Mounting Style
AFK (1)
AHS (103)
BDA (32)
BDR (45)
BDS (MVK) (88)
BDS-BP (14)
BLA (76)
BLH (19)
BP (1)
BXA (59)
BXC (1)
BXE (44)
BXF (7)
BXJ (99)
BXQ (26)
BXW (36)
CB (12)
CD (51)
CE (24)
CF (78)
CH (64)
CJ (32)
CK (77)
CLS (18)
CLU (15)
CLX (18)
CLZ (56)
CN (9)
CP (25)
CR (3)
CS (3)
CT (67)
CZ (29)
EN (1)
EP (3)
EXB (15)
FB (1)
FK (2)
FN (1)
FZ (3)
GD (1)
GF (492)
GK (6)
GN (3)
GP (1)
GR (3)
HF (2)
HL (8)
HM (17)
HMA (55)
HML (39)
HP (372)
HS (140)
HT (44)
HX (9)
HXL (42)
IP (1)
JP (362)
K75 (1)
K76 (1)
KF (41)
KM (5)
KMH (2)
KP (85)
KS (5)
KXW (1)
LB (15)
LD (19)
LE (56)
LK (58)
LL (9)
LP (398)
LS (130)
LT (27)
LX (1)
LZ (10)
MHA-BP (4)
MN (4)
MP (10)
MVG (8)
MVG-BP (15)
MZ (65)
NB (6)
NBA (5)
NBC (239)
NBD (126)
NBF (20)
NBH (47)
NBL (122)
NBR (7)
NFA (19)
NFC (2)
NFK (3)
NFL (30)
NFR (16)
NFS (1)
NHA (37)
NHA-BP (2)
NK (25)
NL (4)
NLC (28)
NS (33)
NT (25)
NXA (288)
NXB (238)
NXE (37)
NXG (69)
NXH (261)
NXK (5)
NXP (1)
NXQ (193)
NXW (91)
NZD (26)
NZE (2)
NZH (19)
NZK (19)
NZL (40)
NZR (13)
PFA (2)
PFB (51)
PFD (30)
PH (6)
PN (10)
PXB (121)
PXD (1)
RDA (1)
RDC (310)
RFA (76)
RFC (RWF) (67)
RGB (220)
RJ (2)
RL (426)
RLC (3)
RP (42)
RS (3)
RT (15)
SC (2)
SH (32)
SL (24)
SS (15)
ST (29)
TB (138)
TC (12)
TDA (399)
TDC (174)
TE (243)
TEA (13)
TF (43)
TFA (67)
TGA (KMH) (280)
TH (82)
TK (325)
TL (94)
TLA (205)
TLB (153)
TLC (LXG) (353)
TLF (38)
TLG (156)
TLJ (48)
TLK (48)
TLL (73)
TLR (42)
TLS (155)
TQ (78)
TR (2)
TT (6)
TU (2)
TV (139)
TW (4)
TX (30)
UDA (1)
UP (45)
VB (61)
VD (70)
VDA (14)
VE (6)
VF (1)
VH (101)
VJ (5)
VK (1)
VL (1)
VP (37)
VS (104)
VT (80)
VX (2)
VXC (1)
VZ (1)
WB (19)
WG (2)
WJ (67)
WL (155)
WP (89)
XB (1)
XP (14)
YXF (1)
ZLH (57)
ZS (1)
4.0x5.2 (40)
4.0x5.3 (21)
4.0x5.4 (74)
4.0x5.8 (44)
4x5 (31)
4x7 (60)
5.0x5.2 (45)
5.0x5.3 (24)
5.0x5.4 (83)
5.0x5.8 (78)
5x11 (385)
5x12 (1)
5x15 (17)
5x5 (32)
5x7 (70)
6.3x11 (360)
6.3x15 (33)
6.3x5 (36)
6.3x5.2 (39)
6.3x5.4 (90)
6.3x5.7 (86)
6.3x5.8 (99)
6.3x7 (77)
6.3x7.7 (167)
6.3x8.7 (1)
8.0x10.0 (124)
8.0x10.2 (101)
8.0x10.5 (76)
8.0x12.5 (2)
8.0x6.2 (1)
8.0x6.3 (20)
8.0x6.5 (2)
8x10.2 (1)
8x10.5 (4)
8x11 (57)
8x11.5 (356)
8x12 (10)
8x12.5 (1)
8x14 (20)
8x15 (126)
8x16 (55)
8x20 (135)
8x5 (11)
8x50 (2)
8x7 (40)
8x9 (11)
10x10.0 (129)
10x10.2 (54)
10x10.5 (71)
10x12 (1)
10x12.5 (330)
10x13 (13)
10x15 (5)
10x16 (340)
10x20 (314)
10x21 (11)
10x23 (11)
10x24 (3)
10x25 (139)
10x26 (9)
10x28 (8)
10x30 (41)
10x33 (13)
10x35 (2)
10x40 (1)
10x45 (1)
10x50 (11)
10x8 (2)
10x8.5 (8)
10x9 (6)
10.2x10.5 (1)
12.5x12.5 (4)
12.5x13 (1)
12.5x13.5 (123)
12.5x15 (4)
12.5x16 (28)
12.5x20 (279)
12.5x21 (3)
12.5x25 (231)
12.5x26 (5)
12.5x30 (106)
12.5x31 (2)
12.5x35 (87)
12.5x40 (36)
12.5x41 (1)
12.5x45 (4)
12.5x50 (13)
12.5x60 (5)
13x21 (3)
13x26 (4)
13x31 (1)
16x15 (17)
16x16 (10)
16x16.5 (2)
16x20 (122)
16x25 (256)
16x30 (43)
16x31.5 (117)
16x32 (21)
16x35 (34)
16x35.5 (57)
16x36 (13)
16x40 (51)
16x45 (12)
16x50 (14)
16x60 (2)
18x16 (10)
18x20 (49)
18x25 (74)
18x30 (18)
18x31.5 (76)
18x32 (14)
18x35 (35)
18x35.5 (74)
18x36 (18)
18x40 (113)
18x42 (4)
18x45 (28)
18x50 (13)
20x35 (1)
20x40 (8)
22x20 (11)
22x25 (131)
22x30 (185)
22x35 (156)
22x40 (154)
22x45 (122)
22x50 (95)
22x55 (1)
22x60 (3)
25x25 (62)
25x30 (85)
25x35 (77)
25x40 (68)
25x45 (60)
25x50 (54)
25x55 (4)
25x60 (3)
25.4x15 (4)
25.4x20 (17)
25.4x25 (98)
25.4x30 (118)
25.4x35 (105)
25.4x40 (99)
25.4x45 (56)
25.4x50 (76)
25.4x54 (1)
25.4x60 (12)
30x15 (4)
30x20 (13)
30x25 (157)
30x30 (199)
30x35 (183)
30x40 (166)
30x45 (138)
30x50 (116)
30x55 (8)
30x60 (27)
30x65 (1)
30x70 (8)
35x100 (29)
35x120 (25)
35x15 (5)
35x20 (16)
35x25 (116)
35x30 (184)
35x35 (158)
35x40 (165)
35x45 (127)
35x50 (212)
35x55 (13)
35x60 (88)
35x65 (2)
35x70 (25)
35x80 (48)
35x90 (2)
40x100 (1)
40x101 (5)
40x30 (2)
40x35 (3)
40x40 (2)
40x50 (4)
40x60 (12)
40x61 (5)
40x70 (3)
40x71 (3)
40x76 (1)
40x80 (1)
40x81 (1)
40x85 (1)
40x91 (2)
45x105 (1)
50x100 (32)
50x115 (3)
50x120 (28)
50x130 (9)
50x140 (4)
50x75 (7)
50x80 (20)
50x90 (1)
50x95 (2)
51x100 (4)
51x115 (3)
51x121 (3)
51x130 (5)
51x140 (1)
51x70 (8)
51x75 (3)
51x80 (5)
51x90 (8)
63.5x100 (19)
63.5x105 (1)
63.5x115 (1)
63.5x120 (48)
63.5x130 (24)
63.5x140 (4)
63.5x160 (9)
63.5x170 (7)
63.5x190 (5)
63.5x195 (1)
63.5x90 (5)
63.5x95 (6)
64x100 (4)
64x115 (7)
64x121 (2)
64x130 (12)
64x144 (6)
64x155 (1)
64x70 (3)
64x96 (10)
76x100 (1)
76x110 (1)
76x130 (1)
76x140 (1)
76x145 (1)
76x150 (1)
76x210 (1)
76x220 (1)
76.5x100 (10)
76.5x105 (3)
76.5x110 (6)
76.5x115 (5)
76.5x120 (44)
76.5x130 (25)
76.5x140 (21)
76.5x145 (1)
76.5x150 (10)
76.5x155 (4)
76.5x160 (19)
76.5x170 (11)
76.5x190 (2)
76.5x220 (1)
76.5x95 (3)
76.9x105 (1)
76.9x143 (1)
77x100 (7)
77x115 (7)
77x121 (2)
77x130 (9)
77x144 (5)
77x155 (11)
77x171 (2)
77x195 (1)
77x96 (3)
89x130 (4)
89x140 (21)
89x150 (6)
89x155 (5)
89x160 (15)
89x170 (13)
89x190 (15)
89x220 (5)
89x230 (2)
89x235 (2)
90x131 (3)
90x157 (4)
90x196 (3)
90x236 (3)
91x196 (1)
91x220 (1)
100x220 (25)
100x250 (24)
Ripple Current
0.22mA (1)
1.0mA (3)
1.3mA (2)
1.850mA (1)
2.0mA (2)
2.3mA (1)
2.52mA (1)
2.6mA (1)
2.8mA (1)
2.9mA (1)
2.920mA (1)
3.0mA (2)
3.2mA (2)
3.4mA (1)
3.5mA (1)
3.8mA (1)
4.0mA (3)
4.1mA (1)
4.7mA (1)
5.0mA (3)
5.3mA (1)
5.5mA (1)
5.6mA (3)
5.7mA (1)
6.0mA (1)
6.2mA (1)
6.3mA (1)
6.8mA (1)
7.0mA (5)
7.1mA (1)
8.0mA (9)
8mA (1)
8.4mA (2)
9.0mA (5)
10mA (9)
11mA (8)
12mA (14)
13mA (12)
14mA (18)
15mA (22)
16mA (16)
17mA (12)
18mA (17)
19mA (25)
20mA (18)
21mA (14)
22mA (12)
23mA (21)
24mA (14)
25mA (23)
26mA (14)
27mA (7)
27mA @120Hz (2)
28mA (17)
29mA (15)
30mA (38)
31mA (11)
32mA (21)
33mA (9)
33mA @120Hz (2)
34mA (22)
35mA (17)
36mA (16)
37mA (12)
38mA (13)
39mA (14)
39mA @120Hz (3)
40mA (45)
41mA (13)
42mA (9)
42mA @120Hz (1)
43mA (10)
44mA (12)
45mA (21)
46mA (11)
47mA (13)
48mA (28)
49mA (4)
50mA (35)
51mA (10)
52mA (12)
53mA (11)
54mA (6)
55mA (29)
55mA @120Hz (2)
56mA (12)
57mA (5)
58mA (7)
59mA (2)
59mA @120Hz (1)
60mA (36)
60mA @100kHz (1)
60mA@120Hz (1)
61mA (1)
62mA (2)
63mA (7)
63mA @120Hz (1)
64mA (2)
65mA (28)
66mA (3)
67mA (2)
68mA (3)
68mA @120Hz (2)
69mA (6)
70mA (40)
70mA @100kHz (1)
70mA @120Hz (2)
71mA (5)
72mA (1)
73mA (1)
74mA (4)
74mA @120Hz (1)
75mA (23)
76mA (8)
77mA (3)
78mA (3)
79mA (2)
80mA (65)
81mA (1)
82mA (6)
82mA @120Hz (2)
83mA (4)
84mA (3)
85mA (40)
86mA (4)
88mA (2)
89mA (1)
90mA (39)
90mA @100kHz (1)
91mA (8)
92mA (8)
93mA (3)
94mA (5)
95mA (23)
96mA (1)
98mA (2)
99mA (1)
100mA (42)
100mA @100kHz (2)
101mA (2)
102mA (3)
103mA (5)
105mA (18)
106mA (2)
107mA (1)
108mA (2)
109mA (1)
110mA (39)
110mA @120Hz (2)
111mA (2)
112mA (1)
113mA (3)
114mA (1)
114mA @120Hz (1)
115mA (14)
115mA @100kHz (1)
116mA (2)
117mA (1)
118mA (1)
119mA (4)
120mA (46)
120mA @100kHz (1)
120mA @120Hz (1)
121mA (1)
122mA (1)
123mA (2)
125mA (10)
126mA (1)
127mA (5)
128mA (4)
129mA (1)
130mA (28)
130mA @100kHz (4)
132mA (5)
134mA (1)
135mA (11)
136mA (1)
137mA (1)
138mA (3)
139mA (1)
140mA (55)
140mA @100kHz (1)
141mA (2)
142mA @120Hz (1)
143mA (1)
145mA (13)
145mA @100kHz (2)
148mA (4)
149mA (2)
150mA (81)
150mA @100kHz (1)
151mA (5)
152mA (1)
153mA (5)
155mA (15)
156mA (2)
157mA (1)
158mA (2)
159mA (1)
160mA (46)
162mA (2)
163mA (2)
165mA (39)
167mA (2)
168mA (2)
169mA (1)
170mA (37)
170mA @100kHz (2)
171mA (1)
173mA (2)
174mA (1)
175mA (6)
175mA @120Hz (1)
176mA (3)
177mA (1)
180mA (37)
180mA @100kHz (2)
181mA (1)
182mA (1)
183mA (2)
185mA (10)
186mA (1)
188mA (1)
189mA (2)
190mA (12)
190mA @100kHz (1)
190mA @120Hz (1)
192mA (2)
193mA (1)
195mA (5)
196mA (1)
197mA (2)
198mA (1)
200mA (29)
202mA (1)
204mA (3)
205mA (10)
208mA @120Hz (3)
210mA (37)
212mA (1)
214mA (2)
215mA (7)
216mA (4)
218mA (2)
220mA (42)
220mA @100kHz (2)
221mA (4)
222mA (1)
223mA (1)
224mA (2)
225mA (1)
226mA (1)
227mA @120Hz (1)
228mA (3)
228mA @120Hz (2)
229mA (1)
230mA (104)
230mA @120Hz (1)
232mA (3)
237mA (1)
238mA (6)
239mA (2)
240mA (80)
240mA @100kHz (2)
241mA @120Hz (1)
242mA (2)
243mA (7)
243mA @120Hz (1)
244mA (1)
245mA (2)
247mA (2)
248mA (1)
249mA (1)
0.250A (1)
250mA (71)
250mA @100kHz (1)
252mA (4)
254mA (4)
255mA (1)
260mA (43)
261mA @120Hz (1)
263mA (1)
264mA (8)
265mA (5)
267mA (2)
270mA (24)
270mA @100kHz (1)
270mA @120Hz (3)
271mA (1)
273mA (1)
274mA (1)
275mA (5)
276mA (2)
277mA (1)
278mA (2)
280mA (59)
280mA @100kHz (7)
281mA (2)
282mA (1)
285mA (8)
286mA (1)
288mA (3)
290mA (19)
292mA (1)
294mA (1)
295mA (9)
296mA (9)
297mA (6)
299mA (1)
300mA (61)
301mA (1)
304mA (3)
305mA (2)
306mA (1)
307mA (1)
308mA (2)
310mA (19)
314mA (3)
315mA (3)
316mA (1)
317mA (1)
319mA (2)
319mA @120Hz (1)
320mA (22)
320mA @100kHz (2)
321mA (2)
323mA (2)
324mA (2)
325mA (8)
327mA (1)
329mA (2)
330mA (22)
335mA (1)
335mA @120Hz (1)
336mA (1)
337mA @120Hz (1)
338mA (2)
339mA (2)
340mA (41)
341mA (1)
343mA (4)
345mA (24)
348mA (1)
350mA (44)
350mA @100kHz (3)
352mA (3)
354mA (2)
355mA (15)
357mA (4)
360mA (16)
360mA @100kHz (1)
360mA @120Hz (2)
361mA (1)
362mA (4)
364mA (1)
365mA (13)
368mA (3)
368mA @120Hz (1)
369mA (4)
370mA (23)
370mA @100kHz (1)
373mA (1)
374mA (2)
375mA (6)
376mA (1)
378mA (1)
380mA (17)
381mA (1)
385mA (8)
386mA (1)
390mA (27)
391mA (1)
395mA (3)
397mA (2)
400mA (39)
401mA (1)
404mA (1)
405mA (14)
406mA (2)
407mA (1)
410mA (18)
414mA (1)
415mA (2)
416mA (1)
418mA (1)
420mA (22)
423mA (2)
424mA (1)
425mA (1)
428mA (1)
429mA (1)
430mA (15)
430mA @100kHz (2)
434mA (2)
435mA (2)
436mA (2)
437mA (2)
440mA (19)
445mA (3)
450mA (89)
450mA @100kHz (1)
451mA (3)
452mA (2)
455mA (2)
458mA (1)
460mA (40)
462mA (3)
465mA (1)
466mA (5)
468mA (2)
469mA (1)
470mA (25)
472mA (4)
473mA (1)
473mA @120Hz (1)
475mA (2)
477mA (1)
478mA (1)
480mA (37)
481mA (1)
485mA (5)
490mA (13)
492mA (1)
494mA (2)
495mA (7)
496mA @120Hz (1)
497mA (1)
498mA (1)
500mA (39)
500mA @100kHz (3)
500mA @120Hz (1)
503mA (1)
505mA (1)
510mA (18)
511mA (1)
514mA (1)
515mA (2)
520mA (24)
521mA (1)
523mA (1)
525mA (5)
526mA (1)
528mA (1)
530mA (20)
531mA (3)
533mA (1)
535mA (1)
536mA @120Hz (1)
538mA (1)
540mA (33)
545mA (3)
546mA (1)
547mA (1)
549mA (1)
549mA @120Hz (1)
550mA (49)
554mA (1)
555mA (5)
560mA (28)
560mA @100kHz (1)
561mA (1)
564mA (1)
565mA (6)
567mA (1)
570mA (13)
575mA (5)
580mA (20)
582mA (2)
585mA (4)
586mA (2)
588mA (1)
590mA (20)
591mA @120Hz (1)
592mA (1)
594mA (4)
595mA (2)
599mA (1)
600mA (96)
600mA @100kHz (2)
605mA (1)
610mA (15)
611mA @120Hz (1)
616mA (3)
620mA (40)
623mA (1)
624mA (1)
625mA (5)
626mA (1)
627mA (3)
630mA (18)
631mA (1)
635mA (3)
638mA (5)
640mA (51)
645mA (7)
646mA (11)
649mA (2)
650mA (38)
655mA (8)
656mA (1)
657mA @120Hz (1)
659mA @120Hz (1)
660mA (24)
660mA @100kHz (1)
660mA @120Hz (1)
663mA (3)
665mA (9)
670mA (37)
670mA @120Hz (1)
672mA (1)
675mA (4)
678mA (1)
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685mA (12)
687mA (1)
688mA (4)
690mA (30)
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701mA (1)
704mA (1)
705mA (1)
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715mA (3)
716mA (1)
717mA (4)
720mA (25)
720mA @100kHz (2)
724mA (5)
725mA (3)
729mA (1)
730mA (27)
735mA (2)
740mA (12)
745mA (5)
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754mA (1)
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790mA (17)
794mA (2)
795mA (2)
799mA (3)
800mA (48)
800mA @100kHz (1)
801mA (1)
804mA (1)
810mA (16)
813mA (1)
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818mA (8)
819mA (2)
820mA (23)
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835mA (2)
836mA (1)
840mA (39)
840mA @100kHz (1)
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847mA (1)
850mA (80)
853mA (1)
855mA (2)
860mA (21)
861mA (1)
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873mA (1)
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925mA (1)
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944mA (2)
0.945A (1)
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951mA (1)
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997mA (3)
998mA (1)
1.000A (10)
1.00A (40)
1.00A @100kHz (1)
1.0A (1)
1.003A (2)
1.010A (6)
1.01A (7)
1.012A (2)
1.016A (1)
1.017A (1)
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1.02A (18)
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1.029A (1)
1.030A (6)
1.03A (9)
1.035A (1)
1.036A (1)
1.040A (5)
1.04A (16)
1.042A (1)
1.045 (1)
1.045A (1)
1.046A (1)
1.050A (15)
1.05A (47)
1.055A (2)
1.060A (2)
1.06A (8)
1.065A (4)
1.067A (2)
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1.07A (14)
1.071A (1)
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1.08A (6)
1.083A (1)
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1.09A (7)
1.095A (1)
1.096A (2)
1.099A (2)
1.100A (17)
1.10A (35)
1.1A (2)
1.110A (4)
1.11A (16)
1.113A (1)
1.118A (2)
1.120A (7)
1.12A (25)
1.121A (2)
1.122A (1)
1.125A (1)
1.13A (10)
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1.140A (6)
1.14A (7)
1.150A (11)
1.15A (20)
1.155A (2)
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1.160A (5)
1.16A (17)
1.169A (1)
1.170A (5)
1.17A (14)
1.175A (1)
1.180A (10)
1.18A (16)
1.182A (1)
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1.190A (3)
1.19A (43)
1190mA (1)
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1.210A (13)
1.21A (38)
1.215A (1)
1.216A (2)
1.220A (5)
1.22A (18)
1.225A (1)
1.230A (3)
1.23A (11)
1.231A (3)
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1.240A (2)
1.24A (21)
1.250A (10)
1.25A (31)
1.255A (1)
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1.260A (10)
1.26A (14)
1.261A (1)
1.262A (1)
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1.27A (16)
1.271A (2)
1.275A (1)
1.280A (9)
1.28A (19)
1.285A (1)
1.290A (5)
1.29A (19)
1.296A (1)
1.300A (12)
1.30A (26)
1.30A @100kHz (1)
1.303A (1)
1.306A (1)
1.310A (3)
1.31A (11)
1.320A (7)
1.32A (12)
1.325A (2)
1.330A (6)
1.33A (29)
1.336A (1)
1.34 (1)
1.340A (3)
1.34A (9)
1.345A (1)
1.346A (1)
1.350A (9)
1.35A (15)
1.353A (2)
1.354A (1)
1.356A (1)
1.360A (8)
1.36A (19)
1.363A (2)
1.370A (2)
1.37A (7)
1.372A (2)
1.375A (7)
1.380A (2)
1.38A (17)
1.382A (1)
1.389A (1)
1.39 (1)
1.390A (5)
1.39A (17)
1.400A (8)
1.40A (50)
1.405A (3)
1.410A (4)
1.41A (13)
1.411A (1)
1.413A (1)
1.419A (1)
1.420A (3)
1.42A (8)
1.422A (1)
1.426A (3)
1.430A (7)
1.43A (28)
1.440A (8)
1.44A (20)
1.450A (16)
1.45A (34)
1.451A (2)
1.452A (6)
1.457A (1)
1.458A (1)
1.459A (1)
1.460A (2)
1.46A (14)
1.461A (1)
1.465A (1)
1.470A (4)
1.47A (14)
1.480A (1)
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1.485A (1)
1.490A (16)
1.49A (19)
1.495A (1)
1.500A (10)
1.50A (48)
1.510A (9)
1.51A (22)
1.512A (1)
1.515A (2)
1.520A (2)
1.52A (14)
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1.530A (5)
1.53A (8)
1.540A (6)
1.54A (11)
1.541A (1)
1.547A (1)
1.550A (5)
1.55A (19)
1.554A (1)
1.555A (1)
1.56A (5)
1.561A (1)
1.565A (1)
1.570A (3)
1.57A (18)
1.579A (1)
1.580A (5)
1.58A (13)
1.583A (1)
1.586A (1)
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1.590A (3)
1.59A (8)
1.595A (3)
1.600A (13)
1.60A (37)
1.610A (4)
1.61A (12)
1.611A (1)
1.620A (2)
1.62A (13)
1.621A (1)
1.623A (1)
1.626A (1)
1.630A (3)
1.63A (18)
1.640A (1)
1.64A (6)
1.645A (2)
1.650A (13)
1.65A (53)
1.65A @100kHz (1)
1.655A (1)
1.660A (4)
1.66A (19)
1.665A (1)
1.670A (3)
1.67A (25)
1.675A (1)
1.678A (1)
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1.68A (14)
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1.69A (17)
1.695A (1)
1.700A (18)
1.70A (36)
1.710A (1)
1.71A (9)
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1.720A (2)
1.72A (16)
1.725A (1)
1.730A (6)
1.73A (10)
1.738 (1)
1.740A (4)
1.74A (11)
1.750A (4)
1.75A (19)
1.755A (1)
1.760A (7)
1.76A (22)
1.770A (2)
1.77A (6)
1.776A (1)
1.780A (9)
1.78A (10)
1.782A (1)
1.785A (1)
1.789A (1)
1.79 (1)
1.790A (1)
1.79A (12)
1.800A (6)
1.80A (27)
1.808A (1)
1.810A (1)
1.81A (9)
1.820A (14)
1.82A (20)
1.824A (1)
1.825A (1)
1.830A (1)
1.83A (10)
1.836A (4)
1.840A (3)
1.84A (6)
1.850A (8)
1.85A (32)
1.854A (1)
1.860A (2)
1.86A (13)
1.870A (12)
1.87A (20)
1.88A (13)
1.885A (1)
1.890A (4)
1.89A (8)
1.900A (7)
1.90A (48)
1.901A (1)
1.905A (8)
1.906A (1)
1.910A (1)
1.91A (31)
1.920A (4)
1.92A (3)
1.921A (2)
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1.93A (8)
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1.94A (19)
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1.95A (18)
1.955A (2)
1.960A (7)
1.96A (37)
1.965A (1)
1.970A (1)
1.97A (12)
1.980A (6)
1.98A (6)
1.982A (1)
1.990A (3)
1.99A (15)
2.000A (11)
2.00A (41)
2.010A (7)
2.01A (8)
2.015A (2)
2.016A (1)
2.020A (3)
2.02A (12)
2.030A (2)
2.03A (14)
2.040A (8)
2.04A (28)
2.050A (6)
2.05A (13)
2.052A (1)
2.060A (3)
2.06A (7)
2.070A (4)
2.07A (3)
2.080A (1)
2.08A (8)
2.090A (1)
2.09A (10)
2.100A (1)
2.10A (27)
2.110A (3)
2.11A (8)
2.115A (2)
2.117A (1)
2.120A (4)
2.12A (8)
2.125A (2)
2.130A (2)
2.13A (7)
2.134A (1)
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2.140A (2)
2.14A (15)
2.150A (8)
2.15A (24)
2.156A (4)
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2.16A (17)
2.165A (1)
2.17A (8)
2.175A (1)
2.180A (1)
2.18A (11)
2.188A (2)
2.190A (4)
2.19A (11)
2.200A (9)
2.20A (38)
2.210A (1)
2.21A (15)
2.215A (1)
2.220A (4)
2.22A (6)
2.225A (3)
2.230A (1)
2.23A (23)
2.240A (2)
2.24A (7)
2.250A (7)
2.25A (37)
2.260A (3)
2.26A (14)
2.270A (1)
2.27A (17)
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2.28A (10)
2.290A (3)
2.29A (9)
2.300A (11)
2.30A (29)
2.3A (1)
2.304A (1)
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2.310A (2)
2.31A (8)
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2.32A (2)
2.33A (5)
2.335A (1)
2.34A (6)
2.350A (3)
2.35A (16)
2.360A (5)
2.36A (12)
2.370A (5)
2.37A (6)
2.376A (1)
2.380A (3)
2.38A (6)
2.390A (3)
2.39A (10)
2.400A (5)
2.40A (36)
2.410A (6)
2.41A (15)
2.419A (1)
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2.42A (12)
2.430A (6)
2.43A (14)
2.44A (7)
2.450A (2)
2.45A (9)
2.46A (6)
2.470A (2)
2.47A (5)
2.480A (1)
2.48A (28)
2.490A (2)
2.49A (7)
2.500A (3)
2.50A (43)
2.5A (1)
2.503A (1)
2.505A (3)
2.510A (1)
2.51A (10)
2.520A (1)
2.52A (6)
2.530A (3)
2.53A (23)
2.540A (1)
2.54A (8)
2.550 (1)
2.550A (6)
2.55A (29)
2.552A (1)
2.555A (6)
2.560A (4)
2.56A (6)
2.570A (1)
2.57A (10)
2.580A (3)
2.58A (4)
2.590A (1)
2.59A (10)
2.600A (7)
2.60A (36)
2.610A (2)
2.61A (2)
2.620A (1)
2.62A (5)
2.630A (4)
2.63A (3)
2.64A (6)
2.642A (1)
2.650A (3)
2.65A (25)
2.660A (1)
2.66A (6)
2.66A@Hz (1)
2.67A (3)
2.678A (1)
2.68A (9)
2.686A (1)
2.69A (6)
2.695A (1)
2.700A (7)
2.70A (35)
2.710A (1)
2.71A (4)
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2.72A (3)
2.730A (3)
2.73A (6)
2.740A (1)
2.74A (8)
2.750A (4)
2.75A (21)
2.76 (1)
2.760A (4)
2.76A (5)
2.770A (6)
2.77A (11)
2.780A (8)
2.78A (6)
2.785A (1)
2.790A (2)
2.79A (5)
2.800A (12)
2.80A (32)
2.8A (1)
2.808A (4)
2.810A (1)
2.81A (6)
2.82A (7)
2.830A (2)
2.83A (10)
2.835A (1)
2.840A (2)
2.84A (8)
2.850A (2)
2.85A (15)
2.860A (2)
2.86A (26)
2.865A (1)
2.867A (1)
2.87A (9)
2.880A (1)
2.88A (21)
2.89A (4)
2.900A (2)
2.90A (54)
2.9A (2)
2.91A (4)
2.92A (8)
2.93A (16)
2.94A (4)
2.950A (1)
2.95A (10)
2.953A (1)
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2.96A (13)
2.970A (1)
2.97A (6)
2.98A (2)
2.99A (3)
3.000A (10)
3.00A (33)
3.010A (2)
3.01A (11)
3.020A (2)
3.02A (6)
3.03A (2)
3.035A (5)
3.040A (1)
3.04A (3)
3.050A (2)
3.05A (16)
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3.06A (4)
3.070A (1)
3.07A (5)
3.080A (2)
3.08A (5)
3.090A (1)
3.09A (5)
3.100A (2)
3.10A (23)
3.11A (5)
3.12A (5)
3.130A (6)
3.13A (5)
3.132A (5)
3.140A (7)
3.14A (14)
3.150A (1)
3.15A (13)
3.160A (2)
3.16A (1)
3.161A (1)
3.17A (3)
3.18A (4)
3.19A (4)
3.200A (1)
3.20A (30)
3.201A (1)
3.210A (1)
3.21A (3)
3.22A (6)
3.223A (1)
3.230A (1)
3.23A (6)
3.24A (4)
3.25A (31)
3.258A (1)
3.26A (2)
3.265A (5)
3.270A (4)
3.27A (12)
3.28A (5)
3.290A (5)
3.29A (8)
3.294A (5)
3.300A (2)
3.30A (23)
3.31A (6)
3.320A (2)
3.32A (7)
3.330A (1)
3.33A (2)
3.340A (1)
3.34A (5)
3.348A (1)
3.35A (18)
3.36A (6)
3.37A (3)
3.38A (6)
3.39A (4)
3.400A (5)
3.40A (21)
3.4A (1)
3.41A (2)
3.413A (5)
3.420A (3)
3.42A (7)
3.43A (4)
3.44A (1)
3.450A (1)
3.45A (40)
3.460A (9)
3.46A (4)
3.47A (2)
3.480A (2)
3.48A (6)
3.490A (4)
3.500A (2)
3.50A (35)
3.510A (2)
3.51A (4)
3.52A (4)
3.53A (2)
3.54A (5)
3.550A (2)
3.55A (3)
3.56A (4)
3.570A (1)
3.57A (14)
3.58A (3)
3.600A (1)
3.60A (30)
3.610A (6)
3.61A (15)
3.611A (5)
3.620A (1)
3.62A (1)
3.63A (18)
3.635A (3)
3.640A (1)
3.64A (4)
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3.65A (16)
3.66A (3)
3.67A (6)
3.680A (5)
3.68A (6)
3.685A (1)
3.690A (2)
3.69A (5)
3.695A (1)
3.70A (14)
3.710A (1)
3.71A (3)
3.72A (7)
3.726A (1)
3.73A (3)
3.74A (1)
3.750A (2)
3.75A (8)
3.76A (3)
3.77A (2)
3.780A (5)
3.78A (2)
3.790A (5)
3.79A (1)
3.80A (30)
3.810A (1)
3.81A (6)
3.812A (5)
3.82A (7)
3.83A (4)
3.84A (4)
3.85A (11)
3.856A (1)
3.860A (1)
3.86A (6)
3.87A (2)
3.880A (1)
3.88A (1)
3.888A (5)
3.89A (1)
3.895A (1)
3.90A (18)
3.94A (2)
3.95A (2)
3.960A (1)
3.96A (2)
3.97A (1)
3.98A (6)
3.990A (1)
3.99A (1)
4.000A (1)
4.00A (14)
4.01A (2)
4.02A (2)
4.03A (1)
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4.04A (4)
4.05A (9)
4.06A (4)
4.070A (1)
4.07A (2)
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4.09A (1)
4.10A (8)
4.12A (2)
4.13A (1)
4.14A (1)
4.15A (7)
4.17A (13)
4.19A (1)
4.20A (18)
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4.22A (16)
4.24A (1)
4.25A (3)
4.26A (4)
4.27A (4)
4.28A (11)
4.290A (2)
4.29A (1)
4.30A (11)
4.31A (1)
4.32A (3)
4.33A (2)
4.35A (3)
4.36A (1)
4.37A (3)
4.40A (10)
4.41A (1)
4.41A @100Hz (1)
4.42A (1)
4.43A (1)
4.45A (3)
4.46A (3)
4.48A (2)
4.49A (1)
4.50A (13)
4.51A (1)
4.52A (1)
4.54A (2)
4.55A (4)
4.56A (2)
4.59A (1)
4.60A (9)
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Rows to display    Items 11251 to 11275 out of 11842 <<  -10  <  446  447  448  449  450  451  452  453  454  455  456    >  +10  >>
Manufacturer's part number
Index Ropla
Capacitors Type Mounting Style Series Capacitance Rated Voltage Tolerance Package/Case Lead Spacing Load Life Ripple Current Impedance tan δ Tₘᵢₙ Tₘₐₓ Packaging Availability Net price MOQ
11251 /smy/smy0114.jpg TGA400LG3300M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis TGA (KMH) 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 2000h 5.50A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 118.4981000 PLN   10
SMY0114 Electrolytic Capacitor, TGA 3300uF-400V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 2000h, P28.0 /smy/tga(kmh)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0117.jpg TFA400LG3G3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 15.20A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 141.2032000 PLN   10
SMY4522 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 3300uF-400V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0009.jpg RFA400LG3G3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 20000h 11.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 158.2970000 PLN   10
SMY0009 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-400V /76.5x100/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0033.jpg RFC400LG3G3300M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 5000h 11.10A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 119.3725000 PLN   10
SMY0033 Electrolytic Capacitor, RWF (RFC) 3300uF-400V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/63.5x130-black.jpg RFA450LG3G3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 450V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 20000h 11.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 169.0900000 PLN   10
SMY0066 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-450V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa450lg3g3300m63.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0117.jpg TFA400LG3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 15.20A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 141.2032000 PLN   10
SMY0117 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 3300uF-400V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/63.5x130-black.jpg RFC450LG3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 3300µF 450V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 11.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 145.5893000 PLN   10
SMY0358 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 3300uF-450V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy2237.jpg RGB450LG3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RGB 3300µF 450V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 2000h 10.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 129.2759000 PLN   10
SMY2237 Electrolytic Capacitor, RGB 3300uF-450V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 2000h, P28.0 /smy/rgb_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11252 /smy/smy0115.jpg TGA400LG4700M76.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis TGA (KMH) 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x120 31.5mm 2000h 7.10A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 179.1634000 PLN   10
SMY0115 Electrolytic Capacitor, TGA 4700uF-400V /76.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 2000h, P31.5 /smy/tga(kmh)_large.pdf /smy/tga400lg4700m76.5x120.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0010.jpg RFA400LG3G4700M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 20000h 15.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
5 pcs
 on stock

 195.9976000 PLN    1
SMY0010 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-400V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0021.jpg RFA450LG3G4700M76.5x160
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x160 31.5mm 20000h 16.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 246.0800000 PLN   10
SMY0021 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x160/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0034.jpg RFC400LG3G4700M76.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x120 31.5mm 5000h 14.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 207.7649000 PLN   10
SMY0034 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 4700uF-400V /76.5x120/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0035.jpg RFC450LG3G4700M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 5000h 15.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
2 pcs
 on stock

 211.8622000 PLN    1
SMY0035 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 4700uF-450V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rwf450lg3g4700m75.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0055.jpg RFA500LG3G4700M89x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 500V 20% 89x150 31.5mm 20000h 15.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 324.0739000 PLN   10
SMY0055 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-500V /89x150/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0119.jpg TFA400LG4700M76.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x120 31.5mm 5000h 19.40A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 186.9116000 PLN   10
SMY0119 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 4700uF-400V /76.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa400lg4700m76.5x120.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0120.jpg TFA450LG4700M76.5x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x150 31.5mm 5000h 20.40A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 230.4652000 PLN   10
SMY0120 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x150/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa450lg4700m76.5x150.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/76.5x130-black.jpg RGB450LG4700M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RGB 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 2000h 13.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 181.3221000 PLN   10
SMY2454 Electrolytic Capacitor, RGB 4700uF-450V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 2000h, P31.5 /smy/rgb_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/76.5x150-black.jpg RFA500LG3G4700M76.5x140
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 500V 20% 76.5x140 31.5mm 20000h 13.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 273.4222000 PLN   10
SMY4481 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-500V /76.5x140/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa500lg4700m76.5x140.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RFA450LG3G4700M76.5x145
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x145 31.5mm 20000h 17.60A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 239.8440000 PLN   10
SMY4503 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x145/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa450lg4700m76.5x145.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11253 /smy/smy0116.png TFA400LG2200M63.5x90
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 2200µF 400V 20% 63.5x90 28.0mm 5000h 10.40A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
5 pcs
 on stock

 138.1252000 PLN    1
SMY0116 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 2200uF-400V /63.5x90/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa400lg2200m63.5x90.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0067.jpg RFA450LG2G2200M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 2200µF 450V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 20000h 9.10A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
3 pcs
 on stock

 121.9565000 PLN    1
SMY0067 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 2200uF-450V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0171.png TFA450LG2200M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 2200µF 450V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 5000h 11.80A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

 128.8913000 PLN   1
SMY0171 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 2200uF-450V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11254 /smy/smy0117.jpg TFA400LG3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 15.20A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 141.2032000 PLN   10
SMY0117 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 3300uF-400V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0117.jpg TFA400LG3G3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 15.20A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 141.2032000 PLN   10
SMY4522 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 3300uF-400V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0009.jpg RFA400LG3G3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 20000h 11.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 158.2970000 PLN   10
SMY0009 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-400V /76.5x100/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/63.5x130-black.jpg RFA450LG3G3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 450V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 20000h 11.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 169.0900000 PLN   10
SMY0066 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-450V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa450lg3g3300m63.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/63.5x130-black.jpg RFC450LG3300M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 3300µF 450V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 11.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 145.5893000 PLN   10
SMY0358 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 3300uF-450V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11255 /smy/smy0118.jpg TFA450LG3300M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 3300µF 450V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 5000h 16.90A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 182.5750000 PLN   10
SMY0118 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 3300uF-450V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0059.png RFA500LG3G3300M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 500V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 20000h 11.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
8 pcs
 on stock

 237.8454000 PLN    1
SMY0059 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-500V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa500lg3300m76.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RFC550LG3300M76.5x155
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 3300µF 550V 20% 76.5x155 31.5mm 5000h 10.60A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 359.7660000 PLN   10
SMY0314 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 3300uF-550V /76.5x155/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc550lg3300m76.5x155.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11256 /smy/smy0119.jpg TFA400LG4700M76.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x120 31.5mm 5000h 19.40A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 186.9116000 PLN   10
SMY0119 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 4700uF-400V /76.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa400lg4700m76.5x120.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0010.jpg RFA400LG3G4700M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 20000h 15.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
5 pcs
 on stock

 195.9976000 PLN    1
SMY0010 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-400V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0021.jpg RFA450LG3G4700M76.5x160
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x160 31.5mm 20000h 16.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 246.0800000 PLN   10
SMY0021 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x160/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0034.jpg RFC400LG3G4700M76.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 4700µF 400V 20% 76.5x120 31.5mm 5000h 14.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 207.7649000 PLN   10
SMY0034 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 4700uF-400V /76.5x120/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0035.jpg RFC450LG3G4700M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 5000h 15.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
2 pcs
 on stock

 211.8622000 PLN    1
SMY0035 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 4700uF-450V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rwf450lg3g4700m75.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0055.jpg RFA500LG3G4700M89x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 500V 20% 89x150 31.5mm 20000h 15.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 324.0739000 PLN   10
SMY0055 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-500V /89x150/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0120.jpg TFA450LG4700M76.5x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x150 31.5mm 5000h 20.40A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 230.4652000 PLN   10
SMY0120 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x150/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa450lg4700m76.5x150.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/76.5x150-black.jpg RFA500LG3G4700M76.5x140
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 500V 20% 76.5x140 31.5mm 20000h 13.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 273.4222000 PLN   10
SMY4481 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-500V /76.5x140/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa500lg4700m76.5x140.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RFA450LG3G4700M76.5x145
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x145 31.5mm 20000h 17.60A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 239.8440000 PLN   10
SMY4503 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x145/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa450lg4700m76.5x145.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11257 /smy/smy0120.jpg TFA450LG4700M76.5x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x150 31.5mm 5000h 20.40A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 230.4652000 PLN   10
SMY0120 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x150/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa450lg4700m76.5x150.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0021.jpg RFA450LG3G4700M76.5x160
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 450V 20% 76.5x160 31.5mm 20000h 16.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 246.0800000 PLN   10
SMY0021 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-450V /76.5x160/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0055.jpg RFA500LG3G4700M89x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 4700µF 500V 20% 89x150 31.5mm 20000h 15.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 324.0739000 PLN   10
SMY0055 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 4700uF-500V /89x150/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11258 /smy/63.5x130-black.jpg RFC400LG3G3900M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 3900µF 400V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 5000h 12.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 161.5749000 PLN   10
SMY0124 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 3900uF-400V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> RFA450LG3G3900M63.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3900µF 450V 20% 63.5x170 28.0mm 20000h 14.40A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 202.5933000 PLN   10
SMY0339 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3900uF-450V /63.5x170/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11259 /smy/smy0128.png TGA63LG22000M50x80
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis TGA (KMH) 22000µF 63V 20% 50x80 22.4mm 2000h 7.40A 0.25 -40°C 105°C Inner Box  
67 pcs
 on stock

 65.1577000 PLN    1
SMY0128 Electrolytic Capacitor, TGA 22000uF-63V /50x80/ screw terminal 105C, 2000h, P22.4 /smy/tga(kmh)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy2368.jpg RGB100LG22000M50x100
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RGB 22000µF 100V 20% 50x100 22.4mm 2000h 11.30A 0.25 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 70.6581000 PLN   32
SMY2368 Electrolytic Capacitor, RGB 22000uF-100V /50x100/ screw terminal 85C, 2000h, P22.4 /smy/rgb_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11260 /smy/smy0129.jpg TGA100LG22000M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis TGA (KMH) 22000µF 100V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 2000h 12.50A 0.20 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 91.2208000 PLN   10
SMY0129 Electrolytic Capacitor, TGA 22000uF-100V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 2000h, P28.0 /smy/tga(kmh)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /jam/51x90.jpg KPS223M2AV90M
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis KP 22000µF 100V 20% 51x90 21.8mm 2000h 9.41A 0.20 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 61.8870000 PLN   120
JAM0139 Electrolytic Capacitor, KP 22000uF-100V /51x90/ screw terminal, 85C, 2000h, P21.8 /jam/kp.pdf /jam/kps223m2av90m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/64x70.jpg NKP229M100A2A5X70L
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis KP 22000µF 100V 20% 64x70 28.2mm 2000h 8.62A 0.25 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
24 pcs
 on stock

 92.2632000 PLN    1
JAM0140 Electrolytic Capacitor, KP 22000uF-100V /64x70/ screw terminal, 85C, 2000h, P28.2 /jam/kp.pdf /jam/kps223m2a170m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/64x100.jpg KPS223M2A11HM
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis KP 22000µF 100V 20% 64x100 28.2mm 2000h 9.79A 0.25 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 72.2018000 PLN   90
JAM0895 Electrolytic Capacitor, KP 22000uF-100V /64x100/ screw terminal, 85C, 2000h, P28.2 /jam/kp.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /jam/77x100.jpg RPS223M2A296M
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RP 22000µF 100V 20% 77x96 31.4mm 2000h 8.69A 0.25 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 97.2511000 PLN   90
JAM1574 Electrolytic Capacitor, RP 22000uF-100V /77x96/ screw terminal, 105C, 2000h, P31.4 /jam/rp.pdf /jam/rps332m2g296m.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy2368.jpg RGB100LG22000M50x100
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RGB 22000µF 100V 20% 50x100 22.4mm 2000h 11.30A 0.25 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 70.6581000 PLN   32
SMY2368 Electrolytic Capacitor, RGB 22000uF-100V /50x100/ screw terminal 85C, 2000h, P22.4 /smy/rgb_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11261 /smy/smy0130.png TGA63LG47000M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis TGA (KMH) 47000µF 63V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 2000h 14.90A 0.30 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
15 pcs
 on stock

 86.9374000 PLN    1
SMY0130 CETGA 47000uF-63V /63,5x120/ Kondensator elektrolityczny śrub.105C, 2000h, P28.0 /smy/tga(kmh)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy2428.png RGB100LG47000M63.5x140
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RGB 47000µF 100V 20% 63.5x140 28.0mm 2000h 17.00A 0.35 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
10 pcs
 on stock

 133.1134000 PLN    1
SMY2428 Electrolytic Capacitor, RGB 47000uF-100V /63.5x140/ screw terminal 85C, 2000h, P28.0 /smy/rgb_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy2428.jpg RGB100LG47000M63.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Standard Chassis RGB 47000µF 100V 20% 63.5x130 28.0mm 2000h 15.80A 0.35 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 131.2417000 PLN   10
SMY4492 Electrolytic Capacitor, RGB 47000uF-100V /63.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 2000h, P28.0 /smy/rgb_large.pdf /smy/rgb100lg47000m63.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11262 /smy/smy0170.png RFA500LG1500M63.5x100
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 1500µF 500V 20% 63.5x100 28.0mm 20000h 6.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
4 pcs
 on stock

 130.8149000 PLN    1
SMY0170 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 1500uF-500V /63.5x100/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11263 /smy/smy0171.png TFA450LG2200M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 2200µF 450V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 5000h 11.80A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

 128.8913000 PLN   1
SMY0171 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 2200uF-450V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P28.0 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0067.jpg RFA450LG2G2200M63.5x120
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 2200µF 450V 20% 63.5x120 28.0mm 20000h 9.10A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
3 pcs
 on stock

 121.9565000 PLN    1
SMY0067 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 2200uF-450V /63.5x120/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11264 /smy/76.5x150-brown.jpg TFA400LG5600M76.5x160
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 5600µF 400V 20% 76.5x160 31.5mm 5000h 23.80A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 241.6228000 PLN   10
SMY0172 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 5600uF-400V /76.5x160/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/76.5x160-black.jpg RFA450LG3G5600M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 5600µF 450V 20% 76.5x170 31.5mm 20000h 21.10A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 297.4066000 PLN   10
SMY0022 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 5600uF-450V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0056.jpg RFA500LG4G5600M89x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 5600µF 500V 20% 89x170 31.5mm 20000h 18.20A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 377.3356000 PLN   10
SMY0056 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 5600uF-500V /89x170/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/76.5x160-black.jpg RFA400LG3G5600M76.5x160
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 5600µF 400V 20% 76.5x160 31.5mm 20000h 18.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 237.0058000 PLN   10
SMY0068 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 5600uF-400V /76.5x160/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TFA450LG5600M76.5x190
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 5600µF 450V 20% 76.5x190 31.5mm 5000h 26.10A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 281.0212000 PLN   10
SMY0357 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 5600uF-450V /76.5x190/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11265 /smy/76.5x170-brown.jpg TFA400LG6800M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 6800µF 400V 20% 76.5x170 31.5mm 5000h 27.30A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 275.8657000 PLN   10
SMY0173 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 6800uF-400V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/76.5x160-black.jpg RFC450LG3G6800M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 6800µF 450V 20% 76.5x170 31.5mm 5000h 20.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 295.5025000 PLN   10
SMY0037 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 6800uF-450V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0057.jpg RFA500LG3G6800M89x190
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 6800µF 500V 20% 89x190 31.5mm 20000h 21.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 673.2011000 PLN   10
SMY0057 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 6800uF-500V /89x190/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TFA450LG6800M89x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 6800µF 450V 20% 89x170 31.5mm 5000h 27.80A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 352.0462000 PLN   10
SMY0355 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 6800uF-450V /89x170/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11266 /smy/smy0242.jpg RFA400LG3300M76.5x100
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 400V 20% 76.5x100 31.5mm 20000h 10.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 163.0939000 PLN   10
SMY0242 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-400V /76.5x100/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa400lg3300m76.5x100.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0059.png RFA500LG3G3300M76.5x130
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 500V 20% 76.5x130 31.5mm 20000h 11.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
8 pcs
 on stock

 237.8454000 PLN    1
SMY0059 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-500V /76.5x130/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa500lg3300m76.5x130.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/76.5x100-black.jpg RFA450LG3300M76.5x105
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 450V 20% 76.5x105 31.5mm 20000h 10.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 181.2372000 PLN   10
SMY2002 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-450V /76.5x105/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa450lg3300m76.5x105.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RFA450BD3300M76.5x100
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3300µF 450V 20% 76.5x100 31.5mm 20000h 13.40A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 219.8570000 PLN   10
SMY4502 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3300uF-450V /76.5x100/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa450bd3300m76.5x100.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11267 /smy/smy0262.jpg TFA400LG8200M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 8200µF 400V 20% 76.5x170 31.5mm 5000h 28.10A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
21 pcs
 on stock

 303.5677000 PLN    1
SMY0262 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 8200uF-400V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa400lg8200m76.5x170.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> TFA450LG8200M89x190
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 8200µF 450V 20% 89x190 31.5mm 5000h 32.00A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 393.3682000 PLN   10
SMY0356 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 8200uF-450V /89x190/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11268 /smy/76.5x160-black.jpg RFA400LG8200M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 8200µF 400V 20% 76.5x170 41.5mm 20000h 22.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 327.8068000 PLN   10
SMY0263 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 8200uF-400V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf /smy/rfa400lg8200m76.5x170.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/smy0262.jpg TFA400LG8200M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 8200µF 400V 20% 76.5x170 31.5mm 5000h 28.10A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
21 pcs
 on stock

 303.5677000 PLN    1
SMY0262 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 8200uF-400V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf /smy/tfa400lg8200m76.5x170.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11269 /smy/76.5x150-black.jpg RFA500LG3G3900M76.5x150
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 3900µF 500V 20% 76.5x150 31.5mm 20000h 13.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 261.7498000 PLN   10
SMY0268 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 3900uF-500V /76.5x150/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11270 /smy/89x190-black.jpg RFC400BD3G15000M89x190
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 15000µF 400V 20% 89x190 31.5mm 5000h 34.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 544.4210000 PLN   10
SMY0272 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 15000uF-400V /89x190/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc400bd15000m89x190.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/89x190-black.jpg RFC400LG3G15000M89x190
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 15000µF 400V 20% 89x190 31.5mm 5000h 34.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 491.6802000 PLN   10
SMY0362 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 15000uF-400V /89x190/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc400lg3g15000m89x190.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> RFC450LG15000M89x230
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 15000µF 450V 20% 89x230 31.5mm 5000h 36.50A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 561.0103000 PLN   8
SMY4497 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 15000uF-450V /98x230/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc450lg15000m89x230.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11271 RFA500LG1200M63.5x90
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 1200µF 500V 20% 63.5x90 28.0mm 20000h 5.30A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 116.8100000 PLN   10
SMY0300 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 1200uF-500V /63.5x90/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P28.0 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11272 RFC550LG3300M76.5x155
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 3300µF 550V 20% 76.5x155 31.5mm 5000h 10.60A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 359.7660000 PLN   10
SMY0314 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 3300uF-550V /76.5x155/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc550lg3300m76.5x155.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11273 /smy/smy0327.jpg RFC450LG3G6800M76.5x160
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 6800µF 450V 20% 76.5x160 31.5mm 5000h 20.10A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
2 pcs
 on stock

 294.8483000 PLN    1
SMY0327 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 6800uF-450V /76.5x160/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc450lg6800m76.5x160.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /smy/76.5x160-black.jpg RFC450LG3G6800M76.5x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 6800µF 450V 20% 76.5x170 31.5mm 5000h 20.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 295.5025000 PLN   10
SMY0037 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 6800uF-450V /76.5x170/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P31,5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> /smy/smy0057.jpg RFA500LG3G6800M89x190
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 6800µF 500V 20% 89x190 31.5mm 20000h 21.00A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 673.2011000 PLN   10
SMY0057 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 6800uF-500V /89x190/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P31.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
>> TFA450LG6800M89x170
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis TFA 6800µF 450V 20% 89x170 31.5mm 5000h 27.80A 0.15 -25°C 105°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 352.0462000 PLN   10
SMY0355 Electrolytic Capacitor, TFA 6800uF-450V /89x170/ screw terminal 105C, 5000h, P31.5 /smy/tfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11274 /smy/smy0337.jpg RFC63LG470000M100x250
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFC (RWF) 470000µF 63V 20% 100x250 41.5mm 5000h 33.60A 0.25 -40°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 419.7567000 PLN   8
SMY0337 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFC (RWF) 470000uF-63V /100x250/ screw terminal 85C, 5000h, P41.5 /smy/rfc(rwf)_large.pdf /smy/rfc63lg470000m100x250.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
11275 RFA350LG3G18000M100x220
SamYoung Electronics
Screw Terminal Long Life Chassis RFA 18000µF 350V 20% 100x220 41.5mm 20000h 44.70A 0.25 -25°C 85°C Inner Box  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 558.4369000 PLN   8
SMY0338 Electrolytic Capacitor, RFA 18000uF-350V /100x220/ screw terminal 85C, 20000h, P41.5 /smy/rfa_large.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Rows to display    Items 11251 to 11275 out of 11842 <<  -10  <  446  447  448  449  450  451  452  453  454  455  456    >  +10  >>