Mounting Style
AFK (1)
AHS (103)
BDA (32)
BDR (45)
BDS (MVK) (88)
BDS-BP (14)
BLA (76)
BLH (19)
BP (1)
BXA (59)
BXC (1)
BXE (44)
BXF (7)
BXJ (99)
BXQ (26)
BXW (36)
CB (12)
CD (51)
CE (24)
CF (78)
CH (64)
CJ (32)
CK (77)
CLS (18)
CLU (15)
CLX (18)
CLZ (56)
CN (9)
CP (25)
CR (3)
CS (3)
CT (67)
CZ (29)
EN (1)
EP (3)
EXB (15)
FB (1)
FK (2)
FN (1)
FZ (3)
GD (1)
GF (492)
GK (6)
GN (3)
GP (1)
GR (3)
HF (2)
HL (8)
HM (17)
HMA (55)
HML (39)
HP (372)
HS (140)
HT (44)
HX (9)
HXL (42)
IP (1)
JP (361)
K75 (1)
K76 (1)
KF (41)
KM (5)
KMH (2)
KP (85)
KS (5)
KXW (1)
LB (15)
LD (19)
LE (56)
LK (58)
LL (9)
LP (398)
LS (130)
LT (27)
LX (1)
LZ (10)
MHA-BP (4)
MN (4)
MP (10)
MVG (8)
MVG-BP (15)
MZ (65)
NB (6)
NBA (5)
NBC (239)
NBD (126)
NBF (20)
NBH (47)
NBL (122)
NBR (7)
NFA (19)
NFC (2)
NFK (3)
NFL (30)
NFR (16)
NFS (1)
NHA (37)
NHA-BP (2)
NK (25)
NL (4)
NLC (28)
NS (33)
NT (25)
NXA (288)
NXB (238)
NXE (37)
NXG (69)
NXH (260)
NXK (5)
NXP (1)
NXQ (193)
NXW (91)
NZD (26)
NZE (2)
NZH (19)
NZK (19)
NZL (40)
NZR (13)
PFA (2)
PFB (51)
PFD (30)
PH (6)
PN (10)
PXB (121)
PXD (1)
RDA (1)
RDC (310)
RFA (76)
RFC (RWF) (67)
RGB (220)
RJ (2)
RL (426)
RLC (3)
RP (42)
RS (3)
RT (15)
SC (2)
SH (32)
SL (24)
SS (15)
ST (29)
TB (138)
TC (12)
TDA (399)
TDC (174)
TE (243)
TEA (13)
TF (43)
TFA (67)
TGA (KMH) (280)
TH (82)
TK (325)
TL (94)
TLA (205)
TLB (153)
TLC (LXG) (353)
TLF (38)
TLG (156)
TLJ (48)
TLK (48)
TLL (73)
TLR (42)
TLS (155)
TQ (78)
TR (2)
TT (6)
TU (2)
TV (139)
TW (4)
TX (30)
UDA (1)
UP (45)
VB (61)
VD (70)
VDA (14)
VE (6)
VF (1)
VH (101)
VJ (5)
VK (1)
VL (1)
VP (36)
VS (104)
VT (80)
VX (2)
VXC (1)
VZ (1)
WB (19)
WG (2)
WJ (67)
WL (155)
WP (89)
XB (1)
XP (14)
YXF (1)
ZLH (57)
ZS (1)
4.0x5.2 (40)
4.0x5.3 (21)
4.0x5.4 (74)
4.0x5.8 (44)
4x5 (31)
4x7 (60)
5.0x5.2 (45)
5.0x5.3 (24)
5.0x5.4 (83)
5.0x5.8 (78)
5x11 (385)
5x12 (1)
5x15 (17)
5x5 (32)
5x7 (70)
6.3x11 (359)
6.3x15 (33)
6.3x5 (36)
6.3x5.2 (39)
6.3x5.4 (90)
6.3x5.7 (86)
6.3x5.8 (99)
6.3x7 (77)
6.3x7.7 (167)
6.3x8.7 (1)
8.0x10.0 (124)
8.0x10.2 (101)
8.0x10.5 (76)
8.0x12.5 (2)
8.0x6.2 (1)
8.0x6.3 (20)
8.0x6.5 (2)
8x10.2 (1)
8x10.5 (4)
8x11 (57)
8x11.5 (356)
8x12 (10)
8x12.5 (1)
8x14 (20)
8x15 (126)
8x16 (55)
8x20 (135)
8x5 (11)
8x50 (2)
8x7 (40)
8x9 (11)
10x10.0 (129)
10x10.2 (54)
10x10.5 (70)
10x12 (1)
10x12.5 (330)
10x13 (13)
10x15 (5)
10x16 (340)
10x20 (314)
10x21 (11)
10x23 (11)
10x24 (3)
10x25 (139)
10x26 (9)
10x28 (8)
10x30 (41)
10x33 (13)
10x35 (2)
10x40 (1)
10x45 (1)
10x50 (11)
10x8 (2)
10x8.5 (8)
10x9 (6)
10.2x10.5 (1)
12.5x12.5 (4)
12.5x13 (1)
12.5x13.5 (123)
12.5x15 (4)
12.5x16 (28)
12.5x20 (279)
12.5x21 (3)
12.5x25 (231)
12.5x26 (5)
12.5x30 (106)
12.5x31 (2)
12.5x35 (87)
12.5x40 (36)
12.5x41 (1)
12.5x45 (4)
12.5x50 (13)
12.5x60 (5)
13x21 (3)
13x26 (4)
13x31 (1)
16x15 (17)
16x16 (10)
16x16.5 (2)
16x20 (122)
16x25 (256)
16x30 (43)
16x31.5 (117)
16x32 (21)
16x35 (34)
16x35.5 (57)
16x36 (13)
16x40 (51)
16x45 (12)
16x50 (14)
16x60 (2)
18x16 (10)
18x20 (49)
18x25 (74)
18x30 (18)
18x31.5 (76)
18x32 (14)
18x35 (35)
18x35.5 (74)
18x36 (18)
18x40 (113)
18x42 (4)
18x45 (28)
18x50 (13)
20x35 (1)
20x40 (8)
22x20 (11)
22x25 (131)
22x30 (185)
22x35 (156)
22x40 (154)
22x45 (122)
22x50 (95)
22x55 (1)
22x60 (3)
25x25 (62)
25x30 (85)
25x35 (77)
25x40 (68)
25x45 (60)
25x50 (54)
25x55 (4)
25x60 (3)
25.4x15 (4)
25.4x20 (17)
25.4x25 (98)
25.4x30 (118)
25.4x35 (105)
25.4x40 (99)
25.4x45 (56)
25.4x50 (76)
25.4x54 (1)
25.4x60 (12)
30x15 (4)
30x20 (13)
30x25 (157)
30x30 (199)
30x35 (183)
30x40 (165)
30x45 (138)
30x50 (116)
30x55 (8)
30x60 (27)
30x65 (1)
30x70 (8)
35x100 (29)
35x120 (25)
35x15 (5)
35x20 (16)
35x25 (116)
35x30 (184)
35x35 (158)
35x40 (165)
35x45 (127)
35x50 (212)
35x55 (13)
35x60 (88)
35x65 (2)
35x70 (25)
35x80 (48)
35x90 (2)
40x100 (1)
40x101 (5)
40x30 (2)
40x35 (3)
40x40 (2)
40x50 (4)
40x60 (12)
40x61 (5)
40x70 (3)
40x71 (3)
40x76 (1)
40x80 (1)
40x81 (1)
40x85 (1)
40x91 (2)
45x105 (1)
50x100 (32)
50x115 (3)
50x120 (28)
50x130 (9)
50x140 (4)
50x75 (7)
50x80 (20)
50x90 (1)
50x95 (2)
51x100 (4)
51x115 (3)
51x121 (3)
51x130 (5)
51x140 (1)
51x70 (8)
51x75 (3)
51x80 (5)
51x90 (8)
63.5x100 (19)
63.5x105 (1)
63.5x115 (1)
63.5x120 (48)
63.5x130 (24)
63.5x140 (4)
63.5x160 (9)
63.5x170 (7)
63.5x190 (5)
63.5x195 (1)
63.5x90 (5)
63.5x95 (6)
64x100 (4)
64x115 (7)
64x121 (2)
64x130 (12)
64x144 (6)
64x155 (1)
64x70 (3)
64x96 (10)
76x100 (1)
76x110 (1)
76x130 (1)
76x140 (1)
76x145 (1)
76x150 (1)
76x210 (1)
76x220 (1)
76.5x100 (10)
76.5x105 (3)
76.5x110 (6)
76.5x115 (5)
76.5x120 (44)
76.5x130 (25)
76.5x140 (21)
76.5x145 (1)
76.5x150 (10)
76.5x155 (4)
76.5x160 (19)
76.5x170 (11)
76.5x190 (2)
76.5x220 (1)
76.5x95 (3)
76.9x105 (1)
76.9x143 (1)
77x100 (7)
77x115 (7)
77x121 (2)
77x130 (9)
77x144 (5)
77x155 (11)
77x171 (2)
77x195 (1)
77x96 (3)
89x130 (4)
89x140 (21)
89x150 (6)
89x155 (5)
89x160 (15)
89x170 (13)
89x190 (15)
89x220 (5)
89x230 (2)
89x235 (2)
90x131 (3)
90x157 (4)
90x196 (3)
90x236 (3)
91x196 (1)
91x220 (1)
100x220 (25)
100x250 (24)
Ripple Current
0.22mA (1)
1.0mA (3)
1.3mA (2)
1.850mA (1)
2.0mA (2)
2.3mA (1)
2.52mA (1)
2.6mA (1)
2.8mA (1)
2.9mA (1)
2.920mA (1)
3.0mA (2)
3.2mA (2)
3.4mA (1)
3.5mA (1)
3.8mA (1)
4.0mA (3)
4.1mA (1)
4.7mA (1)
5.0mA (3)
5.3mA (1)
5.5mA (1)
5.6mA (3)
5.7mA (1)
6.0mA (1)
6.2mA (1)
6.3mA (1)
6.8mA (1)
7.0mA (5)
7.1mA (1)
8.0mA (9)
8mA (1)
8.4mA (2)
9.0mA (5)
10mA (9)
11mA (8)
12mA (14)
13mA (12)
14mA (18)
15mA (22)
16mA (16)
17mA (12)
18mA (17)
19mA (25)
20mA (18)
21mA (14)
22mA (12)
23mA (21)
24mA (14)
25mA (23)
26mA (14)
27mA (7)
27mA @120Hz (2)
28mA (17)
29mA (15)
30mA (38)
31mA (11)
32mA (21)
33mA (9)
33mA @120Hz (2)
34mA (22)
35mA (17)
36mA (16)
37mA (12)
38mA (13)
39mA (14)
39mA @120Hz (3)
40mA (45)
41mA (13)
42mA (9)
42mA @120Hz (1)
43mA (10)
44mA (12)
45mA (21)
46mA (11)
47mA (13)
48mA (28)
49mA (4)
50mA (35)
51mA (10)
52mA (12)
53mA (11)
54mA (6)
55mA (29)
55mA @120Hz (2)
56mA (12)
57mA (5)
58mA (7)
59mA (2)
59mA @120Hz (1)
60mA (36)
60mA @100kHz (1)
60mA@120Hz (1)
61mA (1)
62mA (2)
63mA (7)
63mA @120Hz (1)
64mA (2)
65mA (28)
66mA (3)
67mA (2)
68mA (3)
68mA @120Hz (2)
69mA (6)
70mA (40)
70mA @100kHz (1)
70mA @120Hz (2)
71mA (5)
72mA (1)
73mA (1)
74mA (4)
74mA @120Hz (1)
75mA (23)
76mA (8)
77mA (3)
78mA (3)
79mA (2)
80mA (65)
81mA (1)
82mA (6)
82mA @120Hz (2)
83mA (4)
84mA (3)
85mA (40)
86mA (4)
88mA (2)
89mA (1)
90mA (39)
90mA @100kHz (1)
91mA (8)
92mA (8)
93mA (3)
94mA (5)
95mA (23)
96mA (1)
98mA (2)
99mA (1)
100mA (42)
100mA @100kHz (2)
101mA (2)
102mA (3)
103mA (5)
105mA (18)
106mA (2)
107mA (1)
108mA (2)
109mA (1)
110mA (39)
110mA @120Hz (2)
111mA (2)
112mA (1)
113mA (3)
114mA (1)
114mA @120Hz (1)
115mA (14)
115mA @100kHz (1)
116mA (2)
117mA (1)
118mA (1)
119mA (4)
120mA (46)
120mA @100kHz (1)
120mA @120Hz (1)
121mA (1)
122mA (1)
123mA (2)
125mA (10)
126mA (1)
127mA (5)
128mA (4)
129mA (1)
130mA (28)
130mA @100kHz (4)
132mA (5)
134mA (1)
135mA (11)
136mA (1)
137mA (1)
138mA (3)
139mA (1)
140mA (55)
140mA @100kHz (1)
141mA (2)
142mA @120Hz (1)
143mA (1)
145mA (13)
145mA @100kHz (2)
148mA (4)
149mA (2)
150mA (81)
150mA @100kHz (1)
151mA (5)
152mA (1)
153mA (5)
155mA (15)
156mA (2)
157mA (1)
158mA (2)
159mA (1)
160mA (46)
162mA (2)
163mA (2)
165mA (39)
167mA (2)
168mA (2)
169mA (1)
170mA (37)
170mA @100kHz (2)
171mA (1)
173mA (2)
174mA (1)
175mA (6)
175mA @120Hz (1)
176mA (3)
177mA (1)
180mA (37)
180mA @100kHz (2)
181mA (1)
182mA (1)
183mA (2)
185mA (10)
186mA (1)
188mA (1)
189mA (2)
190mA (12)
190mA @100kHz (1)
190mA @120Hz (1)
192mA (2)
193mA (1)
195mA (5)
196mA (1)
197mA (2)
198mA (1)
200mA (29)
202mA (1)
204mA (3)
205mA (10)
208mA @120Hz (3)
210mA (37)
212mA (1)
214mA (2)
215mA (7)
216mA (4)
218mA (2)
220mA (42)
220mA @100kHz (2)
221mA (4)
222mA (1)
223mA (1)
224mA (2)
225mA (1)
226mA (1)
227mA @120Hz (1)
228mA (3)
228mA @120Hz (2)
229mA (1)
230mA (104)
230mA @120Hz (1)
232mA (3)
237mA (1)
238mA (6)
239mA (2)
240mA (80)
240mA @100kHz (2)
241mA @120Hz (1)
242mA (2)
243mA (7)
243mA @120Hz (1)
244mA (1)
245mA (2)
247mA (2)
248mA (1)
249mA (1)
0.250A (1)
250mA (71)
250mA @100kHz (1)
252mA (4)
254mA (4)
255mA (1)
260mA (43)
261mA @120Hz (1)
263mA (1)
264mA (8)
265mA (5)
267mA (2)
270mA (24)
270mA @100kHz (1)
270mA @120Hz (3)
271mA (1)
273mA (1)
274mA (1)
275mA (5)
276mA (2)
277mA (1)
278mA (2)
280mA (59)
280mA @100kHz (7)
281mA (2)
282mA (1)
285mA (8)
286mA (1)
288mA (3)
290mA (19)
292mA (1)
294mA (1)
295mA (9)
296mA (9)
297mA (6)
299mA (1)
300mA (61)
301mA (1)
304mA (3)
305mA (2)
306mA (1)
307mA (1)
308mA (2)
310mA (19)
314mA (3)
315mA (3)
316mA (1)
317mA (1)
319mA (2)
319mA @120Hz (1)
320mA (22)
320mA @100kHz (2)
321mA (2)
323mA (2)
324mA (2)
325mA (8)
327mA (1)
329mA (2)
330mA (22)
335mA (1)
335mA @120Hz (1)
336mA (1)
337mA @120Hz (1)
338mA (2)
339mA (2)
340mA (41)
341mA (1)
343mA (4)
345mA (24)
348mA (1)
350mA (44)
350mA @100kHz (3)
352mA (3)
354mA (2)
355mA (15)
357mA (4)
360mA (16)
360mA @100kHz (1)
360mA @120Hz (2)
361mA (1)
362mA (4)
364mA (1)
365mA (13)
368mA (3)
368mA @120Hz (1)
369mA (4)
370mA (23)
370mA @100kHz (1)
373mA (1)
374mA (2)
375mA (6)
376mA (1)
378mA (1)
380mA (17)
381mA (1)
385mA (8)
386mA (1)
390mA (27)
391mA (1)
395mA (3)
397mA (2)
400mA (39)
401mA (1)
404mA (1)
405mA (14)
406mA (2)
407mA (1)
410mA (18)
414mA (1)
415mA (2)
416mA (1)
418mA (1)
420mA (22)
423mA (2)
424mA (1)
425mA (1)
428mA (1)
429mA (1)
430mA (15)
430mA @100kHz (2)
434mA (2)
435mA (2)
436mA (2)
437mA (2)
440mA (19)
445mA (3)
450mA (89)
450mA @100kHz (1)
451mA (3)
452mA (2)
455mA (2)
458mA (1)
460mA (40)
462mA (3)
465mA (1)
466mA (5)
468mA (2)
469mA (1)
470mA (25)
472mA (4)
473mA (1)
473mA @120Hz (1)
475mA (2)
477mA (1)
478mA (1)
480mA (37)
481mA (1)
485mA (5)
490mA (13)
492mA (1)
494mA (2)
495mA (7)
496mA @120Hz (1)
497mA (1)
498mA (1)
500mA (39)
500mA @100kHz (3)
500mA @120Hz (1)
503mA (1)
505mA (1)
510mA (18)
511mA (1)
514mA (1)
515mA (2)
520mA (24)
521mA (1)
523mA (1)
525mA (5)
526mA (1)
528mA (1)
530mA (20)
531mA (3)
533mA (1)
535mA (1)
536mA @120Hz (1)
538mA (1)
540mA (33)
545mA (3)
546mA (1)
547mA (1)
549mA (1)
549mA @120Hz (1)
550mA (49)
554mA (1)
555mA (5)
560mA (28)
560mA @100kHz (1)
561mA (1)
564mA (1)
565mA (6)
567mA (1)
570mA (13)
575mA (5)
580mA (20)
582mA (2)
585mA (4)
586mA (2)
588mA (1)
590mA (20)
591mA @120Hz (1)
592mA (1)
594mA (4)
595mA (2)
599mA (1)
600mA (96)
600mA @100kHz (2)
605mA (1)
610mA (15)
611mA @120Hz (1)
616mA (3)
620mA (40)
623mA (1)
624mA (1)
625mA (5)
626mA (1)
627mA (3)
630mA (18)
631mA (1)
635mA (3)
638mA (5)
640mA (51)
645mA (7)
646mA (11)
649mA (2)
650mA (38)
655mA (8)
656mA (1)
657mA @120Hz (1)
659mA @120Hz (1)
660mA (24)
660mA @100kHz (1)
660mA @120Hz (1)
663mA (3)
665mA (9)
670mA (37)
670mA @120Hz (1)
672mA (1)
675mA (4)
678mA (1)
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685mA (12)
687mA (1)
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690mA (30)
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701mA (1)
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715mA (3)
716mA (1)
717mA (4)
720mA (25)
720mA @100kHz (2)
724mA (5)
725mA (3)
729mA (1)
730mA (27)
735mA (2)
740mA (12)
745mA (5)
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754mA (1)
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790mA (17)
794mA (2)
795mA (2)
799mA (3)
800mA (48)
800mA @100kHz (1)
801mA (1)
804mA (1)
810mA (16)
813mA (1)
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818mA (8)
819mA (2)
820mA (23)
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835mA (2)
836mA (1)
840mA (39)
840mA @100kHz (1)
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847mA (1)
850mA (80)
853mA (1)
855mA (2)
860mA (21)
861mA (1)
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873mA (1)
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925mA (1)
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944mA (2)
0.945A (1)
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951mA (1)
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997mA (3)
998mA (1)
1.000A (10)
1.00A (40)
1.00A @100kHz (1)
1.0A (1)
1.003A (2)
1.010A (6)
1.01A (7)
1.012A (2)
1.016A (1)
1.017A (1)
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1.02A (18)
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1.029A (1)
1.030A (6)
1.03A (9)
1.035A (1)
1.036A (1)
1.040A (5)
1.04A (16)
1.042A (1)
1.045 (1)
1.045A (1)
1.046A (1)
1.050A (15)
1.05A (47)
1.055A (2)
1.060A (2)
1.06A (8)
1.065A (4)
1.067A (2)
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1.07A (14)
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1.08A (6)
1.083A (1)
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1.09A (7)
1.095A (1)
1.096A (2)
1.099A (2)
1.100A (17)
1.10A (35)
1.1A (2)
1.110A (4)
1.11A (16)
1.113A (1)
1.118A (2)
1.120A (7)
1.12A (25)
1.121A (2)
1.122A (1)
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1.13A (10)
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1.140A (6)
1.14A (7)
1.150A (11)
1.15A (20)
1.155A (2)
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1.160A (5)
1.16A (17)
1.169A (1)
1.170A (5)
1.17A (14)
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1.180A (10)
1.18A (16)
1.182A (1)
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1.190A (3)
1.19A (42)
1190mA (1)
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1.210A (13)
1.21A (38)
1.215A (1)
1.216A (2)
1.220A (5)
1.22A (18)
1.225A (1)
1.230A (3)
1.23A (11)
1.231A (3)
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1.240A (2)
1.24A (21)
1.250A (10)
1.25A (31)
1.255A (1)
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1.260A (10)
1.26A (14)
1.261A (1)
1.262A (1)
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1.27A (16)
1.271A (2)
1.275A (1)
1.280A (9)
1.28A (19)
1.285A (1)
1.290A (5)
1.29A (19)
1.296A (1)
1.300A (12)
1.30A (26)
1.30A @100kHz (1)
1.303A (1)
1.306A (1)
1.310A (3)
1.31A (11)
1.320A (7)
1.32A (12)
1.325A (2)
1.330A (6)
1.33A (29)
1.336A (1)
1.34 (1)
1.340A (3)
1.34A (9)
1.345A (1)
1.346A (1)
1.350A (9)
1.35A (15)
1.353A (2)
1.354A (1)
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1.360A (8)
1.36A (19)
1.363A (2)
1.370A (2)
1.37A (7)
1.372A (2)
1.375A (7)
1.380A (2)
1.38A (17)
1.382A (1)
1.389A (1)
1.39 (1)
1.390A (5)
1.39A (17)
1.400A (8)
1.40A (50)
1.405A (3)
1.410A (4)
1.41A (13)
1.411A (1)
1.413A (1)
1.419A (1)
1.420A (3)
1.42A (8)
1.422A (1)
1.426A (3)
1.430A (7)
1.43A (28)
1.440A (8)
1.44A (20)
1.450A (16)
1.45A (34)
1.451A (2)
1.452A (6)
1.457A (1)
1.458A (1)
1.459A (1)
1.460A (2)
1.46A (14)
1.461A (1)
1.465A (1)
1.470A (4)
1.47A (14)
1.480A (1)
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1.485A (1)
1.490A (16)
1.49A (19)
1.495A (1)
1.500A (10)
1.50A (48)
1.510A (9)
1.51A (22)
1.512A (1)
1.515A (2)
1.520A (2)
1.52A (14)
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1.530A (5)
1.53A (8)
1.540A (6)
1.54A (11)
1.541A (1)
1.547A (1)
1.550A (5)
1.55A (19)
1.554A (1)
1.555A (1)
1.56A (5)
1.561A (1)
1.565A (1)
1.570A (3)
1.57A (18)
1.579A (1)
1.580A (5)
1.58A (13)
1.583A (1)
1.586A (1)
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1.590A (3)
1.59A (8)
1.595A (3)
1.600A (13)
1.60A (37)
1.610A (4)
1.61A (12)
1.611A (1)
1.620A (2)
1.62A (13)
1.621A (1)
1.623A (1)
1.626A (1)
1.630A (3)
1.63A (18)
1.640A (1)
1.64A (6)
1.645A (2)
1.650A (13)
1.65A (52)
1.65A @100kHz (1)
1.655A (1)
1.660A (4)
1.66A (19)
1.665A (1)
1.670A (3)
1.67A (25)
1.675A (1)
1.678A (1)
1.680A (3)
1.68A (14)
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1.69A (17)
1.695A (1)
1.700A (18)
1.70A (36)
1.710A (1)
1.71A (9)
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1.720A (2)
1.72A (16)
1.725A (1)
1.730A (6)
1.73A (10)
1.738 (1)
1.740A (4)
1.74A (11)
1.750A (4)
1.75A (19)
1.755A (1)
1.760A (7)
1.76A (22)
1.770A (2)
1.77A (6)
1.776A (1)
1.780A (9)
1.78A (10)
1.782A (1)
1.785A (1)
1.789A (1)
1.79 (1)
1.790A (1)
1.79A (12)
1.800A (6)
1.80A (27)
1.808A (1)
1.810A (1)
1.81A (9)
1.820A (14)
1.82A (20)
1.824A (1)
1.825A (1)
1.830A (1)
1.83A (10)
1.836A (4)
1.840A (3)
1.84A (6)
1.850A (8)
1.85A (32)
1.854A (1)
1.860A (2)
1.86A (13)
1.870A (12)
1.87A (20)
1.88A (13)
1.885A (1)
1.890A (4)
1.89A (8)
1.900A (7)
1.90A (48)
1.901A (1)
1.905A (8)
1.906A (1)
1.910A (1)
1.91A (31)
1.920A (4)
1.92A (3)
1.921A (2)
1.930A (1)
1.93A (8)
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1.94A (19)
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1.95A (18)
1.955A (2)
1.960A (7)
1.96A (37)
1.965A (1)
1.970A (1)
1.97A (12)
1.980A (6)
1.98A (6)
1.982A (1)
1.990A (3)
1.99A (15)
2.000A (11)
2.00A (41)
2.010A (7)
2.01A (8)
2.015A (2)
2.016A (1)
2.020A (3)
2.02A (12)
2.030A (2)
2.03A (14)
2.040A (8)
2.04A (28)
2.050A (6)
2.05A (13)
2.052A (1)
2.060A (3)
2.06A (7)
2.070A (4)
2.07A (3)
2.080A (1)
2.08A (8)
2.090A (1)
2.09A (10)
2.100A (1)
2.10A (27)
2.110A (3)
2.11A (8)
2.115A (2)
2.117A (1)
2.120A (4)
2.12A (8)
2.125A (2)
2.130A (2)
2.13A (7)
2.134A (1)
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2.140A (2)
2.14A (15)
2.150A (8)
2.15A (24)
2.156A (4)
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2.16A (17)
2.165A (1)
2.17A (8)
2.175A (1)
2.180A (1)
2.18A (11)
2.188A (2)
2.190A (4)
2.19A (11)
2.200A (9)
2.20A (38)
2.210A (1)
2.21A (15)
2.215A (1)
2.220A (4)
2.22A (6)
2.225A (3)
2.230A (1)
2.23A (23)
2.240A (2)
2.24A (7)
2.250A (7)
2.25A (37)
2.260A (3)
2.26A (14)
2.270A (1)
2.27A (17)
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2.28A (10)
2.290A (3)
2.29A (9)
2.300A (11)
2.30A (29)
2.3A (1)
2.304A (1)
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2.310A (2)
2.31A (8)
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2.33A (5)
2.335A (1)
2.34A (6)
2.350A (3)
2.35A (16)
2.360A (5)
2.36A (12)
2.370A (5)
2.37A (6)
2.376A (1)
2.380A (3)
2.38A (6)
2.390A (3)
2.39A (10)
2.400A (5)
2.40A (36)
2.410A (6)
2.41A (15)
2.419A (1)
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2.42A (12)
2.430A (6)
2.43A (14)
2.44A (7)
2.450A (2)
2.45A (9)
2.46A (6)
2.470A (2)
2.47A (5)
2.480A (1)
2.48A (28)
2.490A (2)
2.49A (7)
2.500A (3)
2.50A (43)
2.5A (1)
2.503A (1)
2.505A (3)
2.510A (1)
2.51A (10)
2.520A (1)
2.52A (6)
2.530A (3)
2.53A (23)
2.540A (1)
2.54A (8)
2.550 (1)
2.550A (6)
2.55A (29)
2.552A (1)
2.555A (6)
2.560A (4)
2.56A (6)
2.570A (1)
2.57A (10)
2.580A (3)
2.58A (4)
2.590A (1)
2.59A (10)
2.600A (7)
2.60A (36)
2.610A (2)
2.61A (2)
2.620A (1)
2.62A (5)
2.630A (4)
2.63A (3)
2.64A (6)
2.642A (1)
2.650A (3)
2.65A (25)
2.660A (1)
2.66A (6)
2.66A@Hz (1)
2.67A (3)
2.678A (1)
2.68A (9)
2.686A (1)
2.69A (6)
2.695A (1)
2.700A (7)
2.70A (35)
2.710A (1)
2.71A (4)
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2.72A (3)
2.730A (3)
2.73A (6)
2.740A (1)
2.74A (8)
2.750A (4)
2.75A (21)
2.76 (1)
2.760A (4)
2.76A (5)
2.770A (6)
2.77A (11)
2.780A (8)
2.78A (6)
2.785A (1)
2.790A (2)
2.79A (5)
2.800A (12)
2.80A (32)
2.8A (1)
2.808A (4)
2.810A (1)
2.81A (6)
2.82A (7)
2.830A (2)
2.83A (10)
2.835A (1)
2.840A (2)
2.84A (8)
2.850A (2)
2.85A (15)
2.860A (2)
2.86A (26)
2.865A (1)
2.867A (1)
2.87A (9)
2.880A (1)
2.88A (21)
2.89A (4)
2.900A (2)
2.90A (54)
2.9A (2)
2.91A (4)
2.92A (8)
2.93A (16)
2.94A (4)
2.950A (1)
2.95A (10)
2.953A (1)
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2.96A (13)
2.970A (1)
2.97A (6)
2.98A (2)
2.99A (3)
3.000A (10)
3.00A (33)
3.010A (2)
3.01A (11)
3.020A (2)
3.02A (6)
3.03A (2)
3.035A (5)
3.040A (1)
3.04A (3)
3.050A (2)
3.05A (16)
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3.06A (4)
3.070A (1)
3.07A (5)
3.080A (2)
3.08A (5)
3.090A (1)
3.09A (5)
3.100A (2)
3.10A (23)
3.11A (5)
3.12A (5)
3.130A (6)
3.13A (5)
3.132A (5)
3.140A (7)
3.14A (14)
3.150A (1)
3.15A (13)
3.160A (2)
3.16A (1)
3.161A (1)
3.17A (3)
3.18A (4)
3.19A (4)
3.200A (1)
3.20A (30)
3.201A (1)
3.210A (1)
3.21A (3)
3.22A (6)
3.223A (1)
3.230A (1)
3.23A (6)
3.24A (4)
3.25A (31)
3.258A (1)
3.26A (2)
3.265A (5)
3.270A (4)
3.27A (12)
3.28A (5)
3.290A (5)
3.29A (8)
3.294A (5)
3.300A (2)
3.30A (23)
3.31A (6)
3.320A (2)
3.32A (7)
3.330A (1)
3.33A (2)
3.340A (1)
3.34A (5)
3.348A (1)
3.35A (18)
3.36A (6)
3.37A (3)
3.38A (6)
3.39A (4)
3.400A (5)
3.40A (21)
3.4A (1)
3.41A (2)
3.413A (5)
3.420A (3)
3.42A (7)
3.43A (4)
3.44A (1)
3.450A (1)
3.45A (40)
3.460A (9)
3.46A (4)
3.47A (2)
3.480A (2)
3.48A (6)
3.490A (4)
3.500A (2)
3.50A (35)
3.510A (2)
3.51A (4)
3.52A (4)
3.53A (2)
3.54A (5)
3.550A (2)
3.55A (3)
3.56A (4)
3.570A (1)
3.57A (14)
3.58A (3)
3.600A (1)
3.60A (30)
3.610A (6)
3.61A (15)
3.611A (5)
3.620A (1)
3.62A (1)
3.63A (18)
3.635A (3)
3.640A (1)
3.64A (4)
3.645A (1)
3.65A (16)
3.66A (3)
3.67A (6)
3.680A (5)
3.68A (6)
3.685A (1)
3.690A (2)
3.69A (5)
3.695A (1)
3.70A (14)
3.710A (1)
3.71A (3)
3.72A (7)
3.726A (1)
3.73A (3)
3.74A (1)
3.750A (2)
3.75A (8)
3.76A (3)
3.77A (2)
3.780A (5)
3.78A (2)
3.790A (5)
3.79A (1)
3.80A (30)
3.810A (1)
3.81A (6)
3.812A (5)
3.82A (7)
3.83A (4)
3.84A (4)
3.85A (11)
3.856A (1)
3.860A (1)
3.86A (6)
3.87A (2)
3.880A (1)
3.88A (1)
3.888A (5)
3.89A (1)
3.895A (1)
3.90A (18)
3.94A (2)
3.95A (2)
3.960A (1)
3.96A (2)
3.97A (1)
3.98A (6)
3.990A (1)
3.99A (1)
4.000A (1)
4.00A (14)
4.01A (2)
4.02A (2)
4.03A (1)
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4.05A (9)
4.06A (4)
4.070A (1)
4.07A (2)
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4.10A (8)
4.12A (2)
4.13A (1)
4.14A (1)
4.15A (7)
4.17A (13)
4.19A (1)
4.20A (18)
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4.22A (16)
4.24A (1)
4.25A (3)
4.26A (4)
4.27A (4)
4.28A (11)
4.290A (2)
4.29A (1)
4.30A (11)
4.31A (1)
4.32A (3)
4.33A (2)
4.35A (3)
4.36A (1)
4.37A (3)
4.40A (10)
4.41A (1)
4.41A @100Hz (1)
4.42A (1)
4.43A (1)
4.45A (3)
4.46A (3)
4.48A (2)
4.49A (1)
4.50A (13)
4.51A (1)
4.52A (1)
4.54A (2)
4.55A (4)
4.56A (2)
4.59A (1)
4.60A (9)
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Rows to display    Items 4201 to 4225 out of 11750 <<  -10  <  164  165  166  167  168  169  170  171  172  173  174    >  +10  >>
Manufacturer's part number
Index Ropla
Capacitors Type Mounting Style Series Capacitance Rated Voltage Tolerance Package/Case Lead Spacing Load Life Ripple Current Impedance tan δ Tₘᵢₙ Tₘₐₓ Packaging Availability Net price MOQ
4201 /smy/6.3x15-d.brown.jpg NXB10VB470M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1503100 PLN   12000
SMY1510 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/6.3x15-green.png WLR471M1AE15M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 1000h 660mA 106mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2156600 PLN   10000
JAM1541 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXB10VB470M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1446900 PLN   7500
SMY3993 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH10VB470M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1591000 PLN   12000
SMY0640 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH10VB470M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1591000 PLN   7500
SMY4040 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4202 NXB10VB470M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1446900 PLN   7500
SMY3993 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/6.3x15-green.png WLR471M1AE15M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 1000h 660mA 106mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2156600 PLN   10000
JAM1541 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P2.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-d.brown.jpg NXB10VB470M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1503100 PLN   12000
SMY1510 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/6.3x15-yellow.jpg NXH10VB470M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1591000 PLN   12000
SMY0640 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P2.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH10VB470M2.5TP6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 10V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 6000h 620mA 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1591000 PLN   7500
SMY4040 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-10V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h P2.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4203 /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB470M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 760mA 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2198000 PLN   12000
SMY1521 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/8x20-yellow.jpg NXH35VB470M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 8000h 1.60A 29mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
990 pcs
 on stock

 0.4643900 PLN    100
SMY0409 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-black-tp5.png NXH35VB470M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 8000h 1.60A 29mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
800 pcs
 on stock

 0.5596400 PLN    800
SMY0254 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-yellow.jpg NXK25VB470M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXK 470µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 4000h 2.38A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2914100 PLN   6000
SMY1796 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXK 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P3.5 /smy/nxk_mini.pdf /smy/nxk25vb470m8x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ16VB470M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 9000h 1.20A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,510 pcs
 on stock

 0.2814200 PLN    200
SMY0523 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ16VB470M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 9000h 1.20A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2814200 PLN   5000
SMY4069 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXQ25VB470M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
20 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 3,000 pcs
multiple = 500 pcs
 0.2994300 PLN    100
SMY1795 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq25vb470m8x15.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ25VB470M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2994300 PLN   1000
SMY4071 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RT1C471MF115B35CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 6000h 680mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2275500 PLN   10000
HUW0044 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P3.5 tape /huw/rt.pdf /huw/rt1c471mf115b35ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-tb.jpg JTB477M016S1A5G16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 7000h 690mA 93mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,230 pcs
 on stock

 0.3183500 PLN    500
JAM1052 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1cf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1EF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4407100 PLN   8000
JAM1216 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ef20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x15-brown.png TLR471M1CF15M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 1.00A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,750 pcs
 on stock

 0.2717700 PLN    500
JAM1795 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-brown.png TLR471M1EF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 1.25A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
50 pcs
 on stock

 0.3459900 PLN    200
JAM1796 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4204 /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXB16VB470M5.0TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 16V 20% 8x11.5 5.0mm 3000h 760mA 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2198000 PLN   5000
SMY4472 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-16V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x12.5-tb.jpg JTB477M016S1A5H1CL
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 16V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 7000h 690mA 93mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3491200 PLN   4000
JAM0984 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-16V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x12.5-tb-tape.jpg JTB477M016T1A5H1CL
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 16V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 7000h 690mA 93mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3579000 PLN   600
JAM1182 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-16V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tb.jpg TBR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5187500 PLN   200
JAM0409 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/jam1429.png JTB477M025T1G5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5391300 PLN   600
JAM1429 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTE477M025S1A5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TE 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3098400 PLN   4000
JAM2676 Electrolytic Capacitor, TE 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/te.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x12.5-tl.jpg TLR471M1CGBCM
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 16V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 5000h 1.03A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3061000 PLN   4000
JAM1366 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-16V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tl.jpg JTL477M025S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4126000 PLN   4000
JAM0607 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLP471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4244400 PLN   4000
JAM1399 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTQ477M016T1G5G15H
Radial Low Impedance THT TQ 470µF 16V 20% 8x15 5.0mm 6000h 940mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2201800 PLN   8000
JAM2944 Electrolytic Capacitor, TQ 470uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tq.pdf /jam/jtq477m016t1g5g15h.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTT477M016T1A5H1CH
Radial Low Impedance THT TT 470µF 16V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 7000h 865mA 80mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2585500 PLN   4000
JAM2945 Electrolytic Capacitor, TT 470uF-16V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> WJR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT WJ 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 2.03A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4266000 PLN   4000
JAM1757 Electrolytic Capacitor, WJ 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4205 /smy/10x12.5-d.brown.jpg NXB25VB470M10x12.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 4000h 1.360A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY1542 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-25V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x16-yellow-tp.jpg NXK5.0TP25VB470M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXK 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 2.30A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4926800 PLN   2500
SMY4485 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXK 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxk_mini.pdf /smy/nxk25vb470m10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-yellow-tp.jpg NXK25VB470M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXK 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 2.55A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4926800 PLN   2500
SMY6196 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXK 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxk_mini.pdf /smy/nxk25vb470m5.0tp10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x12.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ25VB470M10x12.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 9000h 1.70A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4197300 PLN   8000
SMY0457 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x12.5-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ25VB470M5.0TP10x12.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 9000h 1.70A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4645000 PLN   2500
SMY0458 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ35VB470M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   4800
SMY3840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ35VB470M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   2500
SMY4082 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tb.jpg TBR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5187500 PLN   200
JAM0409 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/jam1429.png JTB477M025T1G5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5391300 PLN   600
JAM1429 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTE477M025S1A5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TE 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3098400 PLN   4000
JAM2676 Electrolytic Capacitor, TE 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/te.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tl.jpg JTL477M025S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4126000 PLN   4000
JAM0607 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLP471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4244400 PLN   4000
JAM1399 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> WJR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT WJ 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 2.03A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4266000 PLN   4000
JAM1757 Electrolytic Capacitor, WJ 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4206 /smy/10x12.5-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB25VB470M5.0TP10x12.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 4000h 1.36A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY4006 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-25V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x16-yellow-tp.jpg NXK5.0TP25VB470M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXK 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 2.30A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4926800 PLN   2500
SMY4485 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXK 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxk_mini.pdf /smy/nxk25vb470m10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-yellow-tp.jpg NXK25VB470M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXK 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 2.55A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4926800 PLN   2500
SMY6196 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXK 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxk_mini.pdf /smy/nxk25vb470m5.0tp10x16.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x12.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ25VB470M10x12.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 9000h 1.70A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4197300 PLN   8000
SMY0457 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x12.5-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ25VB470M5.0TP10x12.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 9000h 1.70A 53mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4645000 PLN   2500
SMY0458 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-25V /10x12.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 9000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ35VB470M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   4800
SMY3840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ35VB470M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   2500
SMY4082 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tb.jpg TBR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5187500 PLN   200
JAM0409 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/jam1429.png JTB477M025T1G5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5391300 PLN   600
JAM1429 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTE477M025S1A5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TE 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3098400 PLN   4000
JAM2676 Electrolytic Capacitor, TE 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/te.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tl.jpg JTL477M025S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4126000 PLN   4000
JAM0607 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLP471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4244400 PLN   4000
JAM1399 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> WJR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT WJ 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 2.03A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4266000 PLN   4000
JAM1757 Electrolytic Capacitor, WJ 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4207 /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NXB25VB470M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.430A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4209200 PLN   6000
SMY1550 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/jam1429.png JTB477M025T1G5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5391300 PLN   600
JAM1429 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTE477M025S1A5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TE 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3098400 PLN   4000
JAM2676 Electrolytic Capacitor, TE 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/te.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tl.jpg JTL477M025S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4126000 PLN   4000
JAM0607 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLP471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4244400 PLN   4000
JAM1399 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> WJR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT WJ 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 2.03A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4266000 PLN   4000
JAM1757 Electrolytic Capacitor, WJ 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4208 /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB25VB470M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4209200 PLN   2500
SMY0285 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/jam1429.png JTB477M025T1G5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 7000h 860mA 88mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5391300 PLN   600
JAM1429 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTE477M025S1A5H16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TE 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.21A 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3098400 PLN   4000
JAM2676 Electrolytic Capacitor, TE 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/te.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4126000 PLN   4000
JAM0607 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TLP471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4244400 PLN   4000
JAM1399 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> WJR471M1EG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT WJ 470µF 25V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 2.03A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4266000 PLN   4000
JAM1757 Electrolytic Capacitor, WJ 470uF-25V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wj.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4209 /smy/10x16-d.brown.jpg NXB35VB470M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 35V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.430A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4640900 PLN   6000
SMY1551 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-35V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x16-yellow.jpg NXH35VB470M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 1.76A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

5,000 pcs
6,000 pcs
700 pcs
3,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2024-12-23
 from 2025-04-19

 0.5068200 PLN    100
SMY0071 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-yellow-tp.jpg NXH35VB470M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 1.76A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
2,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-11-20

 0.5718700 PLN   500
SMY0251 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.58A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
4,790 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-19

 0.7880000 PLN   100
SMY2164 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-nxh-tape.jpg NXH50VB470M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.58A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7357800 PLN   2500
SMY4053 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.8079900 PLN   100
SMY0642 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb470m10x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow-tp.jpg NXH50VB470M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7334800 PLN   2500
SMY4055 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,150 pcs
 on stock

 0.9503900 PLN    100
SMY0200 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ35VB470M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   4800
SMY3840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ35VB470M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   2500
SMY4082 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4210 /smy/10x16-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB35VB470M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 35V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 4000h 1.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4640900 PLN   2500
SMY4011 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-35V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/10x16-yellow.jpg NXH35VB470M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 1.76A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

5,000 pcs
6,000 pcs
700 pcs
3,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-10-28
 from 2024-12-23
 from 2025-04-19

 0.5068200 PLN    100
SMY0071 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-yellow-tp.jpg NXH35VB470M5.0TP10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 35V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 1.76A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
2,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2024-11-20

 0.5718700 PLN   500
SMY0251 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-35V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.58A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

0 pcs
4,790 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-19

 0.7880000 PLN   100
SMY2164 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-nxh-tape.jpg NXH50VB470M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.58A 30mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7357800 PLN   2500
SMY4053 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.8079900 PLN   100
SMY0642 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb470m10x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow-tp.jpg NXH50VB470M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7334800 PLN   2500
SMY4055 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,150 pcs
 on stock

 0.9503900 PLN    100
SMY0200 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ35VB470M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   4800
SMY3840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ35VB470M5.0TP10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.50A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5872700 PLN   2500
SMY4082 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq35vb470m10x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 7000h 1.07A 84mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5990700 PLN   200
JAM1017 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1VG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.82A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4705200 PLN   4000
JAM0608 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4211 NXB35VB470M12.5x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 35V 20% 12.5x16 5.0mm 5000h 1.452A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY1575 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-35V /12.5x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GK1H471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GK 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.90A 35mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
10 pcs
 on stock

 0.6550900 PLN    200
HUW0077 Electrolytic Capacitor, GK 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 /huw/gk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GF1J471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.720A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5596400 PLN   10000
HUW2488 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png GF1J471MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 4000h 2.000A 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5836300 PLN   10000
HUW2515 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LB1H471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 6000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7125400 PLN   4800
HUW0051 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1J471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.86A 55mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1262600 PLN   7200
HUW1052 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-63V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1j471mi200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXA35VB470M12.5x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 35V 20% 12.5x16 5.0mm 10000h 1.45A 49mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8387600 PLN   4000
SMY1948 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-35V /12.5x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.66A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   3200
SMY1955 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x30-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB470M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2389100 PLN   2000
SMY0319 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-63V /12.5x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.050A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6475900 PLN   3200
SMY1582 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.050A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6475900 PLN   2000
SMY4750 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,150 pcs
 on stock

 0.9503900 PLN    100
SMY0200 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4212 /smy/10x25-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 1.870A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6656100 PLN   4000
SMY1568 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x30-tv.jpg JTV477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TV 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.69A 150mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9754200 PLN   4000
JAM2541 Electrolytic Capacitor, TV 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tv.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-wl.jpg WLR471M1JI26R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x26 5.0mm 2000h 1.97A 56mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9251800 PLN   4000
JAM1318 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 470uF-63V /12.5x26/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr471m1ji26r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png GF1J471MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 4000h 2.000A 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5836300 PLN   10000
HUW2515 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x30-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M10x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.69A 43mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7024500 PLN   4000
SMY1939 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x30-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M5.0TP10x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.69A 43mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7024500 PLN   2000
SMY3968 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x30-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB470M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2389100 PLN   2000
SMY0319 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-63V /12.5x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB50VB470M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6656100 PLN   2500
SMY4473 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.8079900 PLN   100
SMY0642 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb470m10x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow-tp.jpg NXH50VB470M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7334800 PLN   2500
SMY4055 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4213 /smy/10x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXB50VB470M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6656100 PLN   2500
SMY4473 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x30-tv.jpg JTV477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TV 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.69A 150mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9754200 PLN   4000
JAM2541 Electrolytic Capacitor, TV 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tv.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-wl.jpg WLR471M1JI26R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x26 5.0mm 2000h 1.97A 56mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9251800 PLN   4000
JAM1318 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 470uF-63V /12.5x26/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr471m1ji26r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png GF1J471MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 4000h 2.000A 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5836300 PLN   10000
HUW2515 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x30-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M10x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.69A 43mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7024500 PLN   4000
SMY1939 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x30-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M5.0TP10x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.69A 43mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7024500 PLN   2000
SMY3968 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x30-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB470M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2389100 PLN   2000
SMY0319 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-63V /12.5x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 4000h 1.870A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6656100 PLN   4000
SMY1568 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.8079900 PLN   100
SMY0642 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf /smy/nxh50vb470m10x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x25-yellow-tp.jpg NXH50VB470M5.0TP10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.87A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7334800 PLN   2500
SMY4055 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x30-tb.jpg JTB477M050S1A5H30L
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9407700 PLN   4000
JAM1073 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TBP471M1HG30R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 7000h 1.096A 87mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9322000 PLN   4000
JAM1669 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /10x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1hg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4214 /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.050A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6475900 PLN   2000
SMY4750 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GK1H471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GK 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.90A 35mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
10 pcs
 on stock

 0.6550900 PLN    200
HUW0077 Electrolytic Capacitor, GK 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 /huw/gk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GF1J471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.720A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5596400 PLN   10000
HUW2488 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png GF1J471MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 4000h 2.000A 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5836300 PLN   10000
HUW2515 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LB1H471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 6000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7125400 PLN   4800
HUW0051 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1J471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.86A 55mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1262600 PLN   7200
HUW1052 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-63V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1j471mi200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.66A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   3200
SMY1955 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x30-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB470M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2389100 PLN   2000
SMY0319 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-63V /12.5x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.050A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6475900 PLN   3200
SMY1582 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,150 pcs
 on stock

 0.9503900 PLN    100
SMY0200 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4215 /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.050A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6475900 PLN   3200
SMY1582 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GK1H471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GK 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 1.90A 35mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
10 pcs
 on stock

 0.6550900 PLN    200
HUW0077 Electrolytic Capacitor, GK 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 /huw/gk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png GF1J471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.720A 75mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5596400 PLN   10000
HUW2488 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png GF1J471MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 4000h 2.000A 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5836300 PLN   10000
HUW2515 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 4000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LB1H471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 6000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7125400 PLN   4800
HUW0051 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1J471MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.86A 55mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1262600 PLN   7200
HUW1052 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-63V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1j471mi200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.66A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8474500 PLN   3200
SMY1955 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x30-d.brown.jpg NXA63VB470M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2389100 PLN   2000
SMY0319 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-63V /12.5x30/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.050A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6475900 PLN   2000
SMY4750 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-yellow.jpg NXH50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,150 pcs
 on stock

 0.9503900 PLN    100
SMY0200 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.99A 37mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  

1,270 pcs
3,200 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-09

 1.1013400 PLN    100
SMY0506 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ50VB470M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   3200
SMY0386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXQ50VB470M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 2.20A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9369100 PLN   2000
SMY4088 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB470M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,770 pcs
 on stock

 1.1388600 PLN    100
SMY0320 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown-tp.jpg NXQ63VB470M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.46A 31mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1388600 PLN   2000
SMY4091 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x20-tb.jpg TBR471M1HI20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.29A 74mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,900 pcs
 on stock

 0.4786700 PLN    100
JAM1218 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tb.jpg TBR471M1JI25R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.48A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0291400 PLN   4000
JAM1340 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m1ji25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tl.jpg TLR471M1HI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 50V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 2.05A 27mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4802800 PLN   100
JAM0609 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-50V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg TLR471M1JI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 63V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 1.66A 91mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1346200 PLN   4000
JAM1203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-63V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4216 /smy/16x20-d.brown.jpg NXB63VB470M16x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 63V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 5000h 1.990A 35mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3092400 PLN   2000
SMY1615 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-63V /16x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P7.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/16x20-black.png LE1K471ML200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 80V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 10000h 1.850mA 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.8962800 PLN   3000
HUW2467 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-80V /16x20/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1k471ml200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LE1K471ML250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 470µF 80V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.260A 68mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9537400 PLN   2400
HUW2468 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 470uF-80V /16x25/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le1k471ml250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXA100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 1.85A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2800900 PLN   1600
SMY0315 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXB100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 5000h 1.750A 40mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9283400 PLN   1600
SMY1632 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P7.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.40A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2312000 PLN   1600
SMY2259 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH100VB470M18x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 100V 20% 18x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.27A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.4008400 PLN   1600
SMY0507 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-100V /18x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ80VB470M16x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 80V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 10000h 1.95A 48mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.0736600 PLN   2000
SMY6176 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-80V /16x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf /smy/nxq80vb470m16x20.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ80VB470M16x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 80V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.43A 38mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.1980800 PLN   2000
SMY4946 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-80V /16x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.64A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
950 pcs
 on stock

 2.9197800 PLN    50
SMY0459 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/18x25-d.brown.jpg NXQ100VB470M18x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 100V 20% 18x25 7.5mm 10000h 2.50A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2225600 PLN   1600
SMY0460 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-100V /18x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RT2N471MM300A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT RT 470µF 120V 20% 18x30 7.5mm 10000h 1.035A 330mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2179100 PLN   1600
HUW2464 Electrolytic Capacitor, RT 470uF-120V /18x30/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P7.5 /huw/rt.pdf /huw/rt2n471mm300a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35-tb.jpg TBR471M2AKDBM
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 1.95A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9850400 PLN   2000
JAM1657 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m2akdbm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35-tb.jpg TBR471M2AKDFM
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 100V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 10000h 1.91A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.7458200 PLN   2000
JAM1490 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-100V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m2akdfm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35.5-brown.png TLR471M2AKDFR
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 100V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 5000h 2.04A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.4103800 PLN   2000
JAM1492 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-100V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P7.5 /jam/tl.pdf /jam/tlr471m2akdfm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/18x40-black.png GF2D471MM400A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 200V 20% 18x40 7.5mm 4000h 1.900A 400mΩ -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 5.2865600 PLN   2400
HUW0898 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-200V /18x40/ 105C, 4000h, P7.5 /huw/gf.pdf /huw/gf2d471mm400a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4217 /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXB100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 5000h 1.750A 40mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9283400 PLN   1600
SMY1632 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P7.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXA100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 1.85A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2800900 PLN   1600
SMY0315 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NXH100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.40A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2312000 PLN   1600
SMY2259 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/16x31.5-d.brown.jpg NXQ100VB470M16x31.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 2.64A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
950 pcs
 on stock

 2.9197800 PLN    50
SMY0459 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35-tb.jpg TBR471M2AKDBM
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 100V 20% 16x31.5 7.5mm 10000h 1.95A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9850400 PLN   2000
JAM1657 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-100V /16x31.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m2akdbm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35-tb.jpg TBR471M2AKDFM
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 470µF 100V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 10000h 1.91A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.7458200 PLN   2000
JAM1490 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 470uF-100V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr471m2akdfm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x35.5-brown.png TLR471M2AKDFR
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 470µF 100V 20% 16x35.5 7.5mm 5000h 2.04A 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.4103800 PLN   2000
JAM1492 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 470uF-100V /16x35.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P7.5 /jam/tl.pdf /jam/tlr471m2akdfm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/18x40-black.png GF2D471MM400A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 470µF 200V 20% 18x40 7.5mm 4000h 1.900A 400mΩ -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 5.2865600 PLN   2400
HUW0898 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 470uF-200V /18x40/ 105C, 4000h, P7.5 /huw/gf.pdf /huw/gf2d471mm400a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4218 /smy/6.3x15-d.brown.jpg NXB6.3VB560M6.3x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 560µF 6.3V 20% 6.3x15 2.5mm 2000h 646mA 100mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY1511 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 560uF-6.3V /6.3x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h P2.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4219 /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXB25VB560M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 560µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 1.260A 50mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY1533 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 560uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/8x20-wl.jpg WLR561M1EF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 560µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 1000h 1.29A 55mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4288800 PLN   8000
JAM0952 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 560uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXG25VB560M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 560µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 2.600A 19mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3732700 PLN   6000
SMY1452 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 560uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-yellow.jpg NXH25VB560M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 560µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 8000h 1.50A 29mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4020400 PLN   6000
SMY0220 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 560uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ25VB560M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 560µF 25V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 10000h 1.96A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3624800 PLN   6000
SMY0461 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 560uF-25V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4220 /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXB35VB560M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 560µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 4000h 1.820A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY1559 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 560uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x20-wl.jpg WLR561M1VG20R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 560µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 1.55A 40mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5584400 PLN   4000
JAM1329 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 560uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr561m1vg20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB560M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 560µF 50V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.950A 34mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9580200 PLN   3200
SMY1799 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 560uF-50V /12x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB560M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 560µF 50V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 2.410A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8893400 PLN   3200
SMY1589 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 560uF-50V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-d.brown.jpg NXG35VB560M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 560µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 4000h 3.000A 13mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5792200 PLN   4800
SMY1467 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 560uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 4000h P5.0 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x20-yellow.jpg NXH35VB560M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 560µF 35V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 1.96A 20mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6140100 PLN   4800
SMY0072 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 560uF-35V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB560M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 560µF 50V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.410A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9757300 PLN   3200
SMY1798 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 560uF-50V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4221 NXB35VB560M16x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 560µF 35V 20% 16x15 7.5mm 5000h 1.375A 40mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
SMY1610 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 560uF-35V /16x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P7.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/16x20-d.brown.jpg NXQ63VB560M16x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 560µF 63V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 10000h 2.15A 32mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5005300 PLN   2000
SMY0519 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 560uF-63V /16x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P7.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/16x20-tb.jpg TBR561M1JK20R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 560µF 63V 20% 16x20 7.5mm 10000h 1.63A 65mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3903000 PLN   2000
JAM0825 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 560uF-63V /16x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P7.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr561m1jk20rt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4222 /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXB50VB560M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 560µF 50V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 2.410A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8893400 PLN   3200
SMY1589 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 560uF-50V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NXA50VB560M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 560µF 50V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 1.950A 34mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9580200 PLN   3200
SMY1799 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 560uF-50V /12x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-yellow.jpg NXH50VB560M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 560µF 50V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 2.410A 23mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9757300 PLN   3200
SMY1798 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 560uF-50V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P5.0 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4223 /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXB10VB680M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 760mA 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2118500 PLN   12000
SMY1522 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/8x14-wl.jpg JWL687M010S1ACG14L
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 10V 20% 8x14 3.5mm 1000h 900mA 83mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
640 pcs
 on stock

 0.2697900 PLN    200
JAM1167 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-10V /8x14/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-wl.jpg WLR681M1CF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 1000h 1.05A 55mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3060700 PLN   8000
JAM1228 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr681m1cf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-wl.jpg WLR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 1000h 1.12A 49mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2564000 PLN   200
JAM0953 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-mz.jpg MZR681M1AF14R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 10V 20% 8x14 3.5mm 2000h 1.23A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3019600 PLN   8000
JAM1165 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-10V /8x14/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-mz.jpg MZR681M1CF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.61A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3264300 PLN   8000
JAM0997 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> MZP681M1CF16RE3
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.61A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3264300 PLN   8000
JAM1211 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 tape /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB680M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3462800 PLN   6000
SMY1905 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA16VB680M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3462800 PLN   4000
SMY3956 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXB10VB680M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 760mA 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2118500 PLN   5000
SMY4474 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 818mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2734200 PLN   6000
SMY1528 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXB16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 818mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2734200 PLN   5000
SMY4000 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXG10VB680M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 1.700A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.2398400 PLN    200
SMY1444 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXG10VB680M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 1.700A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2398400 PLN   5000
SMY4096 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXG16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 2.300A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2958100 PLN   6000
SMY1448 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXG16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2958100 PLN   5000
SMY4098 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow.jpg NXH10VB680M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 945mA 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,550 pcs
 on stock

 0.2358500 PLN    200
SMY1793 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH10VB680M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 945mA 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2286400 PLN   5000
SMY4044 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow.jpg NXH16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.25A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,280 pcs
 on stock

 0.4785000 PLN    100
SMY0219 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h, P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.25A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3753600 PLN   5000
SMY4047 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXQ10VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 680µF 10V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2944700 PLN   6000
SMY0520 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 680uF-10V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ10VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 680µF 10V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2944700 PLN   5000
SMY4072 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 680uF-10V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-tb.jpg TBR681M1AF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 680µF 10V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 6000h 650mA 132mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
4,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.2856600 PLN    500
JAM1062 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 680uF-10V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr681m1af16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-tb.jpg TBR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 610mA 150mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,800 pcs
 on stock

 0.4431800 PLN    200
JAM1053 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr681m1cf20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-brown.png TLR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 1.25A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3784000 PLN   8000
JAM1809 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4224 /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXB10VB680M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 760mA 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2118500 PLN   5000
SMY4474 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/8x14-wl.jpg JWL687M010S1ACG14L
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 10V 20% 8x14 3.5mm 1000h 900mA 83mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
640 pcs
 on stock

 0.2697900 PLN    200
JAM1167 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-10V /8x14/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-wl.jpg WLR681M1CF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 1000h 1.05A 55mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3060700 PLN   8000
JAM1228 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr681m1cf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-wl.jpg WLR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 1000h 1.12A 49mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2564000 PLN   200
JAM0953 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-mz.jpg MZR681M1AF14R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 10V 20% 8x14 3.5mm 2000h 1.23A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3019600 PLN   8000
JAM1165 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-10V /8x14/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-mz.jpg MZR681M1CF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.61A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3264300 PLN   8000
JAM0997 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> MZP681M1CF16RE3
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.61A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3264300 PLN   8000
JAM1211 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 tape /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB680M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3462800 PLN   6000
SMY1905 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA16VB680M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3462800 PLN   4000
SMY3956 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXB10VB680M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 760mA 72mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2118500 PLN   12000
SMY1522 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 818mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2734200 PLN   6000
SMY1528 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXB16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 818mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2734200 PLN   5000
SMY4000 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown.jpg NXG10VB680M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 1.700A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.2398400 PLN    200
SMY1444 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXG10VB680M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 3000h 1.700A 36mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2398400 PLN   5000
SMY4096 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXG16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 2.300A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2958100 PLN   6000
SMY1448 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXG16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2958100 PLN   5000
SMY4098 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow.jpg NXH10VB680M8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 945mA 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,550 pcs
 on stock

 0.2358500 PLN    200
SMY1793 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x11.5-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH10VB680M3.5TP8x11.5
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 10V 20% 8x11.5 3.5mm 8000h 945mA 56mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2286400 PLN   5000
SMY4044 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-10V /8x11.5/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow.jpg NXH16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.25A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,280 pcs
 on stock

 0.4785000 PLN    100
SMY0219 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h, P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.25A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3753600 PLN   5000
SMY4047 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXQ10VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 680µF 10V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2944700 PLN   6000
SMY0520 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 680uF-10V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h P3.5 /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXQ10VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXQ 680µF 10V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 10000h 1.60A 59mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2944700 PLN   5000
SMY4072 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXQ 680uF-10V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 10000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxq_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-tb.jpg TBR681M1AF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 680µF 10V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 6000h 650mA 132mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
4,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.2856600 PLN    500
JAM1062 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 680uF-10V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr681m1af16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-tb.jpg TBR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 610mA 150mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,800 pcs
 on stock

 0.4431800 PLN    200
JAM1053 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr681m1cf20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-brown.png TLR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 1.25A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3784000 PLN   8000
JAM1809 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
4225 /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXB16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 818mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2734200 PLN   6000
SMY1528 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/8x16-wl.jpg WLR681M1CF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 1000h 1.05A 55mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3060700 PLN   8000
JAM1228 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf /jam/wlr681m1cf16r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-wl.jpg WLR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT WL 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 1000h 1.12A 49mΩ -55°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2564000 PLN   200
JAM0953 Electrolytic Capacitor, WL 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 1000h, P3.5 /jam/wl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x16-mz.jpg MZR681M1CF16R
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.61A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3264300 PLN   8000
JAM0997 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> MZP681M1CF16RE3
Radial Low Impedance THT MZ 680µF 16V 20% 8x16 3.5mm 2000h 1.61A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3264300 PLN   8000
JAM1211 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 680uF-16V /8x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 2000h, P3.5 tape /jam/mz.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown.jpg NXA16VB680M8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3462800 PLN   6000
SMY1905 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x20-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXA16VB680M3.5TP8x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXA 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 1.05A 69mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3462800 PLN   4000
SMY3956 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXA 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXB16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXB 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 818mA 60mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2734200 PLN   5000
SMY4000 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXB 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxb_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown.jpg NXG16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 2.300A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2958100 PLN   6000
SMY1448 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h P3.5 /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-d.brown-tp3.5.jpg NXG16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXG 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 3000h 2.30A 28mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2958100 PLN   5000
SMY4098 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXG 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 tape /smy/nxg_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow.jpg NXH16VB680M8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.25A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
3,280 pcs
 on stock

 0.4785000 PLN    100
SMY0219 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h, P3.5 /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/8x15-yellow-tp3.5.jpg NXH16VB680M3.5TP8x15
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NXH 680µF 16V 20% 8x15 3.5mm 8000h 1.25A 45mΩ -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3753600 PLN   5000
SMY4047 Electrolytic Capacitor, NXH 680uF-16V /8x15/ 105C, Low Impedance, 8000h P3.5 tape /smy/nxh_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-tb.jpg TBR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TB 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 7000h 610mA 150mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,800 pcs
 on stock

 0.4431800 PLN    200
JAM1053 Electrolytic Capacitor, TB 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 7000h, P3.5 /jam/tb.pdf /jam/tbr681m1cf20r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/8x20-brown.png TLR681M1CF20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TL 680µF 16V 20% 8x20 3.5mm 3000h 1.25A 41mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3784000 PLN   8000
JAM1809 Electrolytic Capacitor, TL 680uF-16V /8x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P3.5 /jam/tl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Rows to display    Items 4201 to 4225 out of 11750 <<  -10  <  164  165  166  167  168  169  170  171  172  173  174    >  +10  >>