Mounting Style
AFK (1)
AHS (103)
BDA (32)
BDR (45)
BDS (MVK) (88)
BDS-BP (14)
BLA (76)
BLH (19)
BP (1)
BXA (59)
BXC (1)
BXE (44)
BXF (7)
BXJ (99)
BXQ (26)
BXW (36)
CB (12)
CD (51)
CE (24)
CF (78)
CH (64)
CJ (32)
CK (77)
CLS (18)
CLU (15)
CLX (18)
CLZ (56)
CN (9)
CP (25)
CR (3)
CS (3)
CT (67)
CZ (29)
EN (1)
EP (3)
EXB (15)
FB (1)
FK (2)
FN (1)
FZ (3)
GD (1)
GF (492)
GK (6)
GN (3)
GP (1)
GR (3)
HF (2)
HL (8)
HM (17)
HMA (55)
HML (39)
HP (372)
HS (140)
HT (44)
HX (9)
HXL (42)
IP (1)
JP (361)
K75 (1)
K76 (1)
KF (41)
KM (5)
KMH (2)
KP (85)
KS (5)
KXW (1)
LB (15)
LD (19)
LE (56)
LK (58)
LL (9)
LP (398)
LS (130)
LT (27)
LX (1)
LZ (10)
MHA-BP (4)
MN (4)
MP (10)
MVG (8)
MVG-BP (15)
MZ (65)
NB (6)
NBA (5)
NBC (239)
NBD (126)
NBF (20)
NBH (47)
NBL (122)
NBR (7)
NFA (19)
NFC (2)
NFK (3)
NFL (30)
NFR (16)
NFS (1)
NHA (37)
NHA-BP (2)
NK (25)
NL (4)
NLC (28)
NS (33)
NT (25)
NXA (288)
NXB (238)
NXE (37)
NXG (69)
NXH (260)
NXK (5)
NXP (1)
NXQ (193)
NXW (91)
NZD (26)
NZE (2)
NZH (19)
NZK (19)
NZL (40)
NZR (13)
PFA (2)
PFB (51)
PFD (30)
PH (6)
PN (10)
PXB (121)
PXD (1)
RDA (1)
RDC (310)
RFA (76)
RFC (RWF) (67)
RGB (220)
RJ (2)
RL (426)
RLC (3)
RP (42)
RS (3)
RT (15)
SC (2)
SH (32)
SL (24)
SS (15)
ST (29)
TB (138)
TC (12)
TDA (399)
TDC (174)
TE (243)
TEA (13)
TF (43)
TFA (67)
TGA (KMH) (280)
TH (82)
TK (325)
TL (94)
TLA (205)
TLB (153)
TLC (LXG) (353)
TLF (38)
TLG (156)
TLJ (48)
TLK (48)
TLL (73)
TLR (42)
TLS (155)
TQ (78)
TR (2)
TT (6)
TU (2)
TV (139)
TW (4)
TX (30)
UDA (1)
UP (45)
VB (61)
VD (70)
VDA (14)
VE (6)
VF (1)
VH (101)
VJ (5)
VK (1)
VL (1)
VP (36)
VS (104)
VT (80)
VX (2)
VXC (1)
VZ (1)
WB (19)
WG (2)
WJ (67)
WL (155)
WP (89)
XB (1)
XP (14)
YXF (1)
ZLH (57)
ZS (1)
4.0x5.2 (40)
4.0x5.3 (21)
4.0x5.4 (74)
4.0x5.8 (44)
4x5 (31)
4x7 (60)
5.0x5.2 (45)
5.0x5.3 (24)
5.0x5.4 (83)
5.0x5.8 (78)
5x11 (385)
5x12 (1)
5x15 (17)
5x5 (32)
5x7 (70)
6.3x11 (359)
6.3x15 (33)
6.3x5 (36)
6.3x5.2 (39)
6.3x5.4 (90)
6.3x5.7 (86)
6.3x5.8 (99)
6.3x7 (77)
6.3x7.7 (167)
6.3x8.7 (1)
8.0x10.0 (124)
8.0x10.2 (101)
8.0x10.5 (76)
8.0x12.5 (2)
8.0x6.2 (1)
8.0x6.3 (20)
8.0x6.5 (2)
8x10.2 (1)
8x10.5 (4)
8x11 (57)
8x11.5 (356)
8x12 (10)
8x12.5 (1)
8x14 (20)
8x15 (126)
8x16 (55)
8x20 (135)
8x5 (11)
8x50 (2)
8x7 (40)
8x9 (11)
10x10.0 (129)
10x10.2 (54)
10x10.5 (70)
10x12 (1)
10x12.5 (330)
10x13 (13)
10x15 (5)
10x16 (340)
10x20 (314)
10x21 (11)
10x23 (11)
10x24 (3)
10x25 (139)
10x26 (9)
10x28 (8)
10x30 (41)
10x33 (13)
10x35 (2)
10x40 (1)
10x45 (1)
10x50 (11)
10x8 (2)
10x8.5 (8)
10x9 (6)
10.2x10.5 (1)
12.5x12.5 (4)
12.5x13 (1)
12.5x13.5 (123)
12.5x15 (4)
12.5x16 (28)
12.5x20 (279)
12.5x21 (3)
12.5x25 (231)
12.5x26 (5)
12.5x30 (106)
12.5x31 (2)
12.5x35 (87)
12.5x40 (36)
12.5x41 (1)
12.5x45 (4)
12.5x50 (13)
12.5x60 (5)
13x21 (3)
13x26 (4)
13x31 (1)
16x15 (17)
16x16 (10)
16x16.5 (2)
16x20 (122)
16x25 (256)
16x30 (43)
16x31.5 (117)
16x32 (21)
16x35 (34)
16x35.5 (57)
16x36 (13)
16x40 (51)
16x45 (12)
16x50 (14)
16x60 (2)
18x16 (10)
18x20 (49)
18x25 (74)
18x30 (18)
18x31.5 (76)
18x32 (14)
18x35 (35)
18x35.5 (74)
18x36 (18)
18x40 (113)
18x42 (4)
18x45 (28)
18x50 (13)
20x35 (1)
20x40 (8)
22x20 (11)
22x25 (131)
22x30 (185)
22x35 (156)
22x40 (154)
22x45 (122)
22x50 (95)
22x55 (1)
22x60 (3)
25x25 (62)
25x30 (85)
25x35 (77)
25x40 (68)
25x45 (60)
25x50 (54)
25x55 (4)
25x60 (3)
25.4x15 (4)
25.4x20 (17)
25.4x25 (98)
25.4x30 (118)
25.4x35 (105)
25.4x40 (99)
25.4x45 (56)
25.4x50 (76)
25.4x54 (1)
25.4x60 (12)
30x15 (4)
30x20 (13)
30x25 (157)
30x30 (199)
30x35 (183)
30x40 (165)
30x45 (138)
30x50 (116)
30x55 (8)
30x60 (27)
30x65 (1)
30x70 (8)
35x100 (29)
35x120 (25)
35x15 (5)
35x20 (16)
35x25 (116)
35x30 (184)
35x35 (158)
35x40 (165)
35x45 (127)
35x50 (212)
35x55 (13)
35x60 (88)
35x65 (2)
35x70 (25)
35x80 (48)
35x90 (2)
40x100 (1)
40x101 (5)
40x30 (2)
40x35 (3)
40x40 (2)
40x50 (4)
40x60 (12)
40x61 (5)
40x70 (3)
40x71 (3)
40x76 (1)
40x80 (1)
40x81 (1)
40x85 (1)
40x91 (2)
45x105 (1)
50x100 (32)
50x115 (3)
50x120 (28)
50x130 (9)
50x140 (4)
50x75 (7)
50x80 (20)
50x90 (1)
50x95 (2)
51x100 (4)
51x115 (3)
51x121 (3)
51x130 (5)
51x140 (1)
51x70 (8)
51x75 (3)
51x80 (5)
51x90 (8)
63.5x100 (19)
63.5x105 (1)
63.5x115 (1)
63.5x120 (48)
63.5x130 (24)
63.5x140 (4)
63.5x160 (9)
63.5x170 (7)
63.5x190 (5)
63.5x195 (1)
63.5x90 (5)
63.5x95 (6)
64x100 (4)
64x115 (7)
64x121 (2)
64x130 (12)
64x144 (6)
64x155 (1)
64x70 (3)
64x96 (10)
76x100 (1)
76x110 (1)
76x130 (1)
76x140 (1)
76x145 (1)
76x150 (1)
76x210 (1)
76x220 (1)
76.5x100 (10)
76.5x105 (3)
76.5x110 (6)
76.5x115 (5)
76.5x120 (44)
76.5x130 (25)
76.5x140 (21)
76.5x145 (1)
76.5x150 (10)
76.5x155 (4)
76.5x160 (19)
76.5x170 (11)
76.5x190 (2)
76.5x220 (1)
76.5x95 (3)
76.9x105 (1)
76.9x143 (1)
77x100 (7)
77x115 (7)
77x121 (2)
77x130 (9)
77x144 (5)
77x155 (11)
77x171 (2)
77x195 (1)
77x96 (3)
89x130 (4)
89x140 (21)
89x150 (6)
89x155 (5)
89x160 (15)
89x170 (13)
89x190 (15)
89x220 (5)
89x230 (2)
89x235 (2)
90x131 (3)
90x157 (4)
90x196 (3)
90x236 (3)
91x196 (1)
91x220 (1)
100x220 (25)
100x250 (24)
Ripple Current
0.22mA (1)
1.0mA (3)
1.3mA (2)
1.850mA (1)
2.0mA (2)
2.3mA (1)
2.52mA (1)
2.6mA (1)
2.8mA (1)
2.9mA (1)
2.920mA (1)
3.0mA (2)
3.2mA (2)
3.4mA (1)
3.5mA (1)
3.8mA (1)
4.0mA (3)
4.1mA (1)
4.7mA (1)
5.0mA (3)
5.3mA (1)
5.5mA (1)
5.6mA (3)
5.7mA (1)
6.0mA (1)
6.2mA (1)
6.3mA (1)
6.8mA (1)
7.0mA (5)
7.1mA (1)
8.0mA (9)
8.4mA (2)
9.0mA (5)
10mA (9)
11mA (8)
12mA (14)
13mA (12)
14mA (18)
15mA (22)
16mA (16)
17mA (12)
18mA (17)
19mA (25)
20mA (18)
21mA (14)
22mA (11)
23mA (21)
24mA (14)
25mA (23)
26mA (14)
27mA (7)
27mA @120Hz (2)
28mA (17)
29mA (15)
30mA (38)
31mA (11)
32mA (21)
33mA (9)
33mA @120Hz (2)
34mA (22)
35mA (16)
36mA (16)
37mA (12)
38mA (13)
39mA (14)
39mA @120Hz (3)
40mA (45)
41mA (13)
42mA (9)
42mA @120Hz (1)
43mA (10)
44mA (12)
45mA (21)
46mA (11)
47mA (12)
48mA (28)
49mA (4)
50mA (35)
51mA (10)
52mA (12)
53mA (11)
54mA (6)
55mA (29)
55mA @120Hz (2)
56mA (12)
57mA (5)
58mA (7)
59mA (2)
59mA @120Hz (1)
60mA (36)
60mA @100kHz (1)
60mA@120Hz (1)
61mA (1)
62mA (2)
63mA (7)
63mA @120Hz (1)
64mA (2)
65mA (28)
66mA (3)
67mA (2)
68mA (3)
68mA @120Hz (2)
69mA (6)
70mA (40)
70mA @100kHz (1)
70mA @120Hz (2)
71mA (5)
72mA (1)
73mA (1)
74mA (4)
74mA @120Hz (1)
75mA (23)
76mA (8)
77mA (3)
78mA (3)
79mA (2)
80mA (65)
81mA (1)
82mA (6)
82mA @120Hz (2)
83mA (4)
84mA (3)
85mA (40)
86mA (4)
88mA (2)
89mA (1)
90mA (39)
90mA @100kHz (1)
91mA (8)
92mA (7)
93mA (3)
94mA (5)
95mA (23)
96mA (1)
98mA (2)
99mA (1)
100mA (42)
100mA @100kHz (2)
101mA (2)
102mA (3)
103mA (5)
105mA (18)
106mA (2)
107mA (1)
108mA (2)
109mA (1)
110mA (39)
110mA @120Hz (2)
111mA (2)
112mA (1)
113mA (3)
114mA (1)
114mA @120Hz (1)
115mA (14)
115mA @100kHz (1)
116mA (2)
117mA (1)
118mA (1)
119mA (4)
120mA (46)
120mA @100kHz (1)
120mA @120Hz (1)
121mA (1)
122mA (1)
123mA (2)
125mA (10)
126mA (1)
127mA (5)
128mA (4)
129mA (1)
130mA (28)
130mA @100kHz (4)
132mA (5)
134mA (1)
135mA (11)
136mA (1)
137mA (1)
138mA (3)
139mA (1)
140mA (55)
140mA @100kHz (1)
141mA (2)
142mA @120Hz (1)
143mA (1)
145mA (13)
145mA @100kHz (2)
148mA (4)
149mA (2)
150mA (81)
150mA @100kHz (1)
151mA (5)
152mA (1)
153mA (5)
155mA (15)
156mA (2)
157mA (1)
158mA (2)
159mA (1)
160mA (46)
162mA (2)
163mA (2)
165mA (39)
167mA (2)
168mA (2)
169mA (1)
170mA (37)
170mA @100kHz (2)
171mA (1)
173mA (2)
174mA (1)
175mA (6)
175mA @120Hz (1)
176mA (3)
177mA (1)
180mA (37)
180mA @100kHz (2)
181mA (1)
182mA (1)
183mA (2)
185mA (10)
186mA (1)
188mA (1)
189mA (2)
190mA (12)
190mA @100kHz (1)
190mA @120Hz (1)
192mA (2)
193mA (1)
195mA (5)
196mA (1)
197mA (2)
198mA (1)
200mA (29)
202mA (1)
204mA (3)
205mA (10)
208mA @120Hz (3)
210mA (37)
212mA (1)
214mA (2)
215mA (7)
216mA (4)
218mA (2)
220mA (42)
220mA @100kHz (2)
221mA (4)
222mA (1)
223mA (1)
224mA (2)
225mA (1)
226mA (1)
227mA @120Hz (1)
228mA (3)
228mA @120Hz (2)
229mA (1)
230mA (104)
230mA @120Hz (1)
232mA (3)
237mA (1)
238mA (6)
239mA (2)
240mA (80)
240mA @100kHz (2)
241mA @120Hz (1)
242mA (2)
243mA (7)
243mA @120Hz (1)
244mA (1)
245mA (2)
247mA (2)
248mA (1)
249mA (1)
0.250A (1)
250mA (71)
250mA @100kHz (1)
252mA (4)
254mA (4)
255mA (1)
260mA (42)
261mA @120Hz (1)
263mA (1)
264mA (8)
265mA (5)
267mA (1)
270mA (23)
270mA @100kHz (1)
270mA @120Hz (3)
271mA (1)
273mA (1)
274mA (1)
275mA (5)
276mA (2)
277mA (1)
278mA (2)
280mA (59)
280mA @100kHz (7)
281mA (2)
282mA (1)
285mA (8)
286mA (1)
288mA (3)
290mA (19)
292mA (1)
294mA (1)
295mA (9)
296mA (9)
297mA (6)
299mA (1)
300mA (61)
301mA (1)
304mA (3)
305mA (2)
306mA (1)
307mA (1)
308mA (2)
310mA (19)
314mA (3)
315mA (3)
316mA (1)
317mA (1)
319mA (2)
319mA @120Hz (1)
320mA (22)
320mA @100kHz (2)
321mA (2)
323mA (2)
324mA (2)
325mA (8)
327mA (1)
329mA (2)
330mA (22)
335mA (1)
335mA @120Hz (1)
336mA (1)
337mA @120Hz (1)
338mA (2)
339mA (2)
340mA (41)
341mA (1)
343mA (4)
345mA (24)
348mA (1)
350mA (44)
350mA @100kHz (3)
352mA (3)
354mA (2)
355mA (15)
357mA (4)
360mA (16)
360mA @100kHz (1)
360mA @120Hz (2)
361mA (1)
362mA (4)
364mA (1)
365mA (13)
368mA (3)
368mA @120Hz (1)
369mA (4)
370mA (23)
370mA @100kHz (1)
373mA (1)
374mA (2)
375mA (6)
376mA (1)
378mA (1)
380mA (17)
381mA (1)
385mA (8)
386mA (1)
390mA (27)
391mA (1)
395mA (3)
397mA (2)
400mA (39)
401mA (1)
404mA (1)
405mA (14)
406mA (2)
407mA (1)
410mA (18)
414mA (1)
415mA (2)
416mA (1)
418mA (1)
420mA (22)
423mA (2)
424mA (1)
425mA (1)
428mA (1)
429mA (1)
430mA (15)
430mA @100kHz (2)
434mA (2)
435mA (2)
436mA (2)
437mA (2)
440mA (19)
445mA (3)
450mA (89)
450mA @100kHz (1)
451mA (3)
452mA (2)
455mA (2)
458mA (1)
460mA (40)
462mA (3)
465mA (1)
466mA (5)
468mA (2)
469mA (1)
470mA (25)
472mA (4)
473mA (1)
473mA @120Hz (1)
475mA (2)
477mA (1)
478mA (1)
480mA (37)
481mA (1)
485mA (5)
490mA (13)
492mA (1)
494mA (2)
495mA (7)
496mA @120Hz (1)
497mA (1)
498mA (1)
500mA (39)
500mA @100kHz (3)
500mA @120Hz (1)
503mA (1)
505mA (1)
510mA (18)
511mA (1)
514mA (1)
515mA (2)
520mA (24)
521mA (1)
523mA (1)
525mA (5)
526mA (1)
528mA (1)
530mA (20)
531mA (3)
533mA (1)
535mA (1)
536mA @120Hz (1)
538mA (1)
540mA (33)
545mA (3)
546mA (1)
547mA (1)
549mA (1)
549mA @120Hz (1)
550mA (49)
554mA (1)
555mA (5)
560mA (28)
560mA @100kHz (1)
561mA (1)
564mA (1)
565mA (6)
567mA (1)
570mA (13)
575mA (5)
580mA (20)
582mA (2)
585mA (4)
586mA (2)
588mA (1)
590mA (20)
591mA @120Hz (1)
592mA (1)
594mA (4)
595mA (2)
599mA (1)
600mA (96)
600mA @100kHz (2)
605mA (1)
610mA (15)
611mA @120Hz (1)
616mA (3)
620mA (39)
623mA (1)
624mA (1)
625mA (5)
626mA (1)
627mA (3)
630mA (18)
631mA (1)
635mA (3)
638mA (5)
640mA (51)
645mA (7)
646mA (11)
649mA (2)
650mA (38)
655mA (8)
656mA (1)
657mA @120Hz (1)
659mA @120Hz (1)
660mA (24)
660mA @100kHz (1)
660mA @120Hz (1)
663mA (3)
665mA (9)
670mA (37)
670mA @120Hz (1)
672mA (1)
675mA (4)
678mA (1)
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685mA (12)
687mA (1)
688mA (4)
690mA (30)
690mA @100kHz (1)
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693mA (1)
695mA (7)
699mA (1)
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701mA (1)
704mA (1)
705mA (1)
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715mA (3)
716mA (1)
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720mA (25)
720mA @100kHz (2)
724mA (5)
725mA (3)
729mA (1)
730mA (27)
735mA (2)
740mA (12)
745mA (5)
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754mA (1)
755mA (1)
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790mA (17)
794mA (2)
795mA (2)
799mA (3)
800mA (48)
800mA @100kHz (1)
801mA (1)
804mA (1)
810mA (16)
813mA (1)
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818mA (8)
819mA (2)
820mA (23)
825mA (2)
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835mA (2)
836mA (1)
840mA (39)
840mA @100kHz (1)
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847mA (1)
850mA (80)
853mA (1)
855mA (2)
860mA (21)
861mA (1)
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873mA (1)
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925mA (1)
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944mA (2)
0.945A (1)
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951mA (1)
953mA (1)
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990mA (22)
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995mA (1)
997mA (3)
998mA (1)
1.000A (10)
1.00A (40)
1.00A @100kHz (1)
1.003A (2)
1.010A (6)
1.01A (7)
1.012A (2)
1.016A (1)
1.017A (1)
1.020A (3)
1.02A (18)
1.025A (2)
1.029A (1)
1.030A (6)
1.03A (9)
1.035A (1)
1.036A (1)
1.040A (5)
1.04A (16)
1.042A (1)
1.045 (1)
1.045A (1)
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1.050A (15)
1.05A (47)
1.055A (2)
1.060A (2)
1.06A (8)
1.065A (3)
1.067A (2)
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1.07A (14)
1.071A (1)
1.080A (5)
1.08A (6)
1.083A (1)
1.087A (1)
1.09A (7)
1.095A (1)
1.096A (2)
1.099A (2)
1.100A (17)
1.10A (35)
1.1A (2)
1.110A (4)
1.11A (16)
1.113A (1)
1.118A (2)
1.120A (7)
1.12A (25)
1.121A (2)
1.122A (1)
1.125A (1)
1.13A (10)
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1.140A (6)
1.14A (7)
1.150A (11)
1.15A (20)
1.155A (2)
1.159A (1)
1.160A (5)
1.16A (17)
1.169A (1)
1.170A (5)
1.17A (14)
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1.180A (10)
1.18A (16)
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1.190A (3)
1.19A (42)
1190mA (1)
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1.200A (9)
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1.210A (13)
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1.215A (1)
1.216A (2)
1.220A (5)
1.22A (18)
1.225A (1)
1.230A (3)
1.23A (11)
1.231A (3)
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1.240A (2)
1.24A (21)
1.250A (10)
1.25A (31)
1.255A (1)
1.256A (1)
1.260A (10)
1.26A (14)
1.261A (1)
1.262A (1)
1.263A (1)
1.265A (1)
1.270A (2)
1.27A (16)
1.271A (2)
1.275A (1)
1.280A (9)
1.28A (19)
1.285A (1)
1.290A (5)
1.29A (19)
1.296A (1)
1.300A (12)
1.30A (26)
1.30A @100kHz (1)
1.303A (1)
1.306A (1)
1.310A (3)
1.31A (11)
1.320A (7)
1.32A (12)
1.325A (2)
1.330A (6)
1.33A (29)
1.336A (1)
1.34 (1)
1.340A (3)
1.34A (9)
1.345A (1)
1.346A (1)
1.350A (9)
1.35A (15)
1.353A (2)
1.354A (1)
1.356A (1)
1.360A (8)
1.36A (19)
1.363A (2)
1.370A (2)
1.37A (7)
1.372A (2)
1.375A (7)
1.380A (2)
1.38A (17)
1.382A (1)
1.389A (1)
1.39 (1)
1.390A (5)
1.39A (17)
1.400A (8)
1.40A (50)
1.405A (3)
1.410A (4)
1.41A (13)
1.411A (1)
1.413A (1)
1.419A (1)
1.420A (3)
1.42A (8)
1.422A (1)
1.426A (3)
1.430A (7)
1.43A (28)
1.440A (8)
1.44A (20)
1.450A (16)
1.45A (34)
1.451A (2)
1.452A (6)
1.457A (1)
1.458A (1)
1.459A (1)
1.460A (2)
1.46A (14)
1.461A (1)
1.465A (1)
1.470A (4)
1.47A (14)
1.480A (1)
1.48A (11)
1.485A (1)
1.490A (16)
1.49A (19)
1.495A (1)
1.500A (10)
1.50A (48)
1.510A (9)
1.51A (22)
1.512A (1)
1.515A (1)
1.520A (2)
1.52A (14)
1.529A (1)
1.530A (5)
1.53A (8)
1.540A (6)
1.54A (11)
1.541A (1)
1.547A (1)
1.550A (5)
1.55A (19)
1.554A (1)
1.555A (1)
1.56A (5)
1.561A (1)
1.565A (1)
1.570A (3)
1.57A (18)
1.579A (1)
1.580A (5)
1.58A (13)
1.583A (1)
1.586A (1)
1.588A (1)
1.590A (3)
1.59A (8)
1.595A (3)
1.600A (13)
1.60A (37)
1.610A (4)
1.61A (12)
1.611A (1)
1.620A (2)
1.62A (13)
1.621A (1)
1.623A (1)
1.626A (1)
1.630A (3)
1.63A (18)
1.640A (1)
1.64A (6)
1.645A (2)
1.650A (13)
1.65A (52)
1.65A @100kHz (1)
1.655A (1)
1.660A (4)
1.66A (19)
1.665A (1)
1.670A (3)
1.67A (25)
1.675A (1)
1.678A (1)
1.680A (3)
1.68A (14)
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1.69A (17)
1.695A (1)
1.700A (18)
1.70A (36)
1.710A (1)
1.71A (9)
1.712A (1)
1.720A (2)
1.72A (16)
1.725A (1)
1.730A (6)
1.73A (10)
1.738 (1)
1.740A (4)
1.74A (11)
1.750A (4)
1.75A (18)
1.755A (1)
1.760A (7)
1.76A (22)
1.770A (2)
1.77A (6)
1.776A (1)
1.780A (9)
1.78A (10)
1.782A (1)
1.785A (1)
1.789A (1)
1.79 (1)
1.790A (1)
1.79A (12)
1.800A (6)
1.80A (27)
1.808A (1)
1.810A (1)
1.81A (9)
1.820A (14)
1.82A (19)
1.824A (1)
1.825A (1)
1.830A (1)
1.83A (10)
1.836A (4)
1.840A (3)
1.84A (6)
1.850A (8)
1.85A (32)
1.854A (1)
1.860A (2)
1.86A (13)
1.870A (12)
1.87A (20)
1.88A (13)
1.885A (1)
1.890A (4)
1.89A (8)
1.900A (7)
1.90A (48)
1.901A (1)
1.905A (8)
1.906A (1)
1.910A (1)
1.91A (31)
1.920A (4)
1.92A (3)
1.921A (2)
1.930A (1)
1.93A (8)
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1.94A (19)
1.950A (2)
1.95A (18)
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1.960A (7)
1.96A (37)
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1.970A (1)
1.97A (12)
1.980A (6)
1.98A (6)
1.982A (1)
1.990A (3)
1.99A (15)
2.000A (11)
2.00A (41)
2.010A (7)
2.01A (8)
2.015A (2)
2.016A (1)
2.020A (3)
2.02A (12)
2.030A (2)
2.03A (14)
2.040A (8)
2.04A (28)
2.050A (6)
2.05A (13)
2.052A (1)
2.060A (3)
2.06A (7)
2.070A (4)
2.07A (3)
2.080A (1)
2.08A (8)
2.090A (1)
2.09A (10)
2.100A (1)
2.10A (27)
2.110A (3)
2.11A (8)
2.115A (2)
2.117A (1)
2.120A (4)
2.12A (8)
2.125A (2)
2.130A (2)
2.13A (7)
2.134A (1)
2.138A (1)
2.140A (2)
2.14A (15)
2.150A (8)
2.15A (24)
2.156A (4)
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2.16A (17)
2.165A (1)
2.17A (8)
2.175A (1)
2.180A (1)
2.18A (11)
2.188A (1)
2.190A (4)
2.19A (11)
2.200A (9)
2.20A (38)
2.210A (1)
2.21A (15)
2.215A (1)
2.220A (4)
2.22A (6)
2.225A (3)
2.230A (1)
2.23A (23)
2.240A (2)
2.24A (7)
2.250A (7)
2.25A (37)
2.260A (3)
2.26A (14)
2.270A (1)
2.27A (17)
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2.28A (10)
2.290A (3)
2.29A (9)
2.300A (11)
2.30A (29)
2.3A (1)
2.304A (1)
2.305A (1)
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2.31A (8)
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2.33A (5)
2.335A (1)
2.34A (6)
2.350A (3)
2.35A (16)
2.360A (5)
2.36A (12)
2.370A (5)
2.37A (6)
2.376A (1)
2.380A (3)
2.38A (6)
2.390A (3)
2.39A (10)
2.400A (5)
2.40A (36)
2.410A (6)
2.41A (15)
2.419A (1)
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2.42A (12)
2.430A (6)
2.43A (14)
2.44A (7)
2.450A (2)
2.45A (9)
2.46A (6)
2.470A (2)
2.47A (5)
2.480A (1)
2.48A (28)
2.490A (2)
2.49A (7)
2.500A (3)
2.50A (43)
2.5A (1)
2.503A (1)
2.505A (3)
2.510A (1)
2.51A (10)
2.520A (1)
2.52A (6)
2.530A (3)
2.53A (23)
2.540A (1)
2.54A (8)
2.550 (1)
2.550A (6)
2.55A (29)
2.552A (1)
2.555A (6)
2.560A (4)
2.56A (6)
2.570A (1)
2.57A (10)
2.580A (3)
2.58A (4)
2.590A (1)
2.59A (10)
2.600A (7)
2.60A (36)
2.610A (2)
2.61A (2)
2.620A (1)
2.62A (5)
2.630A (4)
2.63A (3)
2.64A (6)
2.642A (1)
2.650A (3)
2.65A (25)
2.660A (1)
2.66A (6)
2.66A@Hz (1)
2.67A (3)
2.678A (1)
2.68A (9)
2.686A (1)
2.69A (6)
2.695A (1)
2.700A (7)
2.70A (35)
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2.71A (4)
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2.72A (3)
2.730A (3)
2.73A (6)
2.740A (1)
2.74A (8)
2.750A (4)
2.75A (21)
2.76 (1)
2.760A (4)
2.76A (5)
2.770A (6)
2.77A (11)
2.780A (8)
2.78A (6)
2.785A (1)
2.790A (2)
2.79A (5)
2.800A (12)
2.80A (32)
2.8A (1)
2.808A (4)
2.810A (1)
2.81A (6)
2.82A (7)
2.830A (2)
2.83A (10)
2.835A (1)
2.840A (2)
2.84A (8)
2.850A (2)
2.85A (15)
2.860A (2)
2.86A (26)
2.865A (1)
2.867A (1)
2.87A (9)
2.880A (1)
2.88A (21)
2.89A (4)
2.900A (2)
2.90A (54)
2.9A (2)
2.91A (4)
2.92A (8)
2.93A (16)
2.94A (4)
2.950A (1)
2.95A (10)
2.953A (1)
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2.96A (13)
2.970A (1)
2.97A (6)
2.98A (2)
2.99A (3)
3.000A (10)
3.00A (33)
3.010A (2)
3.01A (11)
3.020A (2)
3.02A (6)
3.03A (2)
3.035A (5)
3.040A (1)
3.04A (3)
3.050A (2)
3.05A (16)
3.060A (1)
3.06A (4)
3.070A (1)
3.07A (5)
3.080A (2)
3.08A (5)
3.090A (1)
3.09A (5)
3.100A (2)
3.10A (23)
3.11A (5)
3.12A (5)
3.130A (6)
3.13A (5)
3.132A (5)
3.140A (7)
3.14A (14)
3.150A (1)
3.15A (13)
3.160A (2)
3.16A (1)
3.161A (1)
3.17A (3)
3.18A (4)
3.19A (4)
3.200A (1)
3.20A (30)
3.201A (1)
3.210A (1)
3.21A (3)
3.22A (6)
3.223A (1)
3.230A (1)
3.23A (6)
3.24A (4)
3.25A (31)
3.258A (1)
3.26A (2)
3.265A (5)
3.270A (4)
3.27A (12)
3.28A (5)
3.290A (5)
3.29A (8)
3.294A (5)
3.300A (2)
3.30A (23)
3.31A (6)
3.320A (2)
3.32A (7)
3.330A (1)
3.33A (2)
3.340A (1)
3.34A (5)
3.348A (1)
3.35A (18)
3.36A (6)
3.37A (3)
3.38A (6)
3.39A (4)
3.400A (5)
3.40A (21)
3.4A (1)
3.41A (2)
3.413A (5)
3.420A (3)
3.42A (7)
3.43A (4)
3.44A (1)
3.450A (1)
3.45A (40)
3.460A (9)
3.46A (4)
3.47A (2)
3.480A (2)
3.48A (6)
3.490A (4)
3.500A (2)
3.50A (35)
3.510A (2)
3.51A (4)
3.52A (4)
3.53A (2)
3.54A (5)
3.550A (2)
3.55A (3)
3.56A (4)
3.570A (1)
3.57A (14)
3.58A (3)
3.600A (1)
3.60A (30)
3.610A (6)
3.61A (15)
3.611A (5)
3.620A (1)
3.62A (1)
3.63A (18)
3.635A (3)
3.640A (1)
3.64A (4)
3.645A (1)
3.65A (16)
3.66A (3)
3.67A (6)
3.680A (5)
3.68A (6)
3.685A (1)
3.690A (2)
3.69A (5)
3.695A (1)
3.70A (14)
3.710A (1)
3.71A (3)
3.72A (7)
3.726A (1)
3.73A (3)
3.74A (1)
3.750A (2)
3.75A (8)
3.76A (3)
3.77A (2)
3.780A (5)
3.78A (2)
3.790A (5)
3.79A (1)
3.80A (30)
3.810A (1)
3.81A (6)
3.812A (5)
3.82A (7)
3.83A (4)
3.84A (4)
3.85A (11)
3.856A (1)
3.860A (1)
3.86A (6)
3.87A (2)
3.880A (1)
3.88A (1)
3.888A (5)
3.89A (1)
3.895A (1)
3.90A (18)
3.94A (2)
3.95A (2)
3.960A (1)
3.96A (2)
3.97A (1)
3.98A (6)
3.990A (1)
3.99A (1)
4.000A (1)
4.00A (14)
4.01A (2)
4.02A (2)
4.03A (1)
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4.04A (4)
4.05A (9)
4.06A (4)
4.070A (1)
4.07A (2)
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4.09A (1)
4.10A (8)
4.12A (2)
4.13A (1)
4.14A (1)
4.15A (7)
4.17A (13)
4.19A (1)
4.20A (18)
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4.22A (16)
4.24A (1)
4.25A (3)
4.26A (4)
4.27A (4)
4.28A (11)
4.290A (2)
4.29A (1)
4.30A (11)
4.31A (1)
4.32A (3)
4.33A (2)
4.35A (3)
4.36A (1)
4.37A (3)
4.40A (10)
4.41A (1)
4.41A @100Hz (1)
4.42A (1)
4.43A (1)
4.45A (3)
4.46A (3)
4.48A (2)
4.49A (1)
4.50A (13)
4.51A (1)
4.52A (1)
4.54A (2)
4.55A (4)
4.56A (2)
4.59A (1)
4.60A (9)
4.620A (1)
4.63A (2)
4.65A (4)
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Rows to display    Items 8101 to 8125 out of 11839 <<  -10  <  320  321  322  323  324  325  326  327  328  329  330    >  +10  >>
Manufacturer's part number
Index Ropla
Capacitors Type Mounting Style Series Capacitance Rated Voltage Tolerance Package/Case Lead Spacing Load Life Ripple Current Impedance tan δ Tₘᵢₙ Tₘₐₓ Packaging Availability Net price MOQ
8101 /jam/10x12.5-tk.jpg TKR100M2EGBCM
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 250V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,650 pcs
 on stock

 0.2778100 PLN    200
JAM0475 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-250V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6692400 PLN   4000
JAM0612 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTX106M400T1AZH20H
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4299200 PLN   4000
JAM2939 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR100M2WG25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 5000h 300mA 2.95Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8587600 PLN   4000
JAM1307 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wg25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-brown.png NHA450VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 70mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4996800 PLN   100
SMY0309 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x12.5-black.png RL2G100MG125A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 105mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3429900 PLN   9600
HUW0667 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png RL2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3693600 PLN    200
HUW0944 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2G100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3780100 PLN   500
HUW0922 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2W100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 107mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4237300 PLN   500
HUW2831 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2w100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x12.5-tk.jpg JTK106M400S1GMH1CL
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x13 5.0mm 2000h 80mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,210 pcs
 on stock

 0.4260600 PLN    200
JAM1871 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2ggbcm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tk.jpg JTK106M400S1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4128400 PLN   200
JAM0476 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M400T1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4081200 PLN   600
JAM0872 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M450T1AMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5196700 PLN   600
JAM3012 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk106m450t1amh16l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR100M2WI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 90mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7923500 PLN   4000
JAM0477 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8102 /jam/10x12.5-tk.jpg JTK106M400S1GMH1CL
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x13 5.0mm 2000h 80mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,210 pcs
 on stock

 0.4260600 PLN    200
JAM1871 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2ggbcm.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-tf.jpg TFR100M2WI20M
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
1,320 pcs
 on stock

 1.3091400 PLN    100
JAM0417 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x20-black.png GF2W100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 226mA 5.30Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6046200 PLN   10000
HUW2416 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, LI, 3000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png LB2G100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 6000h -40°C 105°C Bag  
850 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 5,000 pcs
 0.6895500 PLN    200
HUW2872 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 260mA 7.50Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,880 pcs
 on stock

 0.5976100 PLN    200
HUW0986 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2W100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 330mA 6.20Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4956700 PLN   200
HUW2826 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2w100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-th.jpg JTH106M400S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 3000h 250mA 2.05Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4807200 PLN   200
JAM1586 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg16m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THP100M2GG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 3000h 250mA 2.05Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4806500 PLN   4000
JAM2427 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 tape /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg16m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 290mA 1.89Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5685500 PLN   4000
JAM2203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2GI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 340mA 1.72Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0211000 PLN   4000
JAM2208 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 340mA 1.72Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0981500 PLN   4000
JAM2212 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2WG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 180mA 4.50Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6897000 PLN   4000
JAM2204 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6692400 PLN   4000
JAM0612 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTX106M400T1AZH20H
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4299200 PLN   4000
JAM2939 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR100M2WG25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 5000h 300mA 2.95Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8587600 PLN   4000
JAM1307 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wg25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-brown.png NHA450VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 70mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4996800 PLN   100
SMY0309 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png RL2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3693600 PLN    200
HUW0944 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2G100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3780100 PLN   500
HUW0922 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2W100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 107mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4237300 PLN   500
HUW2831 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2w100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tk.jpg JTK106M400S1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4128400 PLN   200
JAM0476 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M400T1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4081200 PLN   600
JAM0872 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M450T1AMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5196700 PLN   600
JAM3012 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk106m450t1amh16l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR100M2WI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 90mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7923500 PLN   4000
JAM0477 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8103 /jam/10x16-tk.jpg JTK106M400S1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4128400 PLN   200
JAM0476 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-tf.jpg TFR100M2WI20M
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
1,320 pcs
 on stock

 1.3091400 PLN    100
JAM0417 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x20-black.png GF2W100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 226mA 5.30Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6046200 PLN   10000
HUW2416 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, LI, 3000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png LB2G100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 6000h -40°C 105°C Bag  
850 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 5,000 pcs
 0.6895500 PLN    200
HUW2872 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 260mA 7.50Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,880 pcs
 on stock

 0.5976100 PLN    200
HUW0986 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2W100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 330mA 6.20Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4956700 PLN   200
HUW2826 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2w100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-th.jpg JTH106M400S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 3000h 250mA 2.05Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4807200 PLN   200
JAM1586 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg16m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THP100M2GG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 3000h 250mA 2.05Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4806500 PLN   4000
JAM2427 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 tape /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg16m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 290mA 1.89Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5685500 PLN   4000
JAM2203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2GI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 340mA 1.72Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0211000 PLN   4000
JAM2208 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 340mA 1.72Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0981500 PLN   4000
JAM2212 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2WG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 180mA 4.50Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6897000 PLN   4000
JAM2204 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6692400 PLN   4000
JAM0612 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTX106M400T1AZH20H
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4299200 PLN   4000
JAM2939 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR100M2WG25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 5000h 300mA 2.95Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8587600 PLN   4000
JAM1307 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wg25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-brown.png NHA450VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 70mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4996800 PLN   100
SMY0309 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png RL2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3693600 PLN    200
HUW0944 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2G100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3780100 PLN   500
HUW0922 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2W100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 107mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4237300 PLN   500
HUW2831 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2w100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M400T1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4081200 PLN   600
JAM0872 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M450T1AMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5196700 PLN   600
JAM3012 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk106m450t1amh16l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR100M2WI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 90mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7923500 PLN   4000
JAM0477 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8104 /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M400T1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4081200 PLN   600
JAM0872 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-tf.jpg TFR100M2WI20M
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
1,320 pcs
 on stock

 1.3091400 PLN    100
JAM0417 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x20-black.png GF2W100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 226mA 5.30Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6046200 PLN   10000
HUW2416 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, LI, 3000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png LB2G100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 6000h -40°C 105°C Bag  
850 pcs
 on stock

by special order
when stock is gone MOQ = 5,000 pcs
 0.6895500 PLN    200
HUW2872 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 260mA 7.50Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
2,880 pcs
 on stock

 0.5976100 PLN    200
HUW0986 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2W100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 330mA 6.20Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4956700 PLN   200
HUW2826 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2w100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-th.jpg JTH106M400S1GBH16L
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 3000h 250mA 2.05Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4807200 PLN   200
JAM1586 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg16m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THP100M2GG16M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 3000h 250mA 2.05Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4806500 PLN   4000
JAM2427 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 tape /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg16m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 290mA 1.89Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5685500 PLN   4000
JAM2203 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr100m2gg20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2GI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 340mA 1.72Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0211000 PLN   4000
JAM2208 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 340mA 1.72Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0981500 PLN   4000
JAM2212 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2WG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 180mA 4.50Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6897000 PLN   4000
JAM2204 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2GG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6692400 PLN   4000
JAM0612 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTX106M400T1AZH20H
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 290mA 2.94Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4299200 PLN   4000
JAM2939 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR100M2WG25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 5000h 300mA 2.95Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8587600 PLN   4000
JAM1307 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wg25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-brown.png NHA450VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 70mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4996800 PLN   100
SMY0309 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black.png RL2G100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
8,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3693600 PLN    200
HUW0944 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2G100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 115mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.3780100 PLN   500
HUW0922 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2W100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 107mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4237300 PLN   500
HUW2831 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2w100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-tk.jpg JTK106M400S1GMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 400V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 85mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4128400 PLN   200
JAM0476 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-400V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M450T1AMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5196700 PLN   600
JAM3012 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk106m450t1amh16l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR100M2WI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 90mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7923500 PLN   4000
JAM0477 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8105 /jam/10x16-black-tp5.png JTK106M450T1AMH16L
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 65mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.5196700 PLN   600
JAM3012 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/jtk106m450t1amh16l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7509200 PLN   4800
SMY0803 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC500VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 500V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 165mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2591800 PLN   3200
SMY0813 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-500V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 15000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8074800 PLN   4800
SMY1343 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL500VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 10µF 500V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 15000h 165mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2951500 PLN   3200
SMY1356 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 10uF-500V /12.5x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBR450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBR 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 5000h 149mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7185800 PLN   4800
SMY2006 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBR 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 5000h P5.0 /smy/nbr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NFA450VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFA 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 114mA @120Hz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8418600 PLN   3200
SMY0023 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFA 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nfa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NFL450VB10M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFL 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 120mA @120Hz -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5926600 PLN   2000
SMY0012 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFL 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nfl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NFR450VB10M10x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFR 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 10000h 360mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7240300 PLN   4800
SMY6174 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFR 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nfr_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tf.jpg TFR100M2WI20M
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
1,320 pcs
 on stock

 1.3091400 PLN    100
JAM0417 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TFC100M2WI20RDA
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3527900 PLN   4000
JAM0899 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf /jam/tfc100m2wi20rda.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x20-black.png GF2W100MG200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT GF 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 226mA 5.30Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6046200 PLN   10000
HUW2416 Electrolytic Capacitor, GF 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, LI, 3000h, P5.0 /huw/gf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-cyan.png LE2W100MG160A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LE 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 10000h 330mA 6.20Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4956700 PLN   200
HUW2826 Electrolytic Capacitor, LE 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/le.pdf /huw/le2w100mg160a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR100M2WG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 180mA 4.50Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6897000 PLN   4000
JAM2204 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR100M2WG25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 5000h 300mA 2.95Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8587600 PLN   4000
JAM1307 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /10x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wg25r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/10x16-brown.png NHA450VB10M10x16
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 70mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4996800 PLN   100
SMY0309 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x16-black-tp5.png RL2W100MG160B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 10µF 450V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 107mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4237300 PLN   500
HUW2831 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 10uF-450V /10x16/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2w100mg160b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR100M2WI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 90mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7923500 PLN   4000
JAM0477 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8106 /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR100M2WI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 90mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7923500 PLN   4000
JAM0477 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC500VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 10µF 500V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 165mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2591800 PLN   3200
SMY0813 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 10uF-500V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL500VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 10µF 500V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 15000h 165mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2951500 PLN   3200
SMY1356 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 10uF-500V /12.5x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown.jpg NFA450VB10M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFA 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 114mA @120Hz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8418600 PLN   3200
SMY0023 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFA 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nfa_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x20-d.brown-tp.jpg NFL450VB10M5.0TP12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFL 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 120mA @120Hz -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5926600 PLN   2000
SMY0012 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFL 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h, P5.0 tape /smy/nfl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tf.jpg TFR100M2WI20M
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
1,320 pcs
 on stock

 1.3091400 PLN    100
JAM0417 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TFC100M2WI20RDA
Radial Long Life THT TF 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 320mA @100kHz -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3527900 PLN   4000
JAM0899 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf /jam/tfc100m2wi20rda.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR100M2WI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 300mA 2.72Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0548000 PLN   4000
JAM2213 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 10uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tx.jpg TXR100M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 10µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 5000h 280mA 3.00Ω -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9867000 PLN   4000
JAM1308 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 10uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txr100m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8107 /jam/10x20-tk.jpg TKR150M2GG20M
Radial Standard THT TK 15µF 400V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 100mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5744700 PLN   4000
JAM2164 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 15uF-400V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr150m2gg20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR150M2WI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 15µF 450V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 380mA 1.63A -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0706800 PLN   4000
JAM1278 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 15uF-450V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr150m2wi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8108 /jam/10x12.5-tk.jpg TKR220M2CGBCM
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 160V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 110mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2954800 PLN   4000
JAM0517 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-160V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2WG35R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 450V 20% 10x35 5.0mm 2000h 153mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7455300 PLN   4000
JAM1437 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-450V /10x35/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/10x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2EG20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.3217100 PLN    200
JAM0518 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tk-tape.jpg JTK226M250T1GMH20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
200 pcs
 on stock

 0.4910400 PLN    600
JAM2468 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TKR220M2GG30M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9088900 PLN   4000
JAM1486 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gg30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg JTK226M400S1GMK20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8179000 PLN   4000
JAM0519 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk-tape.jpg TKP220M2GI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
2,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.8041600 PLN    400
JAM1423 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2GI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8005400 PLN   4000
JAM1379 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI21M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x21 5.0mm 2000h 120mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3408800 PLN   4000
JAM1337 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2wi21mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/10x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2EG20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.3217100 PLN    200
JAM0518 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x20-blue-tp5.png LD2G220MI200B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 8000h 380mA 4.14Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
500 pcs
 on stock

 1.0860400 PLN    450
HUW1296 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P5.0 tape /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBC5.0TP400VB22M12.5X20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NBC 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 297mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0793100 PLN   2000
SMY6190 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 tape /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR220M2EG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 350mA 1.47Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5010200 PLN   4000
JAM2206 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR220M2EI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 380mA 1.47Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8647800 PLN   4000
JAM2209 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR220M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 510mA 940mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1555800 PLN   4000
JAM2214 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg JTX226M400S1GZK25L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
4,780 pcs
 on stock

 1.3964900 PLN    100
JAM0892 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXP220M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4575900 PLN   4000
JAM1650 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NHA400VB22M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 22µF 400V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 2000h 157mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9909600 PLN   4000
SMY2491 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 22uF-400V /10x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NHA400VB22M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 125mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1584500 PLN   3200
SMY4753 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png RL2G220MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 205mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
3,740 pcs
 on stock

 0.6594200 PLN    200
HUW0949 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g220mi200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black-tp5.png RL2G220MI200B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 205mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6875500 PLN   1800
HUW0929 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g220mi200b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2W220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 215mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7994800 PLN   4000
HUW0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2GG30R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3726200 PLN   4000
JAM1436 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2WG35R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 450V 20% 10x35 5.0mm 2000h 153mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7455300 PLN   4000
JAM1437 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-450V /10x35/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tk-tape.jpg JTK226M250T1GMH20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
200 pcs
 on stock

 0.4910400 PLN    600
JAM2468 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TKR220M2GG30M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9088900 PLN   4000
JAM1486 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gg30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg JTK226M400S1GMK20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8179000 PLN   4000
JAM0519 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk-tape.jpg TKP220M2GI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
2,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.8041600 PLN    400
JAM1423 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2GI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8005400 PLN   4000
JAM1379 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI21M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x21 5.0mm 2000h 120mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3408800 PLN   4000
JAM1337 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2wi21mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8110 /jam/10x20-tk-tape.jpg JTK226M250T1GMH20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
200 pcs
 on stock

 0.4910400 PLN    600
JAM2468 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x20-blue-tp5.png LD2G220MI200B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 8000h 380mA 4.14Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
500 pcs
 on stock

 1.0860400 PLN    450
HUW1296 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P5.0 tape /huw/ld.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBC5.0TP400VB22M12.5X20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Low Impedance THT NBC 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 297mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0793100 PLN   2000
SMY6190 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 tape /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> THR220M2EG20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 3000h 350mA 1.47Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5010200 PLN   4000
JAM2206 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR220M2EI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 380mA 1.47Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8647800 PLN   4000
JAM2209 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR220M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 510mA 940mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1555800 PLN   4000
JAM2214 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg JTX226M400S1GZK25L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
4,780 pcs
 on stock

 1.3964900 PLN    100
JAM0892 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXP220M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4575900 PLN   4000
JAM1650 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NHA400VB22M10x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 22µF 400V 20% 10x25 5.0mm 2000h 157mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9909600 PLN   4000
SMY2491 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 22uF-400V /10x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NHA400VB22M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 125mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1584500 PLN   3200
SMY4753 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black.png RL2G220MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 205mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
3,740 pcs
 on stock

 0.6594200 PLN    200
HUW0949 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g220mi200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-black-tp5.png RL2G220MI200B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 205mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6875500 PLN   1800
HUW0929 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g220mi200b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2W220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 215mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7994800 PLN   4000
HUW0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2GG30R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3726200 PLN   4000
JAM1436 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2WG35R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 450V 20% 10x35 5.0mm 2000h 153mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7455300 PLN   4000
JAM1437 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-450V /10x35/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/10x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2EG20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 250V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
1,400 pcs
 on stock

 0.3217100 PLN    200
JAM0518 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-250V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TKR220M2GG30M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9088900 PLN   4000
JAM1486 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gg30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg JTK226M400S1GMK20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8179000 PLN   4000
JAM0519 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk-tape.jpg TKP220M2GI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
2,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.8041600 PLN    400
JAM1423 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2GI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8005400 PLN   4000
JAM1379 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI21M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x21 5.0mm 2000h 120mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3408800 PLN   4000
JAM1337 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2wi21mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8111 /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TKR220M2GG30M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9088900 PLN   4000
JAM1486 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gg30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M10x33
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 10x33 5.0mm 10000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  

2,880 pcs
3,940 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-06

 1.6189500 PLN    100
SMY0341 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /10x33/ 105C, 10000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf /smy/nbc450vb22m10x33.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC500VB22M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 500V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 260mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2485400 PLN   2000
SMY0833 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-500V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2GG30R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 400V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 2000h 150mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3726200 PLN   4000
JAM1436 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-400V /10x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x35-tc.jpg TCR220M2WG35R
Radial Standard THT TC 22µF 450V 20% 10x35 5.0mm 2000h 153mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7455300 PLN   4000
JAM1437 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 22uF-450V /10x35/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8112 /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg JTK226M400S1GMK20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8179000 PLN   4000
JAM0519 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk-tape.jpg TKP220M2GI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
2,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.8041600 PLN    400
JAM1423 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2GI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8005400 PLN   4000
JAM1379 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI21M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x21 5.0mm 2000h 120mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3408800 PLN   4000
JAM1337 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2wi21mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8113 /jam/12.5x20-tk-tape.jpg TKP220M2GI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
2,600 pcs
 on stock

 0.8041600 PLN    400
JAM1423 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg JTK226M400S1GMK20L
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 140mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8179000 PLN   4000
JAM0519 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2gi20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2GI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8005400 PLN   4000
JAM1379 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI21M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x21 5.0mm 2000h 120mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3408800 PLN   4000
JAM1337 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2wi21mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8114 /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2GI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8005400 PLN   4000
JAM1379 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png MZ2G220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Long Life THT MZ 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
10 pcs
 on stock

 1.0573100 PLN    100
HUW0023 Electrolytic Capacitor, MZ 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 5000h, P5.0 /huw/mz.pdf /huw/mz2g220mi250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7358800 PLN   3200
SMY0824 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7358800 PLN   2000
SMY4303 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 tape /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC500VB22M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 500V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 260mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2485400 PLN   2000
SMY0833 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-500V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/12.5x25-d.brown.jpg NFL400VB22M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NFL 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 227mA @120Hz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0426800 PLN   3200
SMY0605 Electrolytic Capacitor, NFL 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nfl_mini.pdf /smy/nfl400vb22m12.5x25.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tf.jpg TFR220M2GI25R
Radial Long Life THT TF 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 430mA @100kHz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.8677200 PLN   4000
JAM0420 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-green.png LB2G220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LB 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 6000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
30 pcs
 on stock

 1.2067300 PLN    100
HUW2655 Electrolytic Capacitor, LB 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 6000h, P5.0 /huw/lb.pdf /huw/lb2g220mi250a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR220M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 510mA 940mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1555800 PLN   4000
JAM2214 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg JTX226M400S1GZK25L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
4,780 pcs
 on stock

 1.3964900 PLN    100
JAM0892 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXP220M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 22µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 460mA 1.60Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4575900 PLN   4000
JAM1650 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 22uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2W220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 215mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7994800 PLN   4000
HUW0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8115 /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI21M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x21 5.0mm 2000h 120mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3408800 PLN   4000
JAM1337 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr220m2wi21mt9.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7358800 PLN   3200
SMY0824 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7358800 PLN   2000
SMY4303 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 tape /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC500VB22M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 500V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 260mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2485400 PLN   2000
SMY0833 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-500V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2W220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 215mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7994800 PLN   4000
HUW0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8116 /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR220M2WI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2486200 PLN   4000
JAM1106 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7358800 PLN   3200
SMY0824 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB22M5.0TP12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 250mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7358800 PLN   2000
SMY4303 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 tape /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC500VB22M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 22µF 500V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 260mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2485400 PLN   2000
SMY0833 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 22uF-500V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2W220MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 22µF 450V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 215mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7994800 PLN   4000
HUW0729 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 22uF-450V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8117 /jam/10x20-tk.jpg TKR330M2CG20M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 160V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3478300 PLN   4000
JAM1535 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-160V /10x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/10x45-tc.jpg TCR330M2GG40R
Radial Standard THT TC 33µF 400V 20% 10x40 5.0mm 2000h 192mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.1581100 PLN   4000
JAM1438 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 33uF-400V /10x40/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x45-tc.jpg TCR330M2WG45R
Radial Standard THT TC 33µF 450V 20% 10x45 5.0mm 2000h 198mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2442600 PLN   4000
JAM1439 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 33uF-450V /10x45/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR330M2EI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 210mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6071100 PLN   4000
JAM0541 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg JTK336M400S1GMJ26L
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 400V 20% 13x26 5.0mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.1520900 PLN   100
JAM0542 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-400V /13x26/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr330m2gj26m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR330M2WI30M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 180mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5835600 PLN   4000
JAM1530 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr330m2wi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8118 /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR330M2EI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 210mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.6071100 PLN   4000
JAM0541 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> LZ2V330MI200A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Long Life THT LZ 33µF 350V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 295mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1492500 PLN   10000
HUW2809 Electrolytic Capacitor, LZ 33uF-350V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/lz.pdf /huw/lz2v330mi200a00ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> LZ2V330MI200B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Long Life THT LZ 33µF 350V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 295mA -25°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  

0 pcs
4,050 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-01-02

by special order
 1.1607600 PLN   10000
HUW2887 Electrolytic Capacitor, LZ 33uF-350V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 tape /huw/lz.pdf /huw/lz2v330mi200b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC250VB33M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 323mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0972800 PLN   3200
SMY0816 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC350VB33M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 350V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 319mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4840400 PLN   3200
SMY0817 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-350V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC400VB33M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 12000h 343mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.7538700 PLN   100
SMY0826 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB33M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 340mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
20 pcs
 on stock

 2.2485400 PLN    50
SMY0834 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBC500VB33M12.5x45
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 500V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 12000h 370mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2828700 PLN   1600
SMY0845 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-500V /12.5x40/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBD450VB33M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBD 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 385mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2000800 PLN   2000
SMY4631 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBD 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbd_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL250VB33M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 33µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 15000h 323mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2465900 PLN   3200
SMY1360 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 33uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL450VB33M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 15000h 360mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3265000 PLN   2000
SMY1377 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 33uF-450V /12.5x35/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RJ2W330MI300A00CE0G5
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Long Life THT RJ 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 290mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.6432900 PLN   4000
HUW0977 Electrolytic Capacitor, RJ 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/rj.pdf /huw/rj2w330mi300a00ce0g5.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> JTF336M350S1ACK20L
Radial Long Life THT TF 33µF 350V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 0.250A -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0566000 PLN   4000
JAM3009 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 33uF-350V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf /jam/jtf336m350s1ack20l.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x20-blue-tp5.png LD2V330MI250B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Low Impedance THT LD 33µF 350V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 8000h 440mA 6.5Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0458300 PLN   10000
HUW2888 Electrolytic Capacitor, LD 33uF-350V /12.5x25/ 105C, LI, 8000h, P5.0 tape /huw/ld.pdf /huw/ld2v330mi250b50ce0.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR330M2EI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 33µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 460mA 1.15Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7206100 PLN   4000
JAM1071 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 33uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr330m2ei20m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR330M2GI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 33µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 620mA 1.25Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.4200100 PLN   4000
JAM2215 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 33uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tl.jpg JTX336M400S1GZK25L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 33µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 5000h 620mA 1.25Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
6,520 pcs
 on stock

 1.5995900 PLN    100
JAM1070 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 33uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NHA450VB33M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 189mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.6189600 PLN   2000
SMY4754 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2G330MI250A00CE00S
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 33µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 270mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9234000 PLN   4000
HUW2789 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 33uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf /huw/rl2g330mi250a00ce00s.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/12.5x25-black.png RL2G330MI250A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 33µF 400V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 270mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9234000 PLN   4000
HUW0732 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 33uF-400V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg JTK336M400S1GMJ26L
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 400V 20% 13x26 5.0mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.1520900 PLN   100
JAM0542 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-400V /13x26/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr330m2gj26m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR330M2WI30M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 180mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5835600 PLN   4000
JAM1530 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr330m2wi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8119 /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg JTK336M400S1GMJ26L
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 400V 20% 13x26 5.0mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.1520900 PLN   100
JAM0542 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-400V /13x26/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr330m2gj26m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/16x25-tk.jpg JTK336M400S1GMM25L
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 400V 20% 16x25 7.5mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.1310500 PLN   50
JAM0543 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-400V /16x25/ 105C, 2000h, P7.5 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8120 /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR330M2WI30M
Radial Standard THT TK 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 180mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.5835600 PLN   4000
JAM1530 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr330m2wi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC450VB33M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 340mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
20 pcs
 on stock

 2.2485400 PLN    50
SMY0834 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBC500VB33M12.5x45
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 33µF 500V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 12000h 370mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2828700 PLN   1600
SMY0845 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 33uF-500V /12.5x40/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBD450VB33M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBD 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 385mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.2000800 PLN   2000
SMY4631 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBD 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbd_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL450VB33M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 15000h 360mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3265000 PLN   2000
SMY1377 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 33uF-450V /12.5x35/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RJ2W330MI300A00CE0G5
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Long Life THT RJ 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 10000h 290mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.6432900 PLN   4000
HUW0977 Electrolytic Capacitor, RJ 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, LI, 10000h, P5.0 /huw/rj.pdf /huw/rj2w330mi300a00ce0g5.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NHA450VB33M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Standard THT NHA 33µF 450V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 189mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.6189600 PLN   2000
SMY4754 Electrolytic Capacitor, NHA 33uF-450V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /smy/nha_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8121 /jam/12.5x35-tk.jpg TKR390M2WI35M
Radial Standard THT TK 39µF 450V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 2000h 210mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.0918400 PLN   4000
JAM1597 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 39uF-450V /12.5x35/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr390m2wi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC39VB450M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 39µF 450V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 12000h 380mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.9231000 PLN   2000
SMY0839 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 39uF-450V /12.5x35/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBC500VB39M12.5x50
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 39µF 500V 20% 12.5x50 5.0mm 12000h 420mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.4627500 PLN   1600
SMY0846 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 39uF-500V /12.5x50/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL450VB39M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 39µF 450V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 15000h 400mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2379100 PLN   1600
SMY1382 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 39uF-450V /12.5x40/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x40-tc.jpg TCR390M2WI40R
Radial Standard THT TC 39µF 450V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 2000h 265mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.3289700 PLN   4000
JAM1441 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 39uF-450V /12.5x40/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8122 /jam/5x11-tk-tape-p5.0.jpg TKP470M1ED11M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 25V 20% 5x11 5.0mm 2000h 95mA -55°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0535400 PLN   10000
JAM0583 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-25V /5x11/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2DI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 550mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8415600 PLN   4000
JAM2211 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2DI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 610mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9066600 PLN   4000
JAM2216 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-200V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2EI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 540mA 920mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1024800 PLN   4000
JAM0426 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr470m2ei25m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR470M2GI35M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3215900 PLN   4000
JAM2170 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x35-brown-tp5.0.png JTX476M400M6GZK35L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.3215900 PLN   400
JAM1888 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x12.5-lk.jpg LKR470M1EGBCM
Radial Low Leakage THT LK 47µF 25V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 160mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2243900 PLN   4000
JAM2447 Electrolytic Capacitor, LK 47uF-25V /10x12.5/ Low Leakage 85C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/lk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x12.5-lk.jpg LKR470M1VGBCM
Radial Low Leakage THT LK 47µF 35V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 170mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2243900 PLN   4000
JAM2448 Electrolytic Capacitor, LK 47uF-35V /10x12.5/ Low Leakage 85C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/lk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x16-lk.jpg LKR470M1HG16M
Radial Low Leakage THT LK 47µF 50V 20% 10x16 5.0mm 2000h 210mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2937900 PLN   4000
JAM2453 Electrolytic Capacitor, LK 47uF-50V /10x16/ Low Leakage 85C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/lk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-lk.jpg LKR470M1JG20M
Radial Low Leakage THT LK 47µF 63V 20% 10x20 5.0mm 2000h 230mA -40°C 85°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.3386400 PLN   4000
JAM2455 Electrolytic Capacitor, LK 47uF-63V /10x20/ Low Leakage 85C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/lk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/6.3x11-black-tp2.5.png RL1H470ME110B50CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 50V 20% 6.3x11 5.0mm 2000h 135mA -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0919400 PLN   15000
HUW2803 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-50V /6.3x11/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 tape /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x12.5-black.png RL2A470MG125A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 100V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 280mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2518400 PLN   9600
HUW0670 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-100V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RL2G470MI300A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7488700 PLN   4000
HUW0954 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x50-tc.jpg TCR470M2GG50R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 400V 20% 10x50 5.0mm 2000h 285mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.4828500 PLN   4000
JAM1442 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-400V /10x50/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x45-tc.jpg TCR470M2WI45R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 2000h 305mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1294300 PLN   1500
JAM1443 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-450V /12.5x45/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x12.5-tk.jpg JTK476M100S1GMH1CL
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 100V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 190mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
700 pcs
 on stock

 0.2661900 PLN    200
JAM0577 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-100V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tk.jpg JTK476M160S1GMH21L
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 160V 20% 10x21 5.0mm 2000h 190mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4271200 PLN   4000
JAM0578 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-160V /10x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2cg21m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR470M2CI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 160V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5565200 PLN   4000
JAM0579 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-160V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR470M2DI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5834800 PLN   4000
JAM2467 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR470M2EI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 280mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4812900 PLN   100
JAM0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR470M2GI30R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.7424200 PLN   100
JAM1306 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2gi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x40-tk.jpg TKR470M2WI41R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x41 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
290 pcs
 on stock

 1.8810600 PLN    100
JAM1531 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-450V /12.5x41/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2wi41r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8123 /jam/10x12.5-tk.jpg JTK476M100S1GMH1CL
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 100V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 190mA -55°C 105°C Bag  
700 pcs
 on stock

 0.2661900 PLN    200
JAM0577 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-100V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2DI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 610mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9066600 PLN   4000
JAM2216 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-200V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2EI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 540mA 920mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1024800 PLN   4000
JAM0426 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr470m2ei25m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR470M2GI35M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3215900 PLN   4000
JAM2170 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x35-brown-tp5.0.png JTX476M400M6GZK35L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.3215900 PLN   400
JAM1888 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /huw/10x12.5-black.png RL2A470MG125A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 100V 20% 10x12.5 5.0mm 2000h 280mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.2518400 PLN   9600
HUW0670 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-100V /10x12.5/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RL2G470MI300A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7488700 PLN   4000
HUW0954 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x50-tc.jpg TCR470M2GG50R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 400V 20% 10x50 5.0mm 2000h 285mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.4828500 PLN   4000
JAM1442 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-400V /10x50/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x45-tc.jpg TCR470M2WI45R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 2000h 305mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1294300 PLN   1500
JAM1443 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-450V /12.5x45/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tk.jpg JTK476M160S1GMH21L
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 160V 20% 10x21 5.0mm 2000h 190mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4271200 PLN   4000
JAM0578 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-160V /10x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2cg21m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR470M2CI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 160V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5565200 PLN   4000
JAM0579 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-160V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR470M2DI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5834800 PLN   4000
JAM2467 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR470M2EI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 280mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4812900 PLN   100
JAM0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR470M2GI30R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.7424200 PLN   100
JAM1306 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2gi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x40-tk.jpg TKR470M2WI41R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x41 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
290 pcs
 on stock

 1.8810600 PLN    100
JAM1531 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-450V /12.5x41/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2wi41r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8124 /jam/10x20-tk.jpg JTK476M160S1GMH21L
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 160V 20% 10x21 5.0mm 2000h 190mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.4271200 PLN   4000
JAM0578 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-160V /10x21/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2cg21m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC350VB47M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 350V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 451mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9337500 PLN   2000
SMY0836 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-350V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC47VB400M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 12000h 462mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.1136300 PLN   2000
SMY0840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB47M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 12000h 450mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.6607800 PLN   50
SMY0843 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-450V /12.5x40/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL200VB47M10x33
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 200V 20% 10x33 5.0mm 15000h 450mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3311500 PLN   4000
SMY1352 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-200V /10x33/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBL250VB47M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 15000h 460mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3991000 PLN   3200
SMY1367 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL400VB47M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 15000h 485mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2379100 PLN   1600
SMY1383 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-400V /12.5x40/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBL450VB47M12.5x50
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x50 5.0mm 15000h 470mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.7975400 PLN   1600
SMY1386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-450V /12.5x50/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x20-tf.jpg TFR470M2EG30R
Radial Long Life THT TF 47µF 250V 20% 10x30 5.0mm 8000h 690mA @100kHz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0446000 PLN   4000
JAM1613 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 47uF-250V /10x30/ 105C, 8000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf /jam/tfr470m2eg30r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tf.jpg TFR470M2EI25R
Radial Long Life THT TF 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 720mA @100kHz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2078200 PLN   4000
JAM0987 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2DI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 610mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9066600 PLN   4000
JAM2216 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-200V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2EI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 540mA 920mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1024800 PLN   4000
JAM0426 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr470m2ei25m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR470M2GI35M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3215900 PLN   4000
JAM2170 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x35-brown-tp5.0.png JTX476M400M6GZK35L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.3215900 PLN   400
JAM1888 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RL2G470MI300A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7488700 PLN   4000
HUW0954 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/10x50-tc.jpg TCR470M2GG50R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 400V 20% 10x50 5.0mm 2000h 285mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.4828500 PLN   4000
JAM1442 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-400V /10x50/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x45-tc.jpg TCR470M2WI45R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 2000h 305mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1294300 PLN   1500
JAM1443 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-450V /12.5x45/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR470M2EI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 280mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4812900 PLN   100
JAM0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR470M2GI30R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.7424200 PLN   100
JAM1306 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2gi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x40-tk.jpg TKR470M2WI41R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x41 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
290 pcs
 on stock

 1.8810600 PLN    100
JAM1531 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-450V /12.5x41/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2wi41r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
8125 /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR470M2CI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 160V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 220mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5565200 PLN   4000
JAM0579 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-160V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/ NBC200VB47M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 440mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.0163500 PLN   3200
SMY0819 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC250VB47M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 12000h 440mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2142200 PLN   3200
SMY0820 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-250V /12.5x20/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC350VB47M12.5x30
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 350V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 12000h 451mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.9337500 PLN   2000
SMY0836 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-350V /12.5x30/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC47VB400M12.5x35
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 12000h 462mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.1136300 PLN   2000
SMY0840 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBC450VB47M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 12000h 450mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.6607800 PLN   50
SMY0843 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBC 47uF-450V /12.5x40/ 105C, 12000h P5.0 /smy/nbc_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL200VB47M12.5x20
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 15000h 440mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2465900 PLN   3200
SMY1362 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBL250VB47M12.5x25
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 15000h 460mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.3991000 PLN   3200
SMY1367 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/ NBL400VB47M12.5x40
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x40 5.0mm 15000h 485mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.2379100 PLN   1600
SMY1383 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-400V /12.5x40/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> NBL450VB47M12.5x50
SamYoung Electronics
Radial Long Life THT NBL 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x50 5.0mm 15000h 470mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 3.7975400 PLN   1600
SMY1386 Electrolytic Capacitor, NBL 47uF-450V /12.5x50/ 105C, 15000h P5.0 /smy/nbl_mini.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tf.jpg TFR470M2CI20R
Radial Long Life THT TF 47µF 160V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 10000h 660mA @100kHz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8144200 PLN   4000
JAM0981 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 47uF-160V /12.5x20/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tf.jpg TFR470M2EI25R
Radial Long Life THT TF 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 10000h 720mA @100kHz -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.2078200 PLN   4000
JAM0987 Electrolytic Capacitor, TF 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 10000h, P5.0 /jam/tf.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2CI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 160V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 550mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.7132100 PLN   4000
JAM0425 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-160V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2DI20M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 3000h 550mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.8415600 PLN   4000
JAM2211 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/th_2.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2DI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 610mA 500mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.9066600 PLN   4000
JAM2216 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-200V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-th.jpg THR470M2EI25M
Radial Low Impedance THT TH 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 3000h 540mA 920mΩ -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.1024800 PLN   4000
JAM0426 Electrolytic Capacitor, TH 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, Low Impedance, 3000h, P5.0 /jam/th.pdf /jam/thr470m2ei25m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TXR470M2GI35M
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 2.3215900 PLN   4000
JAM2170 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x35-brown-tp5.0.png JTX476M400M6GZK35L
Radial Low Impedance THT TX 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x35 5.0mm 5000h 860mA 1.00Ω -40°C 105°C Inner carton (tape)  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.3215900 PLN   400
JAM1888 Electrolytic Capacitor, TX 47uF-400V /12.5x35/ 105C, Low Impedance, 5000h, P5.0 tape /jam/tx.pdf /jam/txp470m2gi35m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RL2G470MI300A00CE0
Changzhou Huawei Electronic
Radial Standard THT RL 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h -25°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 1.7488700 PLN   4000
HUW0954 Electrolytic Capacitor, RL 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /huw/rl.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x45-tc.jpg TCR470M2WI45R
Radial Standard THT TC 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x45 5.0mm 2000h 305mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 4.1294300 PLN   1500
JAM1443 Electrolytic Capacitor, TC 47uF-450V /12.5x45/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tc.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x20-tk.jpg TKR470M2DI20M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 200V 20% 12.5x20 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.5834800 PLN   4000
JAM2467 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-200V /12.5x20/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x25-tk.jpg TKR470M2EI25M
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 250V 20% 12.5x25 5.0mm 2000h 280mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.4812900 PLN   100
JAM0580 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-250V /12.5x25/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/12.5x30-tk.jpg TKR470M2GI30R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 400V 20% 12.5x30 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -40°C 105°C Bag  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.7424200 PLN   100
JAM1306 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-400V /12.5x30/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2gi30m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
discount sales
/jam/12.5x40-tk.jpg TKR470M2WI41R
Radial Standard THT TK 47µF 450V 20% 12.5x41 5.0mm 2000h 240mA -25°C 105°C Bag  
290 pcs
 on stock

 1.8810600 PLN    100
JAM1531 Electrolytic Capacitor, TK 47uF-450V /12.5x41/ 105C, 2000h, P5.0 /jam/tk.pdf /jam/tkr470m2wi41r.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Rows to display    Items 8101 to 8125 out of 11839 <<  -10  <  320  321  322  323  324  325  326  327  328  329  330    >  +10  >>