Mounting Style
Transistor Type
Rows to display    Items 51 to 75 out of 76 <  1  2  3  4    >
Manufacturer's part number
Index Ropla
Mounting Style Package/Case Transistor Type Polarity Drain-Source Voltage VDS Continuous Drain Current Power Dissipation PD Drain-Source Resistance RDS(on) Input Capacitance Ciss Tₘᵢₙ Tₘₐₓ Packaging Availability Net price MOQ
51 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg CDM301N
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 25V 220mA 350mW 5.0Ω 9.5pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1676000 PLN   3000
AKS0108 Power N-MOSFET transistor 25V/220mA; 350mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/cdm301n.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
52 /_obudowy/dfn-2020-6.jpg AKS120N03DF1
Akyga semi
SMD DFN-2020-6L MOSFET N-Channel 30V 10A 2.4W 18mΩ 952pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
 on stock

 0.3629000 PLN   3000
AKS1044 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/10A; 2.4W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks120n03df1.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
53 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg AKS-3402
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 30V 4.0A 1.5W 60mΩ 300pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1361000 PLN   3000
AKS1052 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/4.0A; 1.5W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
Show similar
>> /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg AKS-3402
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 30V 4.0A 1.5W 60mΩ 300pF -50°C 155°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1536000 PLN   3000
AKS1024 N-MOSFET transistor 30V/4.0A; 1.5W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks3402.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
54 P3MNC5P1
Akyga semi
SMD PPAK3X3 MOSFET N-Channel 30V 48A 17.4W 2117pF -50°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.6764000 PLN   3000
AKS0038 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/48A; 17.4W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks0038.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
55 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg TKMN0030
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 30V 5.0A 750mW 38mΩ 305pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2112000 PLN   6000
AKS0130 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/5.0A; 750mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/tkmn0030.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
56 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg AKS-3400
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 30V 5.8A 1.4W 41mΩ 820pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1502000 PLN   3000
AKS1050 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/5.8A; 1.4W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
57 TN3004
Akyga semi
SMD PDFN5x6 MOSFET N-Channel 30V 50A 32W 1500pF -50°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.1172000 PLN   3000
AKS0048 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/50A; 32W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/tn3004.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
58 /_obudowy/pdfn3x3-8l.png 70N03DF
Akyga semi
SMD PDFN3x3-8L MOSFET N-Channel 30V 70A 59W 2295pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.8600000 PLN   3000
AKS0084 Power N-MOSFET transistor 30V/70A; 59W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/70n03df.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
59 AKS138KT
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-416FL MOSFET N-Channel 50V 200A 150mW 29pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1492000 PLN   3000
AKS1049 Power N-MOSFET transistor 50V/200mA; 150mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks138kt.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
60 BSS138KDW
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-523 MOSFET N-Channel 50V 220mA 350mW 27pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.1027000 PLN   3000
AKS1054 Power N-MOSFET transistor 50V/200mA; 150mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/bss138t.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
ROHM Co., Ltd.
SMD SOT-416FL MOSFET N-Channel 50V 200mA 150mW 9.0Ω 26pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
10 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.1655000 PLN    3000
RSM0002 Power N-MOSFET transistor 50V/200mA; 150mW /rsm/re1j002yn.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
62 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg LBSS138LT1G
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 50V 200mA 225mW 5.6Ω 40pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

by special order
 0.0814000 PLN   30000
LRC0022 Power N-MOSFET transistor 50V/200mA; 225mW /lrc/lbss138lt1g.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
63 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg BSS138
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 50V 340mA 350mW 3.0Ω 28.5pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  

0 pcs
6,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-26

 0.0503000 PLN   3000
AKS1053 Power N-MOSFET transistor 50V/340mA; 350mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/bss138.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
64 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg AKS2310AA
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 60V 2.4A 1.2W 135mΩ 330pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  
3,000 pcs
 on stock

 0.3322000 PLN    3000
AKS0179 Power N-MOSFET transistor 60V/2.4A; 1.2W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/sk2310aa.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
65 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg TKMN0060
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 60V 3.0A 350mW 38mΩ 305pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  
 on stock

 0.2688000 PLN   6000
AKS0132 Power N-MOSFET transistor 60V/3.0A /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/tkmn0060.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
66 /_obudowy/to-220f.png SL8N65
Akyga semi
THT TO-220F MOSFET N-Channel 650V 8.0A 30W 1.25Ω 981pF -55°C 150°C Tube  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.2452000 PLN   50
AKS0985 Power N-MOSFET transistor 650V/8.0A /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/sl8n65f.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
67 /_obudowy/to-252.jpg AKS08N65B
Akyga semi
SMD TO-252 MOSFET N-Channel 650V 8.0A 120W 0.95Ω -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.1850000 PLN   2500
AKS0528 Power N-MOSFET transistor 650V/8.0A; 120W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks08n65b.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
68 /_obudowy/soic-8.jpg GAKSH4402-S8
Akyga semi
SMD SOP-8 MOSFET N/P-Channel ±40V 9.7/9.2A 3.4/7.8W -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 2.2860000 PLN   4000
AKS0126 Power N/P-MOSFET transistor 70V/9.7A 3.4W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/gaksh4402-s8.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
69 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg FS3401
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET P-Channel 30V 4.2A 350mW 65mΩ 880pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  
0 pcs
 on stock

 0.2678000 PLN   3000
AKS0182 Power P-MOSFET transistor -30V/-4.2A; 350mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/fs3401.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
70 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg G32KP10I
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET P-Channel 100V 1.0A 770mW 2.4Ω 78pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  
 on stock

 0.1981000 PLN   3000
AKS0160 Power P-MOSFET transistor 100V/1.0A; 770mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/g32kp10i.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
71 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg TKMP2244
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET P-Channel 20V 4.0A 350mW 38mΩ 715pF -50°C 150°C Reel 7"  
 on stock

 0.2880000 PLN   6000
AKS0133 Power P-MOSFET transistor 20V/4.0A; 350mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/tkmp2244.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
72 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg AKS-2305
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET P-Channel 20V 4.2A 1.25W 37mΩ 760pF -50°C 150°C Reel 7"  

35,990 pcs
15,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-05-17

 0.1969000 PLN    3000
AKS0507 Power P-MOSFET transistor 20V/4.2A; 1.25W /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks2305.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
73 /_obudowy/to-252.jpg AKS50P04
Akyga semi
SMD TO-252 MOSFET P-Channel 40V 50A 20mΩ -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

 1.8120000 PLN   2500
AKS0975 Power P-MOSFET transistor 40V/50A /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/aks50p04.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
74 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg BSS84
Akyga semi
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET P-Channel 50V 130mA 225mW 1.7Ω 30.0pF -55°C 150°C Reel 7"  

0 pcs
9,000 pcs
 on stock
 from 2025-04-19

 0.0695000 PLN   3000
AKS0031 Power P-MOSFET transistor 50V/130mA; 225mW /_certyfikaty/aks/ce.pdf /aks/bss84.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
75 /_obudowy/sot-23.jpg LBSS84LT1G
SMD SOT-23 MOSFET N-Channel 50V 130mA 225mW 5.0Ω 30pF -55°C 150°C Tape on Reel  
0 pcs
 on stock

LRC0336 Power P-MOSFET transistor 50V/130mA; 225mW /lrc/lbss84lt1g.pdf product compliant with the RoHS Directive
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