Index Ropla DAR0231
Manufacturer's part number C1608X7R104KHTS
Manufacturer Darfon
Data sheet /dar/x5r_x7r.pdf x5r_x7r.pdf (536,72KB)

Product group Ceramic Capacitors
Manufacturer Darfon
Type Standard
Dielectric X7R
Mounting Style SMD
Capacitance 100nF
Rated Voltage 100V
Tolerance 10%
High 0.80mm
Package/Case 0603 (1608)
Temperature Characteristic ±15%
Tₘᵢₙ -55°C
Tₘₐₓ 125°C
Packaging Reel 7"
Collective package 4,000/20,000/200,000 pcs
Weight 0.039000 g
Weight of the collective package 156 g/780 g/7,800 g
Customs number 85322400
0 pcs on stock

4,000 pcs Minimum order quantity
4,000 pcs Multiple
4,000/20,000/200,000 pcs Collective package

pcs +