35CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 995mA 62mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
9,000 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 5,000 pcs
 0.2643400 PLN    1000
HUW0045 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P3.5 tape /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow.jpg NXH16VB470M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 945mA 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

11,800 pcs
9,000 pcs
18,000 pcs
18,560 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2024-11-20
 from 2024-12-23

 0.2898200 PLN    200
SMY0217 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-tb.jpg JTB477M016S1A5G16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 7000h 690mA 93mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,230 pcs
 on stock

 0.3183500 PLN    500
JAM1052 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1cf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ16VB470M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 9000h 1.20A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,510 pcs
 on stock

 0.2814200 PLN    200
SMY0523 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-yellow.jpg NXH35VB470M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 8000h 1.60A 29mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
990 pcs
 on stock

 0.4643900 PLN    100
SMY0409 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-black-tp5.png NXH35VB470M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 8000h 1.60A 29mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
800 pcs
 on stock

 0.5596400 PLN    800
SMY0254 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXQ25VB470M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
20 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 3,000 pcs
multiple = 500 pcs
 0.2994300 PLN    100
SMY1795 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq25vb470m8x15.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RT1C471MF115B35CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 6000h 680mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2275500 PLN   10000
HUW0044 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P3.5 tape /huw/rt.pdf /huw/rt1c471mf115b35ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/8x11.5-cyan-tp3.5.png LE1C471MF115B35CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 10000h 960mA 61mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2597400 PLN   10000
HUW0046 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P3.5 tape /huw/le.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1C471MF115A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 10000h 960mA 61mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2298500 PLN   16000
HUW0121 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P3.5 /huw/le.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/8x16-cyan.png LE1E471MF160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 25V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3447800 PLN   25600
HUW0776 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-25V /8x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P3.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1e471mf160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1EF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4407100 PLN   8000
JAM1216 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ef20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x15-tv.jpg JTV477M016S1A5G15L
Radial Low Impedance THT TV 470µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 7000h 840mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3389900 PLN   8000
JAM2511 Electrolytic Capacitor, TV 470uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tv.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB470M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 7000h 840mA 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3837600 PLN   6000
SMY0084 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA16VB470M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 7000h 840mA 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3837600 PLN   5000
SMY0267 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow.jpg NXH25VB470M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 25V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.33A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
5,240 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-11-20

 0.3372800 PLN   100
SMY0505 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h, P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB470M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 7000h 640mA 130mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2203500 PLN   12000
SMY1852 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa16vb470m8x11.5.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXA25VB470M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2876300 PLN   100
SMY1904 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH16VB470M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 945mA 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
500 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28

 0.2928100 PLN   1000
SMY2165 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA25VB470M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2743200 PLN   4000
SMY3955 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH25VB470M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 25V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.33A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3912500 PLN   1000
SMY4046 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ16VB470M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 9000h 1.20A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2814200 PLN   5000
SMY4069 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ25VB470M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2994300 PLN   1000
SMY4071 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
129 /huw/5x11-black.png GF1H220MC110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 2000h 160mA 1.20Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
9,000 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 20,000 pcs
 0.0699700 PLN    1000
HUW0114 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, LI, 2000h, P2.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/5x11-yellow.jpg NXH50VB22M5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 6000h 195mA 400mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,180 pcs
 on stock

 0.1095400 PLN    200
SMY1792 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1H220MC110B20CE0H8
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 10000h 240mA 550mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1206700 PLN   40000
HUW0976 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P2.0 tape /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1h220mc110b20ce0hy.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/5x11-brown-tp2.png RT1H220MC110B20CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 5000h 200mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1099300 PLN   20000
HUW2763 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, LI, 5000h, P2.0 tape /huw/rt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/5x11-tb.jpg TBR220M1HD11M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 5000h 140mA 725mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1172800 PLN   1000
JAM0407 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P2.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/5x11-wl.jpg WLR220M1HD11M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 1000h 190mA 453mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.0714000 PLN   1000
JAM0664 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.0 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLR220M1HD11M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 2000h 240mA 340mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0793400 PLN   10000
JAM1862 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P2.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB50VB22M5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 2000h 250mA 300mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0831100 PLN   24000
SMY1487 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXA50VB22M5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 22µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 5000h 180mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0884900 PLN   24000
SMY1873 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 22uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P2.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
130 /jam/6.3x11-wl-tape-p2.5.jpg WLP331M1CE11ME2
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 550mA 86mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
9,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1513600 PLN    2000
JAM0985 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 330uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 tape /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlp331m1ce11me2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH16VB330M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,800 pcs
 on stock

 0.1790000 PLN    200
SMY0215 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB330M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1446900 PLN   12000
SMY1509 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB16VB330M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1446900 PLN   7500
SMY3992 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH16VB330M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 330µF 16V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1790000 PLN   7500
SMY4039 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 330uF-16V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/4x7-sl.jpg SLR4R7M1HC07M
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT SL 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 1000h 90mA 2.758Ω -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.0623200 PLN    2000
JAM0372 Electrolytic Capacitor, SL 4.7uF-50V /4x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P1.5 /jam/sl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> HXL50VB4R7M4x7
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT HXL 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 2000h 85mA 2.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0823300 PLN   36000
SMY2029 Electrolytic Capacitor, HXL 4.7uF-50V /4x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P1.5 /smy/hxl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
132 /jam/6.3x11-tk.jpg TKR010M2EE11M
Radial Standard THT TK 1.0µF 250V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 21mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
8,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.1518100 PLN    1000
JAM0431 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 1.0uF-250V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/6.3x11-black.png RL2G010ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 19mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
30,790 pcs
 on stock

 0.0879400 PLN    1000
HUW0599 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC400VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 22mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
5,390 pcs
 on stock

 0.1852900 PLN    200
SMY0755 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 5000h P2.5 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-cyan.png LL2G010ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LL 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 12000h 54mA 38.0Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1838900 PLN   28000
HUW2469 Electrolytic Capacitor, LL 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 12000h, P2.5 /huw/ll.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-black-tp2.5.png RL2G010ME110B25CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 19mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
13,500 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-05

 0.0931700 PLN   1000
HUW2845 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 Tape /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk.jpg JTK105M400S1AME11L
Radial Standard THT TK 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 16mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1990000 PLN   10000
JAM0432 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr010m2ge11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg TKP010M2GE11ME2
Radial Standard THT TK 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 16mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1923800 PLN   2000
JAM1303 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr010m2ge11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR010M2GE11M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 70mA 11.0Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1285200 PLN   10000
JAM2187 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 1.0µF 450V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 17mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2095600 PLN   20000
SMY0756 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 1.0uF-450V /6.3x11/ 105C, 5000h P2.5 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBR400VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBR 1.0µF 400V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 3000h 24mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2654800 PLN   20000
SMY2289 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBR 1.0uF-400V /6.3x11/ 105C, 3000h, P2.5 /smy/nbr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-brown.jpg NHA450VB1M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 1.0µF 450V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 19mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1692900 PLN   20000
SMY2488 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 1.0uF-450V /6.3x11/ 105C, 1000h, P2.5 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
133 /huw/6.3x11-blue.png LD1C221ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 565mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
8,530 pcs
 on stock

 0.1609000 PLN    1000
HUW0038 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P2.5 /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
discount sales
/jam/6.3x11-tb-tape-p2.5.jpg TBP221M1CE11ME2
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 365mA 190mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
12,490 pcs
 on stock

 0.0975800 PLN    2000
JAM1290 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbp221m1ce11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tb.jpg TBR221M1CE11M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 5000h 365mA 190mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1549900 PLN   10000
JAM1448 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P2.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbp221m1ce11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow.jpg NXH16VB220M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 540mA 94mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1452000 PLN   60000
SMY0174 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH25VB220M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 25V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2149700 PLN   200
SMY0177 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-25V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow-tp2.5.jpg NXH16VB220M2.5TP6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 16V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 540mA 94mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1407000 PLN   7500
SMY0641 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH25VB220M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 220µF 25V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1816900 PLN   7500
SMY4038 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 220uF-25V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
134 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VCJ107M025S0ANE04L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 5000h 230mA 1.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
8,500 pcs
 on stock

 0.3054920 PLN    1000
JAM1244 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VCZ107M025S0ANE04L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 230mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
58,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.2504980 PLN    1000
JAM1087 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VD1V101ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 300mA 280mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
17,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.2038700 PLN    1000
HUW2765 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1v101me077000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VCZ107M035S0ANE04L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 230mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  

8,000 pcs
20,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-12-11

 0.2438430 PLN    1000
JAM1094 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 100uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf /jam/vcz107m035s0ane04l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ50VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 300mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
4,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4824860 PLN    500
SMY0628 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1K101MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 80V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 200mA 700mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5980100 PLN   7000
HUW0079 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-80V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1k101mg105000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VD1E101ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 25V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 300mA 280mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2110600 PLN   20000
HUW0482 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-25V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD1V101MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 650mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4133400 PLN   7000
HUW0489 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-35V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1H101MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 670mA 180mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5804300 PLN   7000
HUW0495 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-50V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg VD1J101MG105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 100µF 63V 20% 10x10.5 5000h 400mA 350mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5980100 PLN   7000
HUW0496 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 100uF-63V /10x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CZM101M1HF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.2 3000h 350mA 340mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5305110 PLN   4000
JAM1217 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 100uF-50V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VCJ107M050S0ANG03L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 560mA 320mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

0 pcs
4,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-05

 0.5894570 PLN   500
JAM1509 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 100uF-50V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM101M1VF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 450mA 170mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1914 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 100uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CDM101M1HF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 100µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 300mA 340mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5304590 PLN   4000
JAM1915 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 100uF-50V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM101M1VF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 600mA 220mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5672970 PLN   4000
JAM1941 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 100uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BXJ100VC100MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 5000h 400mA 400mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0939890 PLN   1000
SMY0248 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ63VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 63V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 350mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7041290 PLN   3000
SMY0431 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-63V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  

0 pcs
1,700 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.4479090 PLN   500
SMY0627 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ35VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 35V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 850mA 80mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6146000 PLN   3000
SMY0635 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-35V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_10x10.jpg BXJ50VC100MJ10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 50V 20% 10x10.0 5000h 500mA 250mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6386850 PLN   3000
SMY0636 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-50V /10x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ25VC100MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 100µF 25V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 600mA 160mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4382750 PLN   3000
SMY0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 100uF-25V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
135 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg VCT476M035S0ANE01L
Chip Standard SMD CT 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.4 1000h 60mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
8,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.1775440 PLN    1000
JAM2082 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 47uF-35V /6.3x5.4/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf /jam/ctm470m1ve05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg VCD476M035S0ANE01L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.8 2000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2652610 PLN   10000
JAM1369 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 47uF-35V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CDM470M1HE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 185mA 680mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3019560 PLN   10000
JAM1370 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg CKM470M1VE05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CK 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.8 1000h 250mA 390mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2448280 PLN   10000
JAM1528 Electrolytic Capacitor, CK 47uF-35V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /jam/ck.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg CFM470M1VE05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CF 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.8 1000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2448280 PLN   10000
JAM1912 Electrolytic Capacitor, CF 47uF-35V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /jam/cf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CJM470M1VE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x7.7 5000h 230mA 1.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3145370 PLN   10000
JAM1938 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 47uF-35V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CJM470M1HF10W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 47µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.2 5000h 350mA 530mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5672970 PLN   4000
JAM1940 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 47uF-50V /8x10.2/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CKM470M1HE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CK 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 243mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3019560 PLN   10000
JAM2038 Electrolytic Capacitor, CK 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /jam/ck.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CTM470M1HE07W
Chip Standard SMD CT 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 80mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2618300 PLN   10000
JAM2086 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf /jam/ctm470m1ve05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CTM470M1VF10W
Chip Standard SMD CT 47µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 1000h 100mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4570130 PLN   4000
JAM2092 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 47uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CTM470M1HF10W
Chip Standard SMD CT 47µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.2 1000h 110mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4570130 PLN   4000
JAM2093 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 47uF-50V /8x10.2/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CTM470M1JF10W
Chip Standard SMD CT 47µF 63V 20% 8.0x10.2 1000h 110mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4570130 PLN   4000
JAM2094 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 47uF-63V /8x10.2/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf /jam/ctm470m1jf10w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CHM470M1VF10W
Chip Standard SMD CH 47µF 35V 20% 8.0x10.2 2000h 100mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4733340 PLN   4000
JAM2137 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 47uF-35V /8x10.2/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg CHM470M1HF10W
Chip Standard SMD CH 47µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.2 2000h 110mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4733340 PLN   4000
JAM2138 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 47uF-50V /8x10.2/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf /jam/chm470m1hf10w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg CHM470M1VE05W
Chip Standard SMD CH 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.8 2000h 65mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1877010 PLN   10000
JAM2172 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 47uF-35V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf /jam/chm470m1ve05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/8.0x6.3.jpg BDS35VC47MH63TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 47µF 35V 20% 8.0x6.3 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2806170 PLN   10000
SMY0570 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 47uF-35V /8x6.3/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BDS50VC47MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 47µF 50V 20% 8.0x10.0 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3370410 PLN   3000
SMY0571 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 47uF-50V /8x10/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VB1J470MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 47µF 63V 20% 8.0x10.5 2000h 250mA 650mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3992500 PLN   7000
HUW0089 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 47uF-63V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS100VC47MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 47µF 100V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9857590 PLN   1000
SMY0573 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 47uF-100V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg VB1V470ME054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.4 2000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1583000 PLN   20000
HUW0088 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 47uF-35V /6.3x5.4/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf /huw/vb1v470me054000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg VS1V470ME058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VS 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.8 2000h 76mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1479000 PLN   20000
HUW0083 Electrolytic Capacitor, VS 47uF-35V /6.3x5.8/ 85C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vs.pdf /huw/vs1v470me058000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/8.0x6.3.jpg BXJ50VC47MH63TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 47µF 50V 20% 8.0x6.3 2000h 200mA 750mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3035540 PLN   10000
SMY0634 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 47uF-50V /8x6.3/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg BDA35VC47MF60TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDA 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.7 2000h 52mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2053670 PLN   10000
SMY4499 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDA 47uF-35V /6.3x5.7/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bda_smd.pdf /smy/bda35vc47mf60tp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg BXA35VC47MF60TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.7 1000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2693250 PLN   10000
SMY4991 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 47uF-35V /6.3x5.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXA50VC47MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3007640 PLN   9000
SMY6169 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BDA50VC47MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDA 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 71mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2658270 PLN   9000
SMY6180 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDA 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bda_smd.pdf /smy/bda50vc47mf80tp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
136 /jam/4x5-st.jpg JST475M050S1AMB05L
Radial Miniature Standard THT ST 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x5 1.5mm 1000h 15mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.0925800 PLN    2000
JAM0400 Electrolytic Capacitor, ST 4.7uF-50V /4x5/ 105C, 1000h, P1.5 /jam/st.pdf /jam/jst475m050s1amb05l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/4x7-sh.jpg SHR4R7M1HC07H
Radial Miniature Standard THT SH 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 1000h 25mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
9,500 pcs
 on stock

 0.0898000 PLN    2000
JAM0312 Electrolytic Capacitor, SH 4.7uF-50V /4x7/ 105C, 1000h, P1.5 /jam/sh.pdf /jam/shr4r7m1hc07h.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/4x7-sl.jpg SLR4R7M1HC07M
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT SL 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 1000h 90mA 2.758Ω -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.0623200 PLN    2000
JAM0372 Electrolytic Capacitor, SL 4.7uF-50V /4x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P1.5 /jam/sl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> KS1H4R7MB070A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Miniature Standard THT KS 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 1000h 27mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0479700 PLN   18000
HUW0218 Electrolytic Capacitor, KS 4.7uF-50V /4x7/ 105C, 1000h, P1.5 /huw/ks.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/4x7-ss.jpg SSR4R7M1JC07M
Radial Miniature Standard THT SS 4.7µF 63V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 1000h 25mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0590800 PLN   15000
JAM0387 Electrolytic Capacitor, SS 4.7uF-63V /4x7/ 85C, 1000h, P1.5 /jam/ss.pdf /jam/ssr4r7m1jc07h.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> HXL50VB4R7M4x7
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT HXL 4.7µF 50V 20% 4x7 1.5mm 2000h 85mA 2.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0823300 PLN   36000
SMY2029 Electrolytic Capacitor, HXL 4.7uF-50V /4x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P1.5 /smy/hxl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
137 /jam/8x14-wl.jpg WLR821M0JF14M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 820µF 6.3V 20% 8x14 3.5mm 1000h 860mA 77mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.1721400 PLN    200
JAM0867 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 820uF-6.3V /8x14/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr821m0jf14r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/8x16-wl.jpg JWL827M010S1ACG16L
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 820µF 10V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 1000h 990mA 76mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
1,540 pcs
 on stock

 0.3072700 PLN    500
JAM0868 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 820uF-10V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr821m1af16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-wl.jpg WLR821M1CF20R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 820µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 1000h 1.23A 45mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
1,480 pcs
 on stock

 0.4187000 PLN    200
JAM0954 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 820uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-brown.png TLR821M0JF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 820µF 6.3V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 1.05A 50mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3062600 PLN   8000
JAM1121 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 820uF-6.3V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 820µF 10V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.44A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3490900 PLN   500
JAM1155 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 820uF-10V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf /jam/mzr821m1af16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-mz.jpg MZR821M1CF20R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 820µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 2000h 1.83A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4084100 PLN   8000
JAM1156 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 820uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf /jam/mzr821m1cf20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-wj.jpg WJR821M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT WJ 820µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 2000h 2.28A 18mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4218000 PLN   200
JAM1759 Electrolytic Capacitor, WJ 820uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/wj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ16VB820M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 820µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 10000h 1.96A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3930500 PLN   4000
SMY0389 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 820uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ16VB820M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 820µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 10000h 1.96A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3624800 PLN   6000
SMY0607 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 820uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
138 /smy/6.3x11-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB47M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 47µF 63V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 420mA 280mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

8,300 pcs
3,640 pcs
20,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2025-04-25

 0.1824800 PLN    200
SMY0328 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 47uF-63V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> LE1J470ME110B25CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 47µF 63V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 8000h 365mA 380mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1838900 PLN   15000
HUW0097 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 47uF-63V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P2.5 tape /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1j470me110b25ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow.jpg NXH63VB47M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 47µF 63V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 278mA 300mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1866200 PLN   20000
SMY0493 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 47uF-63V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-d.brown-tp2.5.jpg NXQ63VB47M2.5TP6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 47µF 63V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 420mA 280mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1726800 PLN   7500
SMY4062 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 47uF-63V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P2.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
139 /jam/6.3x11-tk.jpg JTK107M035S1AME11L
Radial Standard THT TK 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 170mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,230 pcs
 on stock

 0.1260900 PLN    1000
JAM0465 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 100uF-35V / 6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/6.3x11-black-tp2.5.png RL1V101ME110B25CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
19,500 pcs
 on stock

 0.0887500 PLN    1500
HUW0911 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-wl.jpg WLR101M1VE11M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 400mA 200mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
4,530 pcs
 on stock

 0.1469000 PLN    1000
JAM0632 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 100uF-35V /6,3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr101m1ve11mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB100M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,850 pcs
 on stock

 0.1718900 PLN    200
SMY1506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 100uF-50V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-black.png RL1V101ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
10 pcs
 on stock

 0.0907900 PLN    1000
HUW0035 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-d.brown.jpg NXQ35VB100M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 7000h 700mA 170mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
10 pcs
 on stock

 0.2158600 PLN    200
SMY0246 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P2.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-black.png KM1V101ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT KM 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0703600 PLN   28000
HUW0031 Electrolytic Capacitor, KM 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, 1000h, P2.5 /huw/km.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-blue.png LD1V101ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 565mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1609000 PLN   28000
HUW0117 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 100uF-16V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P2.5 /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-cyan.png LE1V101ME110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 8000h 545mA 98mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1724000 PLN   28000
HUW0119 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P2.5 /huw/le.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg JTK107M035T2AME11L
Radial Standard THT TK 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 170mA -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1293400 PLN   2000
JAM0466 Electrolytic Capacitor, 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-wl-tape-p2.5.jpg WLP101M1VE11ME2
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 1000h 400mA 200mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1509800 PLN   10000
JAM1642 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 tape /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr101m1ve11mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x15-green.png WLR101M1VE15M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 1000h 450mA 183mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1713800 PLN   10000
JAM2385 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 100uF-35V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow.jpg NXH35VB100M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 540mA 94mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
33,000 pcs
4,560 pcs
10,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2024-12-23
 from 2025-04-25

 0.2784400 PLN   200
SMY0176 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH50VB100M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 586mA 120mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1820300 PLN   200
SMY0183 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-50V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-d.brown.jpg NXB35VB100M6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 405mA 130mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1303100 PLN   200
SMY1499 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-yellow-tp2.5.jpg NXH35VB100M2.5TP6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 6000h 540mA 94mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2530900 PLN   1500
SMY2169 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x11-d.brown-tp2.5.jpg NXB35VB100M2.5TP6.3x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 100µF 35V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 405mA 130mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1303100 PLN   7500
SMY3987 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 100uF-35V /6.3x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB50VB100M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1718900 PLN   7500
SMY3990 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 100uF-50V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH50VB100M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 50V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 586mA 120mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1820300 PLN   7500
SMY4036 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-50V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
140 /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB100M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 7000h 555mA 170mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

8,090 pcs
500 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-11-20

 0.2295600 PLN    200
SMY0361 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB100M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 9000h 950mA 120mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,250 pcs
6,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.2838200 PLN    200
SMY0382 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RT1H101MF115B35CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 7000h 160mA 600mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2643400 PLN   10000
HUW2757 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 100uF-50V /8x11,5/ 105C, LI, 7000h, P3.5 tape /huw/rt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/8x16-blue.png LD1J101MF160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 100µF 63V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 8000h 530mA 180mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3217900 PLN   400
HUW2865 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 100uF-63V /8x16/ 105C, 8000h, P3.5 /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x11-tb.jpg TBR101M1HFBBR
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 7000h 390mA 292mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2697200 PLN   8000
JAM1048 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 100uF-50V /8x11,5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr101m1hfbbr.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x11-tb-tape-p3.5.jpg TBP101M1HFBBRE3
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 7000h 390mA 292mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2584200 PLN   8000
JAM1398 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr101m1hfbbr.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow.jpg NXH50VB100M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 724mA 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
1,000 pcs
12,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2024-11-20

 0.2808100 PLN   200
SMY0184 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB100M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 100µF 63V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 9000h 990mA 130mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3193000 PLN   6000
SMY0446 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 100uF-63V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NLC50VB100M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NLC 100µF 50V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 400mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3031600 PLN   6000
SMY1827 Electrolytic Capacitor, NLC 100uF-50V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nlc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ63VB100M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 100µF 63V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 9000h 990mA 130mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3193000 PLN   5000
SMY1855 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 100uF-63V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB100M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 100µF 63V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 7000h 665mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2563200 PLN   6000
SMY1863 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 100uF-63V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa63vb100m8x15.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow.jpg NXH63VB100M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 63V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 688mA 180mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
2,500 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.3379900 PLN   100
SMY2172 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-63V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h, P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA50VB100M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 7000h 555mA 170mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2137700 PLN   5000
SMY3950 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA63VB100M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 100µF 63V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 7000h 665mA 160mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2563200 PLN   5000
SMY3952 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 100uF-63V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH50VB100M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 724mA 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2808100 PLN   5000
SMY4041 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH63VB100M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 100µF 63V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 688mA 180mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3188000 PLN   5000
SMY4045 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 100uF-63V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ50VB100M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 100µF 50V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 9000h 950mA 120mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2558300 PLN   5000
SMY4067 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 100uF-50V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
141 /smy/5x11-yellow.jpg NXH35VB47M5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 47µF 35V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 6000h 345mA 220mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

8,000 pcs
6,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-11-20

 0.1748900 PLN    200
SMY0381 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 47uF-35V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/5x11-cyan.png LE1V470MC110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 47µF 35V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 8000h 345mA 360mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
15,630 pcs
 on stock

 0.1149300 PLN    1000
HUW0118 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 47uF-35V /5x11/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P2.0 /huw/le.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/5x11-d.brown.png NXQ35VB47M5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 47µF 35V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 7000h 450mA 400mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1499100 PLN   24000
SMY0380 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 47uF-35V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P2.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXA35VB47M5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 47µF 35V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 5000h 210mA 580mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0966600 PLN   48000
SMY1853 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 47uF-35V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P2.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa35vb47m5x11.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
142 /huw/5x11-black.png RL1H330MC110A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 33µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 2000h 100mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.0719600 PLN    1000
HUW0585 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 33uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/5x11-tk.jpg TKR330M1HD11M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 2000h 95mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0961300 PLN   10000
JAM0545 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/5x11-wl.jpg WLR330M1HD11M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 33µF 50V 20% 5x11 2.0mm 1000h 230mA 353mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0872700 PLN   10000
JAM1610 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 33uF-50V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.0 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
143 /huw/10x16-black.png RL2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3693600 PLN    200
HUW0944 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M450T1AMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5196700 PLN   600
JAM3012 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk106m450t1amh16l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NFL400VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFL 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 110mA @120Hz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7051500 PLN   4800
SMY0011 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFL 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nfl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NFL450VB10M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFL 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 120mA @120Hz -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5926600 PLN   2000
SMY0012 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFL 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nfl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NFA450VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFA 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 114mA @120Hz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8418600 PLN   3200
SMY0023 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFA 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nfa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-brown.png NHA450VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 70mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4996800 PLN   100
SMY0309 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NFL400VB10M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFL 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 110mA @120Hz -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7051500 PLN   2500
SMY0310 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFL 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nfl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC400VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 145mA -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
6,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.8166700 PLN   100
SMY0330 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-blue-tp5.png NBC400VB10M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 145mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
1,150 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-02-19

 0.8166700 PLN   500
SMY0354 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7509200 PLN   4800
SMY0803 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC500VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 500V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 165mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2591800 PLN   3200
SMY0813 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-500V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL400VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 15000h 145mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7869900 PLN   6000
SMY1334 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 15000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8074800 PLN   4800
SMY1343 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL500VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 10µF 500V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 15000h 165mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2951500 PLN   3200
SMY1356 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 10uF-500V /12.5x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NFS400VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFS 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 430mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6810900 PLN   4800
SMY2004 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFK 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nfs_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBR450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBR 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 149mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7185800 PLN   4800
SMY2006 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBR 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nbr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBR400VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBR 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 160mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6066700 PLN   6000
SMY2007 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBR 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nbr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NFC400VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFC 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4572200 PLN   6000
SMY4476 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFC 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 /smy/nfc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NFC400VB10M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFC 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4572200 PLN   2500
SMY4477 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFC 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nfc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NBA400VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBA 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 145mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4474700 PLN   6000
SMY4478 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBA 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 /smy/nba_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NBA400VB10M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBA 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 145mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4474700 PLN   2500
SMY4479 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBA 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nba_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NFR5.0TP400VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFR 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 8000h 350mA @100kHz -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4780900 PLN   2500
SMY4483 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFR 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 8000h P5.0 /smy/nfr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2G100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3780100 PLN   500
HUW0922 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NFR450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFR 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 360mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7240300 PLN   4800
SMY6174 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFR 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nfr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
144 /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg VB1E470ME054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 47µF 25V 20% 6.3x5.4 2000h 240mA 360mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1583000 PLN    1000
HUW0087 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 47uF-25V /6.3x5.4/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg CKM470M1HE07W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CK 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h 243mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3019560 PLN   10000
JAM2038 Electrolytic Capacitor, CK 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /jam/ck.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/8.0x6.3.jpg BXJ50VC47MH63TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 47µF 50V 20% 8.0x6.3 2000h 200mA 750mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3035540 PLN   10000
SMY0634 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 47uF-50V /8x6.3/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg BXA25VC47MF60TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 47µF 25V 20% 6.3x5.7 1000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2693250 PLN   10000
SMY4990 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 47uF-25V /6.3x5.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg BXA35VC47MF60TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 47µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.7 1000h 230mA 440mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2693250 PLN   10000
SMY4991 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 47uF-35V /6.3x5.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg BXA50VC47MF80TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXA 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x7.7 1000h -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3007640 PLN   9000
SMY6169 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXA 47uF-50V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /smy/bxa_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
145 /huw/5x11-black-tp2.5.png RL1J4R7MC110B25CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 4.7µF 63V 20% 5x11 2.5mm 2000h 40mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.0575600 PLN    2000
HUW0904 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 4.7uF-63V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/5x11-black-tp2.5.png RL2A4R7MC110B25CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 4.7µF 100V 20% 5x11 2.5mm 2000h 40mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0539700 PLN   20000
HUW0905 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 4.7uF-100V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk.jpg TKR4R7M2EE11M
Radial Standard THT TK 4.7µF 250V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 40mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0951600 PLN   10000
JAM0549 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 4.7uF-250V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr4r7m2ee11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/5x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg JTK475M063T4AMC11L
Radial Standard THT TK 4.7µF 63V 20% 5x11 2.5mm 2000h 41mA -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.0958500 PLN   2000
JAM0554 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 4.7uF-63V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-nk.jpg JNK475M063S1A5E11L
Radial Bi-Polar THT NK 4.7µF 63V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 44mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1359900 PLN   1000
JAM0846 Electrolytic Capacitor, NK 4.7uF-63V /6.3x11/ bi-polar 85C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/nk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/5x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg TKP4R7M2AD11ME2
Radial Standard THT TK 4.7µF 100V 20% 5x11 2.5mm 2000h 41mA -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.0580500 PLN   2000
JAM1079 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 4.7uF-100V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg TKP4R7M2EE11ME2
Radial Standard THT TK 4.7µF 250V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 40mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0997500 PLN   10000
JAM1255 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 4.7uF-250V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkp4r7m2ee11m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-lk.jpg LKR4R7M1JE11M
Radial Low Leakage THT LK 4.7µF 63V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 48mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1085400 PLN   10000
JAM1450 Electrolytic Capacitor, LK 4.7uF-63V /6.3x11/ Low Leakage 85C, 2000h, P2.5 /jam/lk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/6.3x11-tk-tape-p2.5.jpg JTK475M160T2AME11L
Radial Standard THT TK 4.7µF 160V 20% 6.3x11 2.5mm 2000h 38mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1149100 PLN   10000
JAM2997 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 4.7uF-160V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P2.5 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk475m160t2ame11l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB100VB4R7M2.5TP5x11
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 4.7µF 100V 20% 5x11 2.5mm 2000h 125mA 2.00Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0824400 PLN   10000
SMY3976 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 4.7uF-100V /5x11/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/5x7-sl.jpg JSL106M035S1ACC07L
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT SL 10µF 35V 20% 5x7 2.0mm 1000h 110mA 998mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.0898500 PLN    2000
JAM0367 Electrolytic Capacitor, SL 10uF-35V /5x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.0 /jam/sl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> HXL35VB10M5x7
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT HXL 10µF 35V 20% 5x7 2.0mm 3000h 165mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0931000 PLN   36000
SMY2136 Electrolytic Capacitor, HXL 10uF-35V /5x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P2.0 /smy/hxl_mini.pdf /smy/hxl35vb10m5x7.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
147 /jam/5x7-sl.jpg SLR220M1ED07M
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT SL 22µF 25V 20% 5x7 2.0mm 1000h 150mA 726mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.0980000 PLN    2000
JAM0371 Electrolytic Capacitor, SL 22uF-25V /5x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.0 /jam/sl.pdf /jam/slr220m1ed07m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> HXL35VB22M5x7
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT HXL 22µF 35V 20% 5x7 2.0mm 3000h 165mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0931000 PLN   36000
SMY2036 Electrolytic Capacitor, HXL 22uF-35V /5x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P2.0 /smy/hxl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> HXL25VB22M5x7
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Miniature Low Impedance THT HXL 22µF 25V 20% 5x7 2.0mm 3000h 165mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0931000 PLN   36000
SMY2137 Electrolytic Capacitor, HXL 22uF-25V /5x7/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P2.0 /smy/hxl_mini.pdf /smy/hxl35vb10m5x7.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
148 /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg VCT475M050S0ANB01L
Chip Standard SMD CT 4.7µF 50V 20% 4.0x5.4 1000h 16mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1298520 PLN    2000
JAM0037 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 4.7uF-50V /4x5.4/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf /jam/ctm4r7m1hc05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VT1H4R7MC054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VT 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.4 1000h 23mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1186700 PLN   24000
HUW0154 Electrolytic Capacitor, VT 4.7uF-50V /5x5.4/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /huw/vt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VT1J4R7MC054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VT 4.7µF 63V 20% 5.0x5.4 1000h 17mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1186700 PLN   24000
HUW0155 Electrolytic Capacitor, VT 4.7uF-63V /5x5.4/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /huw/vt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VH1H4R7MC054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VH 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.4 2000h 19mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1234300 PLN   24000
HUW0228 Electrolytic Capacitor, VH 4.7uF-50V /5x5.4/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vh.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VH2E4R7MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VH 4.7µF 250V 20% 8.0x10.5 2000h 42mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3867600 PLN   7000
HUW0258 Electrolytic Capacitor, VH 4.7uF-250V /8x10.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vh.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg VS1H4R7MB054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VS 4.7µF 50V 20% 4.0x5.4 2000h 24mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0799500 PLN   24000
HUW0322 Electrolytic Capacitor, VS 4.7uF-50V /4x5.4/ 85C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vs.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VS1H4R7MC054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VS 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.4 2000h 25mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0959300 PLN   24000
HUW0331 Electrolytic Capacitor, VS 4.7uF-50V /5x5.4/ 85C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vs.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VS1J4R7MC054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VS 4.7µF 63V 20% 5.0x5.4 2000h 20mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0959300 PLN   24000
HUW0332 Electrolytic Capacitor, VS 4.7uF-63V /5x5.4/ 85C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vs.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VS2A4R7E077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Standard SMD VS 4.7µF 100V 20% 6.3x7.7 2000h 50mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1616100 PLN   20000
HUW0359 Electrolytic Capacitor, VS 4.7uF-100V /6.3x7.7/ 85C, 2000h, SMD /huw/vs.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg VB1H4R7MB054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 4.7µF 50V 20% 4.0x5.4 2000h 30mA 5.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1104300 PLN   48000
HUW0411 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 4.7uF-50V /4x5.4/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VB1J4R7MC054000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VB 4.7µF 63V 20% 5.0x5.4 2000h 50mA 3.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1189200 PLN   24000
HUW0416 Electrolytic Capacitor, VB 4.7uF-63V /5x5.4/ 105C, LI, 2000h, SMD /huw/vb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg VD1H4R7MB058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 4.7µF 50V 20% 4.0x5.8 3000h 60mA 3.00Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1214300 PLN   48000
HUW0460 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 4.7uF-50V /4x5.8/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> VJ2G4R7MF125000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VJ 4.7µF 400V 20% 8x12.5 5000h 56mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4557000 PLN   5600
HUW2850 Electrolytic Capacitor, VJ 4.7uF-400V /8x12.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vj.pdf /huw/vj2g4r7mf125000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CFM4R7M1HD05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CF 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.8 1000h 85mA 1.52Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1795400 PLN   10000
JAM0016 Electrolytic Capacitor, CF 4.7uF-50V /5.0x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /jam/cf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg CHM4R7M1HC05W
Chip Standard SMD CH 4.7µF 50V 20% 4.0x5.8 2000h 17mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1305760 PLN   10000
JAM0878 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 4.7uF-50V /4x5.8/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf /jam/chm4r7m1hc05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg CNM4R7M1HE05W
Chip Bi-Polar SMD CN 4.7µF 50V 20% 6.3x5.4 2000h 19mA -40°C 85°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1795400 PLN   10000
JAM0917 Electrolytic Capacitor, CN 4.7uF-50V /6.3x5.4/ 85C, bipolar, 2000h, SMD /jam/cn.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CDM4R7M1HD05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CD 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.8 2000h 85mA 1.52Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1795400 PLN   10000
JAM1899 Electrolytic Capacitor, CD 4.7uF-50V /5x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, SMD /jam/cd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg CKM4R7M1HC05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CK 4.7µF 50V 20% 4.0x5.8 1000h 64mA 2.55Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1468980 PLN   10000
JAM2001 Electrolytic Capacitor, CK 4.7uF-50V /4x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, SMD /jam/ck.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CTM4R7M1JD05W
Chip Standard SMD CT 4.7µF 63V 20% 5.0x5.4 1000h 19mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1509780 PLN   10000
JAM2075 Electrolytic Capacitor, CT 4.7uF-63V /5x5.4/ 105C, 1000h, SMD /jam/ct.pdf /jam/ctm4r7m1jd05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CHM4R7M1HD05W
Chip Standard SMD CH 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.8 2000h 20mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1509780 PLN   10000
JAM2123 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 4.7uF-50V /5x5.8/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_4.0x5.3.jpg CHM4R7M1JC05W
Chip Standard SMD CH 4.7µF 63V 20% 4.0x5.8 2000h 17mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1305760 PLN   10000
JAM2124 Electrolytic Capacitor, CH 4.7uF-63V /4x5.4/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /jam/ch.pdf /jam/chm4r7m1jc05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CEM4R7M1HD05W
Chip Low Leakage SMD CE 4.7µF 50V 20% 5.0x5.4 1000h 19mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1632180 PLN   10000
JAM2272 Electrolytic Capacitor, CE 4.7uF-50V /5x5.4/ 105C, Low Leakage, 1000h, SMD /jam/ce.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg CPM4R7M1HE05W
Chip Bi-Polar SMD CP 4.7µF 50V 20% 6.3x5.4 1000h 17mA -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1925970 PLN   10000
JAM2365 Electrolytic Capacitor, CP 4.7uF-50V /6.3x5.4/ 105C, bi-polar, 1000h, SMD /jam/cp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS400VC4R7MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 4.7µF 400V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 40mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1116770 PLN   1000
SMY0093 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 4.7uF-400V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf /smy/bds400vc4r7mk14tp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_12.5x13.5.jpg BDS250VC4R7MK14TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Standard SMD BDS (MVK) 4.7µF 250V 20% 12.5x13.5 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0268330 PLN   1000
SMY0539 Electrolytic Capacitor, BDS (MVK) 4.7uF-250V /12.5x13.5/ 105C, 2000h, SMD /smy/bds(mvk)_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
149 /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CJM220M1ED05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 22µF 25V 20% 5.0x5.4 5000h 95mA 2.20Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1795940 PLN    1000
JAM1239 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 22uF-25V /5x5.4/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg CZM220M1ED05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 22µF 25V 20% 5.0x5.8 3000h 95mA 1.30Ω -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
38,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1484040 PLN    1000
JAM1085 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 22uF-25V /5x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf /jam/czm220m1ed05w.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VCZ226M035S0ANC01L
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 22µF 35V 20% 5.0x5.8 3000h 140mA 700mΩ -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
7,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1779380 PLN    1000
JAM1089 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 22uF-35V /5x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg CZM220M1HE05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CZ 22µF 50V 20% 6.3x5.8 3000h 70mA 2.00Ω -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
7,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.1918280 PLN    1000
JAM1090 Electrolytic Capacitor, CZ 22uF-50V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, SMD /jam/cz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VD1E220MC058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 22µF 25V 20% 5.0x5.8 3000h 160mA 700mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1394100 PLN   24000
HUW0468 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 22uF-25V /5x5.8/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg VD1V220ME058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 22µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.8 3000h 240mA 360mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1784000 PLN   20000
HUW0473 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 22uF-35V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.7.jpg VD1H220ME058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 22µF 50V 20% 6.3x5.8 3000h 165mA 880mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1784000 PLN   20000
HUW0474 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 22uF-50V /6.3x5.8/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x7.7.jpg VD1J220ME077000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 22µF 63V 20% 6.3x7.7 3000h 120mA 1.20Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2110600 PLN   20000
HUW0479 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 22uF-63V /6.3x7.7/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg VD2A220MF105000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 22µF 100V 20% 8.0x10.5 5000h 130mA 1.30Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4133400 PLN   7000
HUW0486 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 22uF-100V /8x10.5/ 105C, LI, 5000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_5.0x5.3.jpg VD1V220MC058000CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Chip Low Impedance SMD VD 22µF 35V 20% 5.0x5.8 3000h 160mA 700mΩ -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1329200 PLN   24000
HUW2848 Electrolytic Capacitor, VD 22uF-35V /5x5.8/ 105C, LI, 3000h, SMD /huw/vd.pdf /huw/vd1v220mc058000ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_6.3x5.2.jpg CJM220M1VE05W
Chip Low Impedance SMD CJ 22µF 35V 20% 6.3x5.4 5000h 140mA 1.10Ω -55°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2448280 PLN   10000
JAM1240 Electrolytic Capacitor, CJ 22uF-35V /6.3x5.4/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /jam/cj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /_obudowy/smd_8x10.jpg BXJ100VC22MH10TP
SamYoung Electronics
Chip Low Impedance SMD BXJ 22µF 100V 20% 8.0x10.0 5000h 160mA 1.50Ω -40°C 105°C Reel 15"  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3890170 PLN   3000
SMY0738 Electrolytic Capacitor, BXJ 22uF-100V /8x10/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, SMD /smy/bxj_smd.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
150 /jam/10x16-mz.jpg MZR102M1CG16R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 2.21A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
7,990 pcs
 on stock

 0.4974800 PLN    200
JAM1129 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x25-d.brown.jpg NXG25VB1000M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 1000µF 25V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 3.270A 12mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6727600 PLN   4000
SMY1473 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 1000uF-25V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB1000M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.430A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4806500 PLN   6000
SMY1554 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXB25VB1000M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.900A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5809800 PLN   4800
SMY1563 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB35VB1000M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.360A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7881900 PLN   3200
SMY1583 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXB35VB1000M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 2.770A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9138100 PLN   3200
SMY1590 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x30-d.brown.jpg NXA25VB1000M10x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 25V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.91A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0793100 PLN   4000
SMY1941 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-25V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXA25VB1000M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.90A 35mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   3200
SMY1957 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXA35VB1000M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.23A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9993600 PLN   3200
SMY1963 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-yellow.jpg NXH25B1000M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.96A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.6092000 PLN   100
SMY2178 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE1C102MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 1.81A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4597000 PLN   16000
HUW2767 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png GF1V102MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 4000h 2.230A 35mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7585100 PLN   4000
HUW2517 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB1000M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4227400 PLN   100
SMY2195 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa16vb1000m10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ25VB1000M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.6483200 PLN   500
SMY2898 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 2.00A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5276500 PLN   500
SMY2899 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
10,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-25

 0.3897500 PLN   500
SMY3963 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf /smy/nxa16vb1000m10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXA25VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.90A 35mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   2000
SMY3971 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXA35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.23A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9993600 PLN   2000
SMY3972 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 1000uF-35V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB16VB1000M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 16V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4806500 PLN   2500
SMY4013 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-16V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB25VB1000M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 25V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.90A 25mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5809800 PLN   2500
SMY4017 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-25V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.36A 21mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7881900 PLN   2000
SMY4019 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH35VB1000M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.48A 17mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0553100 PLN   2000
SMY4057 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GF1V102MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 1000µF 35V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 4000h 2.015A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7355200 PLN   4800
HUW2492 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 1000uF-35V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXG25VB1000M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 1000µF 25V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 3.27A 12mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6727600 PLN   2500
SMY4117 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 1000uF-25V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXP5.0TP25VB1000M12.5X20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXP 1000µF 25V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 76mΩ -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 8.2346400 PLN   2000
SMY6191 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXP 1000uF-25V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxp(lxz)_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Rows to display    Items 126 to 150 out of 11754 <  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11    >  +10  >>