EW-PRT M16/P11 Przewód ochronny do kabli Murrflex, czarny
Towar dostępny w sprzedaży tylko dla klientów z Azerbejdżanu, Białorusi, Kazachstanu, Rosji i Ukrainy
Indeks Ropla
Oznaczenie producenta
The EW-PRT cable protection conduits are made of specially modified polyamide 12. The material is halogen, phosphor and cadmium-free.
The EW-PRT cable protection conduits feature excellent crush resistance, self-extinguish very well and produce very low levels of smoke gas.
For static and dynamic applications involving medium to high mechanical loads.
This product’s excellent fire safety properties make it suitable for use in both rail transport systems and exposed layouts in building service applications.
EN 45545-2 3x HL3
GOST R 53313-2009